Exceptionally shy, starting-again newbie!

I've actually been using MFP for awhile off and on, but was always too shy to use the forums. I've just got myself out of an unhealthy, seven year plus engagement, and those fairly unhappy years led me to extremely unhealthy eating habits, which resulted in me regaining all the weight, and then some, I had lost prior to that engagement.

I need to lose somewhere around 100 + pounds, and I find myself constantly falling off track for lack of motivation. I was doing pretty well on my own for the first few months, losing about 10 lbs or so per month, but I've just lacked serious motivation this past month. I'm hoping to find friends that'll patiently be there for me and keep me motivated. :)


  • mirrinias
    mirrinias Posts: 80 Member
    I'll be your friend! I have a little less that 100 lbs left to lose too.
  • HealthyGinny
    HealthyGinny Posts: 821 Member
    Hi :) Feel free to add me, I try to be as supportive as I can xx
  • brendamueller37
    brendamueller37 Posts: 19 Member
    We are here to help you - we are all going thru something in our lives, so if you wanna add me that'll be great
    SHRINKINGG1 Posts: 48 Member
    Feel free to add me. I am also on the road to drop 100 pounds and could always use an extra friend for the journey to health.
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I'm Lew... Married, dad of two soon to be three in the next week... Down 187.6 in 15 months. Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • mizzliv
    mizzliv Posts: 13
    Add me if you'd like. I started today and it's nice to have others along on this journey! Good luck and congrats on what you've lost so far! :)