Race to 8

Any west coasters want to engage in a friendly "race to 8" for 8 16oz glasses of water a day? Reasonable water intake encouraged, not so much glugging the whole gallon at breakfast! But water is such a boost to our bodies and I seem to struggle to get it all in more than I want to! And I actually love water!
I am going to try to have my 146 oz by 3pm. Then I can slow down drinking water in the evening and not have to be in the bathroom all night! :)



  • ness12346
    Love this idea! However I'm an East-Coaster... I think I'd have an advantage!
  • stephv38
    stephv38 Posts: 203 Member
    You know what? I think that would work! Just write the time in your post! Like (8 complete- 7pm my time) Your reply will show up first but your time noted! Yay!