I can't keep a steady weight! HELP!

Im doing pretty good staying under and within my calories. But about one day a week I do go all out. And then all those pounds I worked hard to burn are back and I have start back from the beginning all over again. It's a game of chutes and ladders with my weight. Those calories I saved up don't even matter. I need some help. How do you all out there do it? Success with this? Success stories? Tips?


  • pteryndactyl
    pteryndactyl Posts: 303 Member
    You do realize that the "weight" you gain after you splurge is likely mostly water weight? Unless you're consuming 3500+ calories above maintenance on your cheat day, you're not actually gaining those pounds back. It's just water retention. Give it a few days and it'll disappear again.
  • Alaine14
    Alaine14 Posts: 10 Member
    Really? Gosh it's a good thing I have these message boards.