New Here! Trying to loose baby weight plus some

MrsSeaShell Posts: 190
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hi! I have been logging my meals for a week and am looking for some friends whom are in my weight group (200+) or that can give me pointers on exercising with a 7-month old baby! I use to exercise a lot, but it's hard to find time or exercises I can do with my baby tow! Thanks for any help or support you can give. =]


  • TristaVan
    TristaVan Posts: 16 Member
    Hi There, I'm in the same boat. My baby is 4 1/2 months old still trying to get down to my pre-pregnancy weight. Feel free to add me as a friend. I personally like to take walks with my baby but I would check your local rec center I bet they have exercise class that incorporate your baby. Good luck.
  • annams76
    annams76 Posts: 161 Member
    Hi! I am in the same boat as daughter is 17 months old now but I am still struggling with my weight. My best tool that I have is the jogging stroller. Start off walking at a brisk pace and then keep upping everything from there. I also see a nutritionist and she says that we should not intake any less than 1400 calories a day, even if this thing says less. She said it is not healthy to intake less than what our bodies naturally burn. Eating is going to be a big part of losing the weight. I dropped 6 clothes sizes when I deployed with eating right and interval training.
  • sabrinalg
    sabrinalg Posts: 237 Member
    Hi, I'm in your weight group and I have a set of twin boys who are now in their terrible twos, lol. I use to belong to a gym but after they were born all that became history. So now my home is my gym. I have a variety of workout dvd's I use as well as my treadmill. I sometimes force myself to get up early in the morning before they wake up which is usually around 5 am or if I can't get up that early I workout once they take their nap.

    It's hard when you have little ones, but it can be done. Good luck!! :smile:
  • janna674
    janna674 Posts: 410 Member
    i am a new mom too...trying to lose around 35 pounds...its an uphill battle but we can get through it together! I added you as a friend. MFP is a great tool I have been on it since sept. 6 and lost 5 lbs
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841
    Welcome to MFP. It is the best.
    I started using it after the birth of my second child as i gained 20 pounds during pregnancy.. so far, i am down 13 pounds.
    the support here and friendship are great.
    Try walking fast while pushing your son uphill in his stroller. walking/running uphill builds stamina and burns more calories:)

    To your health,
  • BBBjenny
    BBBjenny Posts: 8 Member
    Hi! I have a three month old and am just now in the 180's. I started at 217. I think just as long as you are active with your baby you don't have to stress about missing an exercise. By the way you can track cleaning on this site which is amazing! Just track your food and you will be at your goal weight in no time! Feel free to add me. Good luck!
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    I am also battling the baby weight, almost half way, although I was over weight before the baby. Baba is one this month and it is hard fitting things in. I have an 8 year old too, we go for walks and I have a million exercise dvds and the weight is coming off. You don't need the gym and classes, you just need honesty with your self and motivation and this is the place for it :D

    Feel free to add me
  • amyjo519
    amyjo519 Posts: 72 Member
    Hello! I'd like to journey thru these adventures with you!! My son is 8 1/2 months old and I'm battling about 25 lb baby weight and about 45 lbs I packed on before that. I love this site and any friends and encouragement is fantastic!! We are still struggling with how to work out with baby and dogs. It's hard to keep my little man happy while I'm doing videos. We do walk a lot...with the dogs of course, atleast 4 times a week. Good luck with your journey. I look forward to our progress!!!
  • Sorry I don't get the reply system here,
    @ bjshooter
    Any workout DVD's you recommend? I see you have lost 28! WTG! I don't have a lot of room in my apartment any suggestions on workouts that don't require a lot of room or equipment?

    Also can you really shed pounds just by walking?
  • bjshooter
    bjshooter Posts: 1,174 Member
    Sorry I don't get the reply system here,
    @ bjshooter
    Any workout DVD's you recommend? I see you have lost 28! WTG! I don't have a lot of room in my apartment any suggestions on workouts that don't require a lot of room or equipment?

    Also can you really shed pounds just by walking?

    For us mums I would completely recommend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, not only do you get great results (I lost the most inches of my waist and arms) It is only 20 minutes a day. Its so much easier to find 20mins in a day than the 50-60 mins that most of the others are. You can do it in nap time :)
  • Douniap
    Douniap Posts: 841

    Also can you really shed pounds just by walking?

    Yes, walking sheds pounds. Start slow and then start picking up the pace to 4 miles/hour ==> 15 min per mile. add some hills and you'll see results in no time.

  • For us mums I would completely recommend Jillian Michaels 30 day shred, not only do you get great results (I lost the most inches of my waist and arms) It is only 20 minutes a day. Its so much easier to find 20mins in a day than the 50-60 mins that most of the others are. You can do it in nap time :)

    Actually I went to Wally world yesterday and got the 30 Day Shred and some 3pd weights!
    I saw that it is only 20 mins, so I can do it during nap time! Starting it today!
  • hi im new too with 4 kids inc baby 9 months old, trying to rid that baby weight once and for all. lost 4lb so far, great site.
  • natghowell
    natghowell Posts: 2 Member
    My baby is 11 weeks. I've lost all the baby weight except for maybe 5-10 lbs but I needed to lose about 30-50 before that. I'm dying to get in shape!!
  • SassyStef
    SassyStef Posts: 413
    You are totally not alone. I gained 50lbs with my daughter and still have about 30 to loose and she will be 2 in December. I just joined this site yesterday so I am getting used to how this all works.
    Nice to meet you and good luck on your journey!!
  • yessie75
    yessie75 Posts: 152
    I've just had my third child and need to loose 15-20 pounds. I'm currently 150 lbs. and breastfeeding. I've lost 25 lbs since she's born but can't find the energy to workout. Maybe some accountability in this group will help :ohwell:
  • I'm semi new too. I have had 6 kids and gained 70pds total with them. I am done having kids and want to get this weight off. My youngest is almost 6 months so I get some excersise in during nap time, or before everyone wakes up. My older kids want to work out with me so that helps too. I've lost 8 pds on here and I've only been on for a week! Good luck and feel free to add me!
  • Hey! I'm in the same boat as you as well. I have a 9 month old. I gained 80 pounds, yep 80 with my preg. I lost 50 of it prior to going back to work, but and promptly gained 10 pounds back. Now I'm determined toget it off again and get down to my goal weight. Im going to see if I can add you as a friend.
  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
    Welcome! This site will certainly help you to get there. I am a part of this post natal group: You may want to join this group for additional support from women in the same place as you.
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