I Need Help Getting More Calories??

I would really appreciate it if someone could provide some advice or knowledge on this.. For awhile now I've been trying to lose weight. 2 years. I've always been rather lazy but I've been doing all that I can to move it at least an hour every second day.

I knew I wasn't getting the recommended calorie intake of 1200. In fact, I used to keep a food journal, I barely got over 600 most days. 1200 does seem like a large number, but apparently that's what is healthy. So try as I may, I've come close but never had the recommended amount.. Why? I got my thyroid checked, and it's fine.

I'm not starving. In fact, I'm a binge eater. I go to bed stuffed. I usually maintain my weight. Never fluctuates either way. Until I started lifting weights and then I gained muscle.

How can I eat 1200 calories a day?


  • shadow2soul
    shadow2soul Posts: 7,692 Member
    peanut butter
    full fat cheese
    actually full fat foods in general
    protein shakes (if you have trouble getting enough protein in your diet)

    It is really important that you weigh your food that you eat at home. It is extremely easy to underestimate your portion sizes and as such actually be eating a lot more than you think.

    With your diary being closed it's hard to see what your eating now and as such makes it harder to offer advice on what to add.
  • Oh, I'm sorry. I'm really new here (second day). I'll try to figure out how to open it.
  • donjessop
    donjessop Posts: 186
    - Unless you are lactose intolerant, add milk to your cereal.
    - You are also going to need to add some protein as you should be getting 0.37 grams per pound (or more) and today you didn't even come close. You may even be in danger of your body disassembling your muscles instead of fat when trying to feed itself at night.
    - Eat more often, but smaller portions. For example, a handful of nuts adds proteins, essential fats and other nutty goodness. You don't need to eat a lot, but every little bit helps. I know it may seem strange, but eating every few hours evens out blood sugars and keeps you full all day long.
    - Experiment with different protein bars to see if you find one you like. They can add carbs, fats and proteins all in a single package. (Protein bar as opposed to pop tarts or a chocolate bar.)
    - Make a salad and add a chicken breast. It fills you up and gives you a lot of vegetables to add to your list. The chicken provides the protein and the majority of the calories.

    On the most important things is to figure out what your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) is supposed to be as well as your Total Daily Energy Expenditure (TDEE). (http://iifym.com/tdee-calculator/) I would guess that you have been eating at such a low calorie count for such a long time that your metabolism is a little "different" than normal. As a result I wouldn't try to rush to the 1200 calorie mark every single day as it may cause more problems as your body is just not used to that much food.

    To be honest, however, I wouldn't take my advice alone. Because of your binge eating and your low calorie days I would look into some real professional advice from a doctor or dietitian as they are better able to answer your questions. People here can only give you there opinion and while it may have worked for them and they can repeat the facts as they know them, only a doctor / dietitian is going to be able to give you a good assessment.
  • thank you thank you (: i appreciate the help very much