
Having support from love ones an friends helps Along this Journey of beginning a very challenging task. I learn how to change the foods that I put in my body an thought to myself that I Can't just do it for me, I Needed to do it for my entire family. I lost my baby in July of 2011 an I went into a deep depression an I didn't eat the foods I know that I Should have, so instead I ate sweets. I didn't gain much but my body felt heavy an I know I needed to do something bfore my bad eating got out of hand. I have struggled with my lost but my family supports/loves me even when I at one point was so lost, I didn't love myself. My body needs to b toned up an I'm on my way to a Great start... I Am here for extra support an to also give support... Let's keep each other motivated, Good luck an.. thank u!!


  • Hello and welcome (: I'm sorry for your loss, a parent should never have to bury their child. I'm here if you need any support feel free to message (:
  • Hi Kalley, thank u soooo much! Altho Everyday is a struggle, the Support helps more than u know... :)
  • Beachcrazy57
    Beachcrazy57 Posts: 11 Member
    Having support from love ones an friends helps Along this Journey of beginning a very challenging task. I learn how to change the foods that I put in my body an thought to myself that I Can't just do it for me, I Needed to do it for my entire family. I lost my baby in July of 2011 an I went into a deep depression an I didn't eat the foods I know that I Should have, so instead I ate sweets. I didn't gain much but my body felt heavy an I know I needed to do something bfore my bad eating got out of hand. I have struggled with my lost but my family supports/loves me even when I at one point was so lost, I didn't love myself. My body needs to b toned up an I'm on my way to a Great start... I Am here for extra support an to also give support... Let's keep each other motivated, Good luck an.. thank u!!

    I can definitely relate to your story and I am so sorry for your loss. My husband battled leukemia from July 2008 until August 2010 when he passed away. During that time and continuing until this year in February I gained about 50 pounds. Since February I changed what and when I eat. I've only used MFP for the past few months, but it has been very informative and has really helped me. One of the things that I love about the site is the motivation and support which has really helped me. Please add me and I'll be glad to support you and cheer you as you go through this journey.
  • Hi, hru? I share in your pain of loss an Anytime u need to talk, i'm here for u... In losing weight, we think that if we eat at a certain hour or eliminate the foods that we like, the weight would just drop but that's easier said than done. We can both motivate one another... talking to someone helps ease the pain as well as lift your spirit. I will add u now. Good luck this month!