JM Body Revolution program??

Is anyone doing Jillian Michales Body Revolution program? I just started it the other day and I'm excited! I was hoping to find some people that are also currently doing the program so we can motivate each other. I found some groups but there old. Let me know!!


  • photojunk
    photojunk Posts: 135 Member
    Hi, I started body revolution on the 26th september. I've just done day 5.
    I didn't do the kickstart plan before hand. I'm struggling with food at moment. i have to eat at work and struggling to find the time to prepare the lunch to take with me. also i'm vegetarian so only a few options there for me. I'm gonna stick to 1200 cals a day and hope for good results.
  • apott2
    apott2 Posts: 3 Member
    I am on Week 2. I have seen some amazing results on here from people who have stuck with the program. As a widowed mom of 2 who works full time, I do not have a lot of time for myself, so I love the fact that it is only 30 minutes. My kids can usually keep themselves occupied and relatively conflict free for 30 minutes.

    My biggest problem is with my diet - I tend to be an emotional / stress eater.

    So far I enjoy it, but I am a little nervous about what the next weeks/ phases will bring. I do not want to peek ahead as I am afraid I will freak myself out and give up before I start.

    Good luck!!! Just keep pushing play :-)
  • claudiaxcu
    claudiaxcu Posts: 113 Member
    Hi, i just started this week. So far i'm enjoying it, and it's only 30min so it's perfect for me.
    I saw the videos from the next phases and it seems it's gonna be hard...
    hopefully i'll have enough strength to finish the whole program...
    I'm not following the meal plan.. just trying to stay at a maximum of 1300 calories
  • tfire77
    tfire77 Posts: 29 Member
    On week one day 4. Also love thats its 30 mins, I work overnights and a lot of overtime right now and 30 mins is doable. I did not expect to be so sore. but my upper back and inner thighs are killing me. Also need to work on those lunges with a twist need balance.
  • EmaleesMommy
    EmaleesMommy Posts: 7 Member
    Hella! :) I'm doing the Programm and I'm about to start week 11 next week :) I love that Programm and don't get me wrong it's hard, you are sweating but you see some good results. I'm not following her meal plan or the "1200" cal diet but I still had some results so far :) just stick with it!! Have fun with it :)
  • clarebailey355
    clarebailey355 Posts: 113 Member
    I'm just coming to the end of week 4. I've got quite a few of her DVDs so I had an idea of what to expect! I'm not following the meal plan but my own diet isn't far off what she recommends.
  • codetrance
    codetrance Posts: 7 Member
    Hi KelBelll83,

    I'm on day 7 and feeling great- Feel free to add me. I'd like to get a BodyRev group of friends going.
    Just make sure to do it everyday. I've done it first thing in the morning before anything else so there's no excuses, and it seems to be working. I think mornings are better because if you work hard and get that dopamine rush going, it carries with you through the day...

    Best- Roger