trying to lose 25 lbs in 3 months!

heyy! is anyone trying to lose a great amount in a short amount of time? please add me! we can do this together.

I'm 24 5'7 and want to get to Onederland before the year is over!


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    heyy! is anyone trying to lose a great amount in a short amount of time? please add me! we can do this together.

    I'm 24 5'7 and want to get to Onederland before the year is over!

    Why not set a reasonable goal without the deadline?
  • i am starting a challenge group on Facebook, starts mid Oct, my group of 5 challengers right now lost 35lbs the 1st week of the challenge..Message me if you would like more info! You ca do anything you set your mind too and 25lbs is not totally unreasonable in 3 months! Nothing wrong in pushing for your goals!
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    because I want to get there before the year is over.....
  • notnikkisixx
    notnikkisixx Posts: 375 Member
    25 pounds in 3 months isn't impossible, but it certainly is aggressive and will require a great amount of dedication and focus.

    Looking at your food diary, you eat pretty crappy food. If you want to see real change you're going to need to completely change what you're putting in your body. Do you think you're ready for that much change and stress?

    If you think you are, more power to you! But, you're going to have to make a lot of major changes, which can often be disheartening.
  • maillemaker
    maillemaker Posts: 1,253 Member
    I looked at your diary also, and it's fine. A lot of processed foods, but you are hitting your calorie goals, and that's all that matters for weight loss.

    You have just about 13 weeks until the end of the year. If you can achieve 2 pounds of weight loss per week, you could, in theory, achieve 26 pounds of weight loss by then.

    I also have MFP set up for a 2-pound-per-week loss, but I am averaging 1.2 pounds per week on average over 26 weeks.

    So, you could do it, but it will require 13 weeks of absolute dedication with no cheat days. Remember you've got Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas holidays to get through.
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    25 pounds in 3 months isn't impossible, but it certainly is aggressive and will require a great amount of dedication and focus.

    Looking at your food diary, you eat pretty crappy food. If you want to see real change you're going to need to completely change what you're putting in your body. Do you think you're ready for that much change and stress?

    If you think you are, more power to you! But, you're going to have to make a lot of major changes, which can often be disheartening.

    yea I know but that's why I trying to make changes so it can happen! thank you! good to know
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    I looked at your diary also, and it's fine. A lot of processed foods, but you are hitting your calorie goals, and that's all that matters for weight loss.

    You have just about 13 weeks until the end of the year. If you can achieve 2 pounds of weight loss per week, you could, in theory, achieve 26 pounds of weight loss by then.

    I also have MFP set up for a 2-pound-per-week loss, but I am averaging 1.2 pounds per week on average over 26 weeks.

    So, you could do it, but it will require 13 weeks of absolute dedication with no cheat days. Remember you've got Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas holidays to get through.

    thank you!!!! I eat the same during holidays! I just need to change what I eat now
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    It's physically possible! Admittedly, I cringe a wee bit when I see folks head for something that requires major restriction and/or heavy exercise because I know I don't do well, but I won't make my problem your problem! I'm sure you can do this if you set your mind to it - for me, that would be the trick. Mind over matter!

    So, what's your plan? What will you do differently to ensure you meet that 2 lbs every week?
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    It can be done! I did it this summer (went from 154 lbs to 129 lbs from May 31st to Aug 25th). I was on 1200 calories a day and ate back at least half of the exercise calories. I worked out doing Jillian Michaels dvds, some power walking, (also some running on days that I ate too many calories, just to burn off the excess). I did take occasional rest days but not days off from the diet. I religiously weighed foods and calculated all calories I ate so I wouldn't over-do it.

    As for changes to my diet, I did not eat much bread, pasta or potatoes. If I had bread, it was one slice at a time (a piece of toast instead of sandwiches). I eliminated most hamburger centered meals (casseroles, etc.) and replaced them with fish and chicken, some pork and lean red meats. I ate a lot less fruits and whole lot more veggies (fruits are good for you, but most are higher in calories than veggies). I did not drink my calories (diet soda only, very little juice or alcohol). I ate fast food occasionally, but always checked calories of what I was eating. You'll find that you get very little to eat at most fast food places for the same amount of calories that you could have a filling meal at home.

    As other posters have said. It can be done, with the right amount of dedication! Good luck to you, keep us posted on your progress :o)
  • slim4health56
    slim4health56 Posts: 439 Member
    It can be done! I did it this summer (went from 154 lbs to 129 lbs from May 31st to Aug 25th). I was on 1200 calories a day and ate back at least half of the exercise calories. I worked out doing Jillian Michaels dvds, some power walking, (also some running on days that I ate too many calories, just to burn off the excess). I did take occasional rest days but not days off from the diet. I religiously weighed foods and calculated all calories I ate so I wouldn't over-do it.

    As for changes to my diet, I did not eat much bread, pasta or potatoes. If I had bread, it was one slice at a time (a piece of toast instead of sandwiches). I eliminated most hamburger centered meals (casseroles, etc.) and replaced them with fish and chicken, some pork and lean red meats. I ate a lot less fruits and whole lot more veggies (fruits are good for you, but most are higher in calories than veggies). I did not drink my calories (diet soda only, very little juice or alcohol). I ate fast food occasionally, but always checked calories of what I was eating. You'll find that you get very little to eat at most fast food places for the same amount of calories that you could have a filling meal at home.

    As other posters have said. It can be done, with the right amount of dedication! Good luck to you, keep us posted on your progress :o)

    Good tips. Thank you! Maybe I'll push a little harder!
  • starfinale
    starfinale Posts: 309 Member
    It can be done! I did it this summer (went from 154 lbs to 129 lbs from May 31st to Aug 25th). I was on 1200 calories a day and ate back at least half of the exercise calories. I worked out doing Jillian Michaels dvds, some power walking, (also some running on days that I ate too many calories, just to burn off the excess). I did take occasional rest days but not days off from the diet. I religiously weighed foods and calculated all calories I ate so I wouldn't over-do it.

    As for changes to my diet, I did not eat much bread, pasta or potatoes. If I had bread, it was one slice at a time (a piece of toast instead of sandwiches). I eliminated most hamburger centered meals (casseroles, etc.) and replaced them with fish and chicken, some pork and lean red meats. I ate a lot less fruits and whole lot more veggies (fruits are good for you, but most are higher in calories than veggies). I did not drink my calories (diet soda only, very little juice or alcohol). I ate fast food occasionally, but always checked calories of what I was eating. You'll find that you get very little to eat at most fast food places for the same amount of calories that you could have a filling meal at home.

    As other posters have said. It can be done, with the right amount of dedication! Good luck to you, keep us posted on your progress :o)

    thank you that's really helpful!
  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Heavy restriction should not be confused with dedication. (or at least the right kind of dedication) There is no reason to eliminate items from your intake unless there is a medical reason. Yes, it is possible to lose a tremendous amount of weight when you restrict food items and restrict calories. However, there are other things happening, such as muscle loss. There are consequences from heavy restriction that may not be seen when looking in the mirror or hopping on the scale because it is happening on the inside. Heavy restriction and meeting the goal of a number on the scale in a short period of time does not equal healthy.
  • charlielight
    charlielight Posts: 11 Member
    I have a similar goal. I've been on MFP for about 2 months, have been logging pretty consistently. Since joining I've gone from eating everything and anything I wanted to noticing what I eat and realizing it might not be needed. I probably exercised 3 times in the past year, now I try to do it at least 4 times a week (still working on the motivation/dedication to make it more frequently).

    It's a little discouraging, though, that since making these changes I haven't noticed much of a difference in my body. To be fair I only just started weighing myself last week (I was too afraid before).

    So here's to dedicating myself to this!
  • lucero22
    lucero22 Posts: 75 Member
    I've totally have hit that before as long as your super strict! I am right there with ya girly, lets do it!! I am 24 and 5'7 as well!
  • PippiNe
    PippiNe Posts: 283 Member
    If this helps, here is a link to my success story I posted after I hit my 30 lbs lost goal. I was very happy with the results I got over the summer. You can totally do this!! :o)

    P.S. My photos didn't work right away, so you can scroll down through the first couple of posts until I got it working. As mentioned in my post, my "before" pic was taken a few years ago when I was 10 lbs heavier than where I was in May this year, but half of that 10 lbs was in my boobs, as I was still nursing at the time ;o) so It wasn't too far off from how I looked when I started my fitness quest.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I've lost 65.2 pounds in 6 months so 25 pounds and is definitely doable. I exercise and eat right so I have gone from a size 18 to a size 8/10.
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    You can send me a friend request if you want to so you can see my diary.
  • Rockin_Robyn
    Rockin_Robyn Posts: 40 Member
    You can totally do it! Keep up your enthusiasm! :)
  • Hello,
    I too am starting my weight loss journey once again after many many failed tries in the past. I am 21 5'7 starting today at 165.0 and my goal weight of 140.0 by January 1st, 2014. I'm trying MFP this time around to stay motivated, as that is what I lacked in the past.