New to site

I'm looking forward to using this site to help motivate me and keep me on track!


  • jacj46
    jacj46 Posts: 46
    I am still in my 1st week ... and it does keep me focused. I have just got to get control .... next week will be hard because I have to go out of town for a wedding ... you hang in there. :smile:
  • JennBennett410
    Welcome! I have been here since May 30th and I have lost 24 pounds. Please friend me if you would like some additional support! I also use the IPHONE app to help me whe nI am out!
  • d2sugarcube
    Hello all! I as well am new to this as a matter of fact! Lol. I am looking for supporters as much as am a willing cheerleader for others! Please add me as a friend if you wish?