Former football player new to the site

Hello everyone,

I have been using the app on my iPOD for sometime now, but never used the website. After being on here for an hour, I have come to the conclusin that this site rocks! I am a medical student who is trying to balance fitness and diet with a crazy schedule. I find myself studying and when I study I get bored . . . boredom = eating. So I am trying to train myself to break that habit. Chewing gum is one of my best friends right now LOL.

I used to play college football and started this weight loss journey at 328lbs after our bowl game. A few friends of my mine were joking that I would finish football and blow up. Blow up, as in become 400lbs or something. Hearing this didn't sit too well with me so I was determined to prove them wrong. I want to continue to prove them wrong and be the heathiest me I can be.

Going into a profession in which I can see the direct consequences of poor dieting and exercise is a wake up call every single day. Seeing a patient with an amputated limb because of diabetes, kidney failure because of renal artery stenosis caused by hypertension and hyperlidpidemia, and this list can go on and on, really reminds you of the importance of this journey.

Just wanted to say hi to everyone =^).


  • miqisha
    miqisha Posts: 1,534 Member
    Welcome and goodluck......If thats how you use to look in that photo, then you have great motivation to keep going, because you already know what your body is going to look like.....
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    I love the iPod app and LOVE the site. Welcome. And inspiring story!!! Often athletes do shift and blow up (husband is an ex-pro soccer player but in amazing shape since, like you, he's working at it).
  • beethedreamer
    beethedreamer Posts: 465 Member

    using gum is an awesome way to combat the urge to eat. i know with me, sometimes i just want to chew something, and gum is perfect for that.

    im also aspiring to be in the medical field and learning about the different diseases and such definitely make me see that this journey is worth it.

    i know you'll do great :]
  • GuamGrly
    GuamGrly Posts: 600 Member
    Welcome!! You will have a great cheerleading squad here!!

    Happy Losing everyone!!
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    Welcome mate :) Good to see more guys on here.
  • gambitsgurl
    gambitsgurl Posts: 632 Member
    Welcome and goodluck......If thats how you use to look in that photo, then you have great motivation to keep going, because you already know what your body is going to look like.....

    328 is someone on the line (or Jamarcus Russell lol). I bet that's h now ;-)
  • atotal180
    LOL yeah I was an offensive lineman, you can see my before and after on my profile. My friends never thought of me being FAT just big because I had to be. The profile picture now is my current look and I love it. Being able to fit in nice clothes and not whatever is big enough to fit has been awesome!!! Thank you all for all the love and support already. Makes my heart smile!!!
  • Rivka74
    Rivka74 Posts: 12 Member
    Welcome, and good luck in you future goals. I have to tell you, I was appauled at how even making weight to be a offensice lineman at age 10 (my son) is taken so serious, with prompts from coaches to "pack it on". Needless to say I quickly sat him down and informed him to eat as he normally would and continue to make healthy choices as you never know where this sport will take you as you grow. He is already a solid boy (not overweight) but has potential to be unhealthy quickly. I am glad to see you have put past you the mentality that has and sometimes can be permantly instilled in you to stay large. SOunds like you have a fanastic plan, I admire you.

    Good Luck,