24yo British Female, 5ft 10, CW - 183lbs, GW - 150lbs

Hey everyone,

I've used MFP before and lost 24lbs, but after putting it all back on I'm here to start again.
Looking for friends with similar goals and lifestyle so we can support each other.

I live with my boyfriend, I have a full time desk job, I eat healthy meals and love to cook and try new recipes, I rarely get takeaway or eat out, my problem is snacking in front of the TV on a night. I eat SO MUCH chocolate!

I don't own a car, so I walk to work everyday (only 15 mins each way) and I own a bike, so I use that now and again to go visit family. I'm a member of a gym but am lacking motivation at the moment. I also have a cross trainer and weights etc. at home but again, I'm lacking motivation to use them!

I've always been a little overweight, I'm not huge by any means. I wear a size 14, have occasionally worn size 12 in the past, but been a size 14 since teens. Last year I got down to a size 10, I looked and felt great! Lasted for about 3/4 months then I was back to binge eating on a night and slowly the weight crept up again.

Anyway, would love to hear from you if you have similar goals/lifestyle so please say hello :-) xxx


  • bebifal
    bebifal Posts: 98
    hi ya! we have similar stats although i'm slightly taller than you. I'm 5'11 and i'm currently at 189lbs. My goal weight is 145 but realistically I think i'll stop at 155lbs.

    I live alone, however I do have a desk job. I teach spin and have free gym membership so I feel bad if I waste it. My Achilles heel are nuts. I love nuts -- cashews, almonds and peanuts!!! And I just don't do a handful, I mean I can eat a bag of them without even realising it while drinking a cup of tea and watching a movie. It's bad so I can totally relate.