On the topic of booze...

I've attempted doing a tad bit of research on the forums for some sort of definitive answer. Now before you naysayers start hounding me, I know alcohol really isn't that great for you (ok, so it's just plain wasted calories/sugars) so don't think me uneducated in those realms. I thought I was doing brilliantly by only have two drinks this past week but it's actually rather disconcerting to think I should lower this. I am a very, very social college student (of the legal age, mind you!) and while I don't find it necessary to drink to have fun, I find it beneficial.

I was drinking multiple drinks 4+ times a week for the past few years (ok, so maybe a year or two of those was not legal!) and feel I've matured (ha, as much as a 22-year-old can!) and would rather have sober fun or be DD most nights. But I still need a night a week/every two weeks to break loose, y'all!! I'm not talking a bottle of Jager and a case of Shiner, but more of 4-5 mixed diet drinks.

So, do I cut the calories over the week (and more so the day of said night-o-tequila) or would exercising prior be more helpful? Or should I just give up on dieting all together because alcohol is the ultimate downfall? I'm not too concerned on cutting alcohol out of my life almost entirely eventually, but as for now I am still just a kid. A big kid. :)
I hear less alcohol comes with more wisdom. Or was it vice-versa? :)

P.S.: I'm from Texas if you didn't recognize any words I used... and in Texas, beer is a way of life!


  • lesleybritton
    Just stay in your calorie range. When I'm planning a margarita or two I am sure to exercise that day and watch my calories throughout the day. I eat before I go out so I'm not tempted by delicious/terrible bar food. Dancing while drinking helps too.


    Don't feel bad about a few drinks and a night out with your friends every once in a while. Keep track of what goes in your body and exericse to balance it out.
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm a 23 year old recent college grad so I can completely relate! I definitely still enjoy going out with my friends and having a few drinks. There are a few things that I do to keep my weight loss going and to make sure I don't go overboard.

    - Definitely eat as healthy as possible that day. The alcohol will take up a few hundred calories and you don't want it to push you over. That being said, don't starve yourself to "save" calories for alcohol. I'll make an effort to get a good long workout in so I have 500+ exercise calories that day added in. That really helps since I'll eat when I normally eat, but then I can fit in the drinking.

    - Don't waste calories when drinking. I stick to diet rum and coke, wine, or light beer. They have a lot less calories than drinks with high-calorie mixers. Things like frozen drinks, Long Island Iced Teas, drinks with lots of soda or fruit juice all add unnecessary calories. I rarely drink any mixed drink besides a rum and diet coke now.

    - Try not to make it a weekly habit. When I drank 4-6 drinks once a weekend for 4 weekends in a row in August, I got stuck in a month-long plateau and it took cutting out alcohol for a few weeks and eating less to get it going again. When there is alcohol in your system, you won't burn fat because your body is processing the alcohol. So it's in your best interest not to overdo it when drinking. One reallllly bad night will stop you from burning fat for a few DAYS! So in my opinion, I'll stop at about 3-4 drinks so I'm not trashed, I can workout in the morning without a hangover, and my body doesn't hate me :)

    Hope this helps!
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    Just stay within your calorie range. I was a student too, so I know what you're talking about. I quit drinking because it was counterproductive for me. If there is a need for alcohol, just make sure to get in some exercise that day you plan on drinking. I think if you do that, you should be ok.

    Greetings from San Antonio!
  • ashley_d78
    ashley_d78 Posts: 39 Member
    I feel like this topic is very close to my heart :)
    i too am a 21 yr old who parties occassionaly(Ok maybe more then that!), alot of my friends are in university and i do alot of social activities that involve booze. so, this is my way of doing things. A) i have to decide if its "worth it" to drink, i know this sounds really bad, but if i'm only going to have 1 drink, have no buzz and all the calories, its not worth it to me. if i am going to a party and i dont really want to be there, its not worthit to me. if its my best friends birthday or a close friend gets engaged, its worth it. I also drink "diet" drinks, vodka with crysal light is my fav and anything with diet pop too.
    i would say that you should NOT just through in the towel, thats how people gain tonns of weight at school,
    what i do, is i add about 45min of running to my workout(apx -500 cal burn) and eat a light lunch, but enough dinner so you dont get toooo drunk.
    hope this heps!! have fun at homecomming!!!!
  • SparkleKittie
    Well, let me tell you what I do (me, being a cocktail enthusiast).

    If I am going to drink one night, I make sure to plan ahead of time for starters. As an adult, we girls do this to avoid getting fat, right? As an example, I eat a serving of fruit most mornings, just as a rule of caution to prepare for whatever surprise plans the day has in store. You never know when you will have a surprise lunch/dinner out or when you might have surprise cocktails with friends. Generally, each cocktail contains at least 200 calories. If you keep that in mind, you will save yourself a lot of ambivalence.

    Working on a 1,500 calorie diet, you figure:
    Around 50 calories for breakfast (fruit)
    250 - 300 calories for lunch (small sandwich w/o cheese or mayo and a side salad w/ no croutons and fat free dressing)
    500- calories for dinner

    You leave yourself around 600 calories to with what you wish.... That's about 3 cocktails!

    Just some realistic advice. I like cocktails too, and I've lost 24 pounds using this method (with regular cardio). :D
  • marielenrdz
    marielenrdz Posts: 52 Member
    Hullo! Just wanted to chime in that I'm not a college student...in fact, I'm forty! And I, too, enjoy the occasional night out with the hubby or friends. You don't always outgrow the need to let loose! lol I make sure I dance a lot! I also watch my calories that day.
  • tater8589
    tater8589 Posts: 616
    I'm 25 and out of the 'party' faze, however my husband (who is a bit younger) is just getting into it. I am a social drinker and have found that it really doesn't hurt me too much on my cals, but I tend to stick to 2-3 drinks about 1-2X a month. If you like shiner, try guiness, it is low in cals. I have also read studies on the issue and found one that stated that someone who has 1-3 drinks on a regular basis with a meal is not in 'bad' shape: the study showed that those individuals bodies learned to metabolize faster than those who only have a drink every so often. I don't know how much truth that holds, but I can see where it makes sense. Good luck, and have fun :) Don't forget you can have fun burning those cals in all sorts of ways... dancing, gym, more imaginative ways ;)
  • brityn
    brityn Posts: 443 Member
    I have a couple drinks a week. I went from a couple (3-4) drinks a night to a couple a week. and i'm very proud of myself. I think a serving of alcohol is actually benificial. It's the sugary calorie dense mixers that blow it. I found sugar free single margarita mix packets at target and I enjoy the couple drinks I have. I work hard and eat a healthy diet....and i have a couple every couple
  • alark
    alark Posts: 3
    Thanks all for the help!!! I really appreciate all of the input and I'll implement a good combination of everything to my nights out :) What an encouraging group!!!