Hi! New to the site.

KtChiCa Posts: 8
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Katie from Chicago here. :glasses:

Battled my weight all my life. This past year I gained more weight than ever (over 40 lbs in 5months) and proceeded to dig myself in a hole so deep that I didn't think I was ever going to be able to get out of it.

Since last Feb '10 I have lost about 50 lbs on my own. I started watching my diet first - roughly counting calories, making smarter food decisions, and portion control. Just being more aware of what I was eating.

In June I started working out 6x a week. I started slow - just walked on treadmill for 30 minutes. Gradually over time worked up to jogging and now I can run 11 minute miles. This is the longest I have gone working out wise. Usually I will fizzle out 3 months or so into it and go back to where I was.

Right now I am at my pre-huge-weight-gain weight and want to finish my journey this time and keep it off for good. So, I joined this site to help me keep close track of what I am eating so I can finally reach my goal weight.

A few random thoughts....
I don't care what anyone says. Pretty much anyone and everyone can lose weight on their own. It is plain science. Burn more calories than you take in and you will lose weight. Part of it is understanding that losing weight takes patience, self determination, and perseverance - you are not going to lose weight over night. It is lifestyle change that is a journey.

I think another important thing to remember is that losing weight and getting in shape is not easy. So anyone that tells you it's as simple as 1-2-3 they are lying. Losing weight is supposed to be hard, if it weren't obesity wouldn't be a problem!

But that's why when you accomplish your weight loss goals it feels all that much sweeter.

You are worth it - don't let anyone make you feel like you are not. You get what you work for. So stop wasting your life away and just do it.

I am starting a blog with tips, music suggestions, and meal ideas, feel free to follow.


  • Hi Katie -
    Jennifer here, and I am new as well. From what you have written, you and I have a lot in common. I would like to lose 45 lbs and lose it the "right" way. I have 4 kids and so I have permanent body by baby syndrome! :)
    If you would ever like to talk, just write me a note.
    Have a great day!!
  • tjradd73
    tjradd73 Posts: 3,495 Member
    hi there!!! first off great job up til this point!! i also had lost about 50lbs on my own and am just ready to finish now! if you need some support feel free to friend me...otherwise good luck and keep up the good work! :)
  • That was very well stated. I've worked hard on the "get the proper mental attitiude". Now it's the work part eating smart and working out. Oh yea fit a career and a family in the mix. Thanks for sharing your insights.
  • :flowerforyou: You have such clarity now!!! If only we had the gift to see ourselves as others see us. I see a beautiful young woman with courage and confidence in herself that is growing by leaps and bounds every day. Believe it!

    You are awesome!

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