Help? I can't figure out what I'm doing wrong. :(

FemmaFitale Posts: 6
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
I am by no means overweight; I am simply trying to lose that last little bit of pudge on my stomach area. I work out 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes, interval training, and do at least 3 miles in those 45 minutes. Along with that, I have been doing toning exercises. As for my diet, I have been intaking 1200-1500 calories a day (depending on my fitness activity for the day) and less than 35 grams a fat.

It has been 5 weeks and I have literally had NO results. I have not lost any weight, any inches, and have not gained any muscle. What could I be doing wrong? Any help would be nice because I'm getting really frustrated and sad about this.

Thank you.


  • She seems really knowledgeable....


    Joined Aug 2010

    Posts: 97
  • alan79
    alan79 Posts: 22 Member
    Do you eat processed food? When I quit processed food and cheese I toned up loads with the same exercise regime.
  • Holton
    Holton Posts: 1,018
    If your food diary is accurate in regards to what you consume, then # one, I would say you are not eating enough calories. When I was eating only 1200 calories a day, I stalled. Once I bumped my calorie intake up to around 1400 I started losing again. Especially if you are working out!
    #2 I notice that you only track calories and fat and based on what you are eating, would imagine you are taking in a lot of sodium.
    Would recommend you recalculate what MFP says you should be consuming based on a .5 pound loss per week based on an active lifestyle. If MFP only recommends 1200 calories, I would customize it under goals to increase that amount somewhat and also log your carbs, protein, sugar and sodium intake. Hope this helps.
  • Fliegenschwein
    Fliegenschwein Posts: 232 Member
    I have to agree with the above. I dont think you're eating enough calories.
  • Kate_UK
    Kate_UK Posts: 1,299 Member
    As the pervious posters said, up your calories a little. I also stalled when eating 1200, I upped it to 1450 and the weight started to come off again.
    Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • momtofour
    momtofour Posts: 97 Member
    As the pervious posters said, up your calories a little. I also stalled when eating 1200, I upped it to 1450 and the weight started to come off again.
    Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    hope you dont mind me asking what if any excersise are you doing, you have a fab weight loss and im thinking of upping my cals too x
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    so I'm going to go over a couple of things here. These are all observational based on a very limited amount of information so take it for what it's worth, to give a bit of background, I lost about 55 lbs about three and a half years ago. I continued on my journey figuring out that I liked researching nutrition and health and loved helping people, so even though my path is pretty firmly set, I stay on MFP to mostly help others and offer any advice. About a year ago I certified as a personal trainer from American Council on Exercise, and I have a strong chemistry background which allows me to read and understand much of the research that is put out better than the average person could (I like to think).

    I say all this just to let you know that I'm not just some joe that has random thoughts, I do my homework. I should make you aware that this is all just my opinion based on limited information, so take it for what it's worth.

    Anyway, first thing I want you to know is, going from good shape to great shape is not easy, nor will it happen overnight. A strong commitment must be made. I will admit that you have an advantage of age, your body will be far easier to shape than someone say, in their 30's.
    OK, that said, the last few lbs are what we in the biz like to call vanity weight. Because your body doesn't need to remove it to be healthy, and it won't make it easy to do so. That in mind, you need to be a little bit more diligent than someone who is trying to lose 40 or 50 lbs would need to be.
    I checked out two weeks of your diet, and well, there's no nice way to put it, you need to quit the processed food, pizza's, breakfast bars, deli meats, all are going to hinder your process. They won't make it impossible, but they will make it difficult. To strip those last couple of pounds, clean eating is the best way to do it.
    Also, you need to eat very close to (or at) maintenance and let the exercise create your deficit. AND you need to make sure that deficit remains relatively small (say 250 to 350 calories max). This means you'll probably need to up your calories (I don't know by how much as you didn't provide your stats, height, weight, activity level, exercise types, any medical information...etc.)

    Lastly, you need to know that the last few lbs are a slow process, you won't drop them in 2 or 3 weeks. For me, working out about an hour to an hour and a half a day, it took me most of two months to drop the last 6 lbs, it might not take that long for you, but it will be close. The body just doesn't want to get rid of that little bit of fat.

    That's the quick and dirty of it, there's more you should probably know, but this is the basics of the end game of fat loss. You can PM me if you'd like a more detailed description.

    good luck,
  • fitnessfoodtravel
    fitnessfoodtravel Posts: 32 Member
    At this point, it is probably diet related. From your diary, I think the culprit is sodium from processed foods like deli meats, bread, and cheese. You should track sodium intake and aim for no more than 1200mg`s per day. I would also incorporate lower GI carbs, like brown rice, whole wheat bread, and cut out the dairy other than for plain low sugar yogurt.
  • fitnessfoodtravel
    fitnessfoodtravel Posts: 32 Member
    PS Also try to boost your fiber intake from veggies and legumes.
  • Let me first say that I am not an excercise or diet guru or anything like that. I just want to let you know what came to mind for me when I read your post. I think it might be a good idea to change up you exercise routine a little. Maybe try Zumba or something else fun that is good cardio and sculpting. The previous posts ring true to me. I have not seen your diary but I know the diet meals often have TONS of carbs, so I stay away from them. I love Zumba and I think it has helped me lot. Check and see if your gym offers classes. It may be a fun way to change up you exercise and hit some places that you may be missing in your current exercise routine. Just a thought.
  • And sodium
  • KellyBurton1
    KellyBurton1 Posts: 529 Member
    When I added more fruit and dairy I saw a change. I dont eat process foods and I drink lots of water. Eat every 3 hours to 4 hours. And eat your excerise cals. I eat at least 70% of mine. Dont be afraid to eat. your body needs it!
  • Voncreepy2
    Voncreepy2 Posts: 1,450 Member
    As much as you work out , you need to up your calories, I bet.
  • i believe a lot to do with it is diet!! clean eating - nothing processed etc.. good luck with losing that little bit, i still have more than a little bit to lose :)
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    I am by no means overweight; I am simply trying to lose that last little bit of pudge on my stomach area. I work out 4-5 times a week for 45 minutes, interval training, and do at least 3 miles in those 45 minutes. Along with that, I have been doing toning exercises. As for my diet, I have been intaking 1200-1500 calories a day (depending on my fitness activity for the day) and less than 35 grams a fat.

    It has been 5 weeks and I have literally had NO results. I have not lost any weight, any inches, and have not gained any muscle. What could I be doing wrong? Any help would be nice because I'm getting really frustrated and sad about this.

    Thank you.

    You may need more fat in your diet. Specifically, omega-3 fats. They burn visceral fat. And also make sure you're getting complex carbs.

    Other than that, if you're already at a healthy weight, you may just have to accept that this is your body type and short of pastic surgery, it's what you have to work with.
  • Thanks for all the replies! :)

    Yeah I'm a college kid so sometimes it's hard for me to eat as clean as I should and I live in a house with junk-eaters :( I'm going to try to up my calorie intake to 1400 and ween on the boxed dinners and such. Thanks everyone :)
  • She seems really knowledgeable....


    Joined Aug 2010

    Posts: 97

    What does that mean? haha
  • cutmd
    cutmd Posts: 1,168 Member
    Thanks for this post and the replies to it ( ESP Banks, whose articles I have been pouring over). I will try to increase my calories a bit based on this since nothing else is working
    JDMPWR Posts: 1,863 Member
    She seems really knowledgeable....


    Joined Aug 2010

    Posts: 97

    Thats a member's username. He was hinting at you emailing her and she might be able to give you some guidance.

    What does that mean? haha
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