On Holidays, Gaining wait, I cant help it! :(

I've been on holidays for nearly 2 weeks now, I've also been travelling, but it wasn't until the past few days where im just bored at home and just pig out. I work at KFC and normally just have one burger or half, and it keeps me going most of the day, then i'll snack on something like confectionary-wise and im done. You know? I maintained my weight fine. Now by eating more at home which was my goal instead of going out, im putting on weight. I'm 61, and I normally sit on 59/58. I want to get back to that quick before I go spaz! So today, im being stupid. I had some lemon in hot water when I woke up, a green tea, and a piece of fruit toast.... and that's all im going to have. Im going to let my stomach go hungry till I really NEED to eat.

Feeling really down about it :( I just cant stop eating. Im in a phase, and its crap. Ive been exercising around 3 times a week, but im eating the calories back on S**T. Yesterdays diary entry was sooo crap. And yet too im eating salads! Gosh :(


  • brunettesrule
    So you have fallen back a bit. You should congratulate yourself on being the weight you are. Don't beat yourself up. Maybe try and eat foods that are more filling, like protein. I hear you about being bored and eating. Maybe it is the KFC, being chicken and protein that kept you full. Have a chicken and cheese toasted sandwich, that fills me up. I would kill to be your weight.

    Just eat small meals every couple of hours e.g. fruit, protein, health bars and fill up on water or a milkshake/smoothie

    You will get there, just a slight set back. Breathe, refocus and start again. Keep your mind occupied, watch movies, go for a walk or something.

    Hugs Jane
  • stitchvalkyrie
    Thanks a lot! I might actually do that, more protein :)
  • endoftheside
    endoftheside Posts: 568 Member
    First thing to change is saying things like I can't help it, I can't stop eating, etc. You are making a choice to do those things, and you need to figure out why. Starving yourself as a punishment is just going to set you up to binge later. You have to take responsibility for what you are going, saying "I can't help it" lets you off the hook.

    Time for a reset! Check your calorie goal, is it too low? Are you getting enough protein? Eating regularly? Be kind to yourself, you only have a few pounds to lose and you can do it! Just make sure you are doing it in a sustainable way because yo-yoing back and forth is hard on the body and the mind.
  • stitchvalkyrie
    I realise this, and that is true. My goal cal intake was 1200. I upped it to 1500. And now it seems that since I upped it I know I can eat more. So I do, and then still go over more than I did. My protein intake is relatively good. Ive had my toast this morning, went for a run, and now for lunch im having a protein shake with almond milk, a banana, and half cups of strawberries and blueberries. That's gonna be my lunch. hopefully that will hold me out until dinner. Ive realised my breakfast and lunch may be ok calorie-wise, but its the afternoon/dinner/evening where I just eat whatever