Binge eating.

I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been doing so well, losing the weight, but I have now started to binge, and I'm scared. I've never went all out, like I know other people suffering from BED have. I am usually able to stop myself, but it's scary. I lose control and eat and eat and ignore my conscience. Which is followed immediately by guilt and disgust with myself. I binged on cookies THIS MORNING, before my day even officially began. I feel like a failure, plus my day is ruined. I just need advice. Motivation. Personal stories. I don't want this damaged relationships with food.


  • Confuzzled4ever
    Confuzzled4ever Posts: 2,860 Member
    When I eat sugar and salt I crave sugar and salt. and you get what I did last night. In the grand scheme of things one or two days where you do something like this will not harm you. How about figure out *why* you felt the need to eat all those cookies. if you have high sugar diet you that might be the problem. I don't even want any of that sutff. and last night i had 2 beers and a few nachos at the bar..went home and found myself eating the rest of my son pita chips and a protein bar of his. (2 things i'm currently not eating). Not good. But it was the salt and sugar from the bar food triggered me to want more of it. I didn't even eat 1/2 of 1/4 the plate of nachos. It doesn't take much.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    When I was having the most trouble, I was working out too much (up to 3 hours a day) and not eating enough (only eating around 1200 total), and not eating enough fat. I don't know if that is the case with you, but you should make sure you are eating enough to support your activity levels. Since I've cut my workouts, and eat more (around 2000-2200 calories per day), and stopped eating only fat free stuff, I've had no problems.
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I always think the first step in combating binge eating is to figure out why you do it.

    First step is to take a hard look at your diet. Are you undereating? Cutting out major food groups or favorite foods? Play around with things. Some people who binge eat do really well cutting out all refined sugars. Others experience the opposite. Some do well with an eating window like IF and others do better with small meals throughout the day.

    Second step is to look for emotional eating. Try and pay attention to your emotional state while you're eating. Are you anxious? Bored? Tired? Once you know which emotions are likely to trigger a binge you can get in front of them. I'm an anxiety eater. I have to keep my anxiety levels or I'm more likely to pig out at the end of the day.

    Other things to try are just keeping busy. Keep the trigger foods out of your house. And remember the HALT acronym: don't let yourself get too Hungry, Angry, Lonely or Tired. These are when we're more likely to overeat.
  • When I was having the most trouble, I was working out too much (up to 3 hours a day) and not eating enough (only eating around 1200 total), and not eating enough fat. I don't know if that is the case with you, but you should make sure you are eating enough to support your activity levels. Since I've cut my workouts, and eat more (around 2000-2200 calories per day), and stopped eating only fat free stuff, I've had no problems.

    This. Exactly.

    How much weight have you lost and are you being too restrictive?
  • Frankie_Felinius
    Frankie_Felinius Posts: 1,398 Member
    I'm a binge/emotional eater and my biggest advice is when you do binge...don't just say "well, I already effed up today, so why try and do better today/this week, etc". I have been so guilty of that. I binge and the rest of the day is shot and I eat whatever, sometimes I swear I eat WORSE because I feel like I already effed up. If and when you binge, forgive yourself, leave it in the past and move on. Do better from that minute on. Don't carry it through the rest of the day/week. Its easy to say but I is hard to do. Good luck!
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    I am also a binger though I've been good for a long time, knock on wood.

    Now that I'm more removed from my overeating, it is so much easier to see that my binging was completely emotionally driven. I ate because it was easier to do that than to deal with hard things. Think about what is going on and what is driving you to placate yourself with food.

    Don't ever beat yourself up, just be as introspective as you can and work on the root cause.
  • Thingirlwannabe
    Thingirlwannabe Posts: 13 Member
    That's really great advice I can use! Thank you.
  • I've lost 40 lbs. I was initially being far too restrictive, but I have upped my calories since like 4 months ago. 1500 calories plus most of my exercise calories....ideally. Unless I have a mini binge.
  • When I was having the most trouble, I was working out too much (up to 3 hours a day) and not eating enough (only eating around 1200 total), and not eating enough fat. I don't know if that is the case with you, but you should make sure you are eating enough to support your activity levels. Since I've cut my workouts, and eat more (around 2000-2200 calories per day), and stopped eating only fat free stuff, I've had no problems.

    This. Exactly.

    How much weight have you lost and are you being too restrictive?
  • I've lost 40 lbs. I was initially being far too restrictive, but I have upped my calories since like 4 months ago. 1500 calories plus most of my exercise calories....ideally. Unless I have a mini binge.

    Maybe your body wants to just chill for a while. Why not go to maintenance and resume weight loss after a good 4-6 weeks?
  • Kass0708
    Kass0708 Posts: 41 Member
    My biggest problem is binge eating too, however I went all week this week without doing. I brought this up to my doctor and she said the reason for binge eating especially when on a diet is because I was cutting everything out completely and because I was I was craving it all. I would binge on cheeses, chocolate, cookies everything. So my doctor was told to have the stuff that I like just in moderation, so that is what I have been doing. I made cookies tonight, I had one. I have a piece of dark chocolate now and then, if I want pizza I order pizza just have one slice and so far I have lost 5 pounds and like I said I haven't binged ate all week now. That is a big accomplishment for me. So cutting things out cold turkey is what makes you crave it more and eventually you binge on it. I got to the point I would feel so guilty I would try and throw it up but lucky for me I have no gag reflex so I wasn't able.

    Also when you get the urge to binge eat trying calling someone, or messaging someone. I get my fitness pal messages straight to my phone so if you have an urge to binge eat send me a message. This goes for anyone. Add me as a friend and if anyone has a urge to binge eat or for anything and you need a little support just message me and I will help you through it! I hope this helped a little. I here to support you all so don't be afraid to add....the more the support the better we all do on our weight loss journey.
  • Skrib69
    Skrib69 Posts: 687 Member
    Funny, I posted something similar this evening myself and got some comments that you might find useful.....

    I was about to raid the cupboards again tonight, but instead of going for the crap I had a slice of toast with some grated cheese. I love cheese, but avoid it because of the calories. Tonight I chose it because of the comments about fats and protein. Seems to have knocked it on the head for tonight!
  • musclegirl007
    musclegirl007 Posts: 2 Member
    hello everyone, I am just wanting some advice on stopping binging any suggestions?

    Thanks in advance..... MG
  • bridgie101
    bridgie101 Posts: 817 Member
    I don't binge in the way a bulimic would binge - five hotogs, three sponge cakes and a 12pack of KFC - but I do now and again have the urge to just bloody well eat whatever I bloody well want and sod the whole counting, accountability, diet thing.

    I think when we diet we have to adjust to the new way of living, but we still have some nostalgia for the old way. Just as a house creaks and groans as it shrinks, suffering and sounding like it's dying, so our bodies have to go through the same shrinking, crunching, reducing process, and our minds, too.

    I think the binge, if it's not a true bulimic 'half the shop' type binge, is probably just a crunching point in your adjustment. And if it is a true full on three cakes and five bars of chocolate binge, see your doctor and talk about eating disorders.

    Meanwhile don't waste time feeling guilty. Save guilt for when you strangle kittens or kick puppydogs. Food has nothing to do with guilt.

    Don't use the word. Rename this feeling: confusion, disappointment. But not guilt. When you can properly identify the right word for this feeling you can take the heat out of it and then be in a positive state to just carry on as usual.

    :) any day above ground is a good day. K?
  • NonnyMary
    NonnyMary Posts: 982 Member
    I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been doing so well, losing the weight, but I have now started to binge, and I'm scared. I've never went all out, like I know other people suffering from BED have. I am usually able to stop myself, but it's scary. I lose control and eat and eat and ignore my conscience. Which is followed immediately by guilt and disgust with myself. I binged on cookies THIS MORNING, before my day even officially began. I feel like a failure, plus my day is ruined. I just need advice. Motivation. Personal stories. I don't want this damaged relationships with food.

    learn from it.

    now start again tomorrow and try to not do whatever it is that you made a mistake on today.

    i think you have to prepare for that so that you dont make the same boo boos.

    and you have to not think its the end of the world. or that you may as well just throw in the towel and just forget about your weight loss goals.

    i think if cookies are that important to you, see if you either need to go cold turkey, for a few weeks, or if you can eat a cookie each day, but not the whole box. see if you can fit it in your allowed calories for the day.. then you can enjoy them. but if one cooky leads you into a whole box, maybe dont eat that cookie each day. you have to see for yourself.

    but just start again but with better planning.. have some other food around to grab so that you dont grab for the food that screws you up.
  • JesterMFP
    JesterMFP Posts: 3,596 Member
    I don't know what's wrong with me. I've been doing so well, losing the weight, but I have now started to binge, and I'm scared. I've never went all out, like I know other people suffering from BED have. I am usually able to stop myself, but it's scary. I lose control and eat and eat and ignore my conscience. Which is followed immediately by guilt and disgust with myself. I binged on cookies THIS MORNING, before my day even officially began. I feel like a failure, plus my day is ruined. I just need advice. Motivation. Personal stories. I don't want this damaged relationships with food.
    First thing to check, especially for dieters, is that you're eating enough. If you're restricting your intake too severely, then binging is a very normal physiological response. It could be as simple as upping your calories a bit. Even if you're not restricting too much, even the very act of restricting intake at all can make you want to binge. This is quite a common psychological response. We feel restricted, so our brains tell use to eat as much as possible while we have the chance. That's one reason why it's a good idea to not cut out all the foods you love and be really strict. It can really backfire. Far better to lose a bit slower, incorporate all your normal foods that you enjoy, and make this a true lifestyle change. So everything you can not to feel like you're "on a diet".

    The other thing I would say is try to work on the way you're looking at things. Extreme black & white thinking is very common with disordered eating, and it's a big part of the problem. Re-read what you've written here. "I feel like a failure". "My day is ruined". No. You're not a failure. You can't fail at this unless you just give up and stop trying altogether. And you haven't "ruined" your day. That kind of thinking is more likely to get you to either continue to overeat because the day is already ruined, or to over-restrict, which then increases the likelihood that you'll binge again. Feeling guilt and disgust with yourself is not only not necessary, it's really unhelpful. You ate some cookies. You didn't murder someone. You ate cookies. That doesn't make you a bad person. You don't need to punish yourself for it. Try to start being kind to yourself and get to the root (physical or psychological) or why you ate cookies that you weren't intending to eat. Look at it as a learning opportunity, a chance to do things differently next time. Beating yourself up about it just feeds into a horrible cycle of needing to punish yourself, or compensate for the "bad" eating, and setting yourself up to feel like a failure again.

    Cut yourself some slack. It's just food. You're humans. Humans like to eat, most of us like to eat sweet things, and as soon as you start dieting, it's very normal to crave those kinds of foods even more. You're not weak, you're not bad, start treating yourself kindly and work out why it happened, so that you can change things. You say you don't want a damaged relationship with food - well try to start seeing that food isn't bad, you're not bad for eating food, you're not even bad for over-eating food. You haven't failed, this isn't over, you have infinite opportunities to create new habits and make different choices.
  • mp_deep
    mp_deep Posts: 85 Member
    My strategy to avoid a binge is: less calories in breakfast and lunch but more calories at dinner when the day is finished. At dinner i eat all food i like!!! ( in my calories need )
    Another strategy, when you crave food, is to eat low calories food as fruits or veggies. This reduce the damages of a binge :)
    In my opinion, one day a week, a binge is not a problem.
    Take care of yourself and remember you are not alone in this battle.
  • melwa
    melwa Posts: 44 Member
    Lot of great suggestions here.

    What works for me is:
    - recognising when I binge I'm eating mindlessly so catch myself and focus on eating - that way I realise I'm bingeing sooner (before eating the whole packet!)
    - knowing when I most binge - for me it's after dinner - now I check in with my stomach as to whether I'm feeling full - I usually am
    - being aware of my danger foods - chocolate, biscuits, Sara Lee ice cream - and NOT buying them. I can't yet have them in moderation so abstinence is working better
    Noticing what triggered the desire to binge - usually stress, boredom, hurt - and thinking what I could do instead to support myself rather than sabotage
    - when I start thinking I might like some of my binge crap using head games - I don't need that, that's for other people not of me, that's got no value for me in reaching my goal, and such

    Hope that helps.

    Btw, ditch the guilt and shame and self-nagging ... like others said, accept you stuffed up and just move on without recrimination. Simply promise yourself you'll avoid that in future. Eventually you'll overcome it again.
  • I struggle with binge eating. I can go for a week or two and then all of a sudden, I want to eat everything in site. My trigger is boredom. I start to think about food and have one of something. That turns into two, three and the whole box or bag. I can eat until I am almost sick. Then I sleep terrible and wake up in middle of night sad and pissed off. I hate this. I am not sure if I will struggle with this forever. I am better than I used to be but wish it did not happen at all.
  • I binge eat frequently lol. Sometimes I get the urge of eating something unhealthy, but it doesnt stop there. 2 weeks ago, I wanted pizza and ended up eating the whole box from costco lol. The best thing I have done to counter this is having pictures of the body I want in front of the fridge and areas that I will see it frequently. I used to feel if I eat something wrong, then my whole day is ruin. I came to realize this is not true. If you binge on one meal, then just bring it back with a healthy next meal. When you go slightly off course, quickly bring yourself back on track. Dont kick yourself so hard for binge eating, everyone has done it.