I'm SO hungry!



  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    I know what you mean about not having time in the morning. I actually wake up a good 30 minutes earlier but to cook in the morning but I suggest making a big thing of oatmeal and devide it up among several bowls with plastic wrap over the top, place in the fridge, then in the morning pop it in the microwave for a minute and top it with whatever you like. Fast, easy, and filling.
  • angelsxzist
    angelsxzist Posts: 41 Member
    Hi. Did you just start your "diet"? I ask because your tracker says you've lost 0 lbs, just like mine. Today is day 6 for me. The first 3 and half days were killer on my stomach. I couldn't get rid of my hunger. (if it was hunger) Yesterday and today are much better. Before starting to eat right, I never ate meals. I was a constant snacker. Pizza, chips cookies, cake, fast food, etc. I NEED my snacks. I work in a job where I have to have "finger foods" because I have to eat between customers. I work the 3 to 11 shift so my only chance for a real meal is breakfast. I've eaten oatmeal the last 2 mornings and it really does seem to hold me over longer. I have been cooking meals and taking them to work but, more often than not, they don't get eaten. I'm also a midnight eater, when I get home. I use to eat whatever I had. Cookies or chips, etc. Now I PLAN certain snacks in my diary for the day. If I have to eat at midnight(trying hard not to) I'll eat a legal snack. My snacks are usually, fat free pudding(1 serv cont), or applesauce,or a 90 cal. cereal bars, or a serv of ANY KIND of dry cereal,or little rice cakes, or oyster crackers,or fruits, or popcorn, etc. My snacks hold me over until the next meal. For your breakfast, why don't eat a healthy(big) nutrition bar. That will hold you better than a shake anyway.
  • If you are strapped for time, then oatmeal is probably the best thing for you! I used to get so hungry too, but then I started eating oatmeal for breakfast (sometimes eggs and toast, but that takes longer!)

    Cook some oatmeal with milk in a pot (I prefer not to use microwaves, but if that is the only option, I use a microwave too) and the milk gives enough flavor that I don't want to add anything to the oatmeal. Otherwise you can use water and try toppings like banana, raisins, cinnamon, etc. or mix-ins like peanut butter (not too much!)

    Cutting back on alcohol would probably be good too ;)
  • lethalbanana
    lethalbanana Posts: 17 Member
    I agree that oatmeal is a great quick breakfast and will keep you full longer. Also I agree with getting rid of the shake, it's not doing much for your appetite.

    I hear you about craving sweets, try looking up low calorie cookie and brownie recipes or frozen yogurt/sorbet. Also don't make yourself miserable, if you always crave chocolate perhaps buy a bag of bite size chocolates and have one everyday, the key is moderation, you're not breaking the calorie bank and you're satisfying your need for a treat.
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    this is exactly what i would suggest! - eating whole grains not only is better than just eating white rice/white bread/white pasta - but it is a filling food so you will feel full longer and not be starving. for example, if i eat 1/2 cup of quinoa (a grain kind of like brown rice) and an artichoke i feel full for about 3-4 hours. its also only about 190 calories!!!
    you should also be eating about every 3-4 hours or 5 times a day. this will help you keep from crashing during the day and it will also boost your metabolism which is a good thing lol if you want to lose weight.
    when you want something sweet eat fruit, even though some fruit can carry alot of calories - it is a filling food so you are much better off using more calories for a banana or a large peach than less calories for 1 piece of chocolate because you will feel full and much more satisfied for longer!

    I have quinoa, and tried it with lentils. No bueno! My husband hated it and I kinda did too. But then, at a wedding, they had a quinioa salad (w/cranberries, walnuts, and not sure what else- but it was awesome!) So I've been meaning to get a good recipe for that. If you have a good recipe, let me know! :)
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    Hi. Did you just start your "diet"? I ask because your tracker says you've lost 0 lbs, just like mine. Today is day 6 for me. The first 3 and half days were killer on my stomach. I couldn't get rid of my hunger. (if it was hunger) Yesterday and today are much better. Before starting to eat right, I never ate meals. I was a constant snacker. Pizza, chips cookies, cake, fast food, etc. I NEED my snacks. I work in a job where I have to have "finger foods" because I have to eat between customers. I work the 3 to 11 shift so my only chance for a real meal is breakfast. I've eaten oatmeal the last 2 mornings and it really does seem to hold me over longer. I have been cooking meals and taking them to work but, more often than not, they don't get eaten. I'm also a midnight eater, when I get home. I use to eat whatever I had. Cookies or chips, etc. Now I PLAN certain snacks in my diary for the day. If I have to eat at midnight(trying hard not to) I'll eat a legal snack. My snacks are usually, fat free pudding(1 serv cont), or applesauce,or a 90 cal. cereal bars, or a serv of ANY KIND of dry cereal,or little rice cakes, or oyster crackers,or fruits, or popcorn, etc. My snacks hold me over until the next meal. For your breakfast, why don't eat a healthy(big) nutrition bar. That will hold you better than a shake anyway.

    I've always sort of watched what I eat and buy organic, from the natural food store...but I can never stay on track with counting calories- I've done the online journaling as well as on paper many times before, but could never stick with it for long. But I'm thinking it's pretty important now since I gained so much weight. I eat for the most part, healthy, but I eat too much of it. I do have nutrition bars like a Larabar occasionally and they do hold me over. I'll need to pick up some more of those!
  • live2dream
    live2dream Posts: 614 Member
    I agree that oatmeal is a great quick breakfast and will keep you full longer. Also I agree with getting rid of the shake, it's not doing much for your appetite.

    I hear you about craving sweets, try looking up low calorie cookie and brownie recipes or frozen yogurt/sorbet. Also don't make yourself miserable, if you always crave chocolate perhaps buy a bag of bite size chocolates and have one everyday, the key is moderation, you're not breaking the calorie bank and you're satisfying your need for a treat.

    I had oatmeal today! And added some pure maple syrup which took up my sugar limit for the day- Doh! ;)
  • biglazydog
    biglazydog Posts: 15 Member
    This has helped me. I made a snack basket. Everything is prepackaged. If I have three crunchy snacks during the day it really saves me from wanting to pig out. I find when I'm starving I will just shove food in to pacify my stomach then still go ahead and eat my meal. So having a pre-measured snack basket has really saved me from the binge. This is just a few items in my basket quaker mini delights (90), Graduates apple cinnamon puffs, Cheddar rice cakes, garlic sticks and 1/2 cup baggies of low cal cereal. Also in fridge prepackaged baggies of vegetables and hummus. Keep jello made in fridge and top with fat free cool whip. After you had your snack and your still hungry get out in the fresh air it does wonders!!!! Hope this helps.
  • potluck965
    potluck965 Posts: 529 Member
    After many years of different dieting strategies I realized, after a real life evaluation here at MFP, that I was just eating too much and giving in to my hunger. I am hungry almost all the time.

    In order to be successful, which I have been so far with the help of MFP, I just had to get used to hunger pains. Plain and simple. It hurts, I am kind of cranky sometimes, but I am losing weight.

    No one said it would be easy.
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