Looking for friends so I am not alone

Hi my name is Amber. I am 23 (will be 24 on the 23rd) and started off weighing 230. I have lost 2 lbs so far and am very proud of it so I want to brag a bit lol. I wasn't always heavy I was very skinny as a young teenager but at 15 I started dating my husband and I got pregnant at 16 (I know how bad that sounds but I can't bring myself to say she was a mistake) but my pregnancy was horrible and I was on strict bedrest for about 4 months and I was lonely while my then boyfriend was at work and so I ate A LOT. I got to 200 from 120 and it took me 3 years to get down to 175. We got married and had another baby and I had another horrible pregnancy and got up to 220. I wasn't eligble to get my tubes tied after her but was shortly diagnosed with pre-cervical cancer. After all that was clear I was told it wasn't likely for me to have more kids since I didn't really have a cervix anymore but suprise the NEXT month I got pregnant and oddly this was my easiest pregnancy I went to 230 and have been there for almost 2 years.

Now I am so insecure about how I look. I hate shopping!! My sister in law and best friend is barely 100 lbs and she eats more than me and nothing but fast food and I get so jealous and refuse to shop for myself with her. I am a plus size (16) and she is an extra small so we are opposites. And I want to be healthy for my kids. None of them are overwieght or anything so that I am very happy about but I feel it is my time. My husband made a bet with me that I can't loose 50 lbs by Febuary for $500 (because I will need a whole new wardrobe) and I am trying hard. I want to be able to see myself as pretty again and not be scared of swimsuit season! This is my time and I am determined to make it! I am looking for a friend or 2 to talk to daily to make sure I stay on track and would love to share my journey with them!


  • healthyplans
    healthyplans Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome to MFP--you came to the right place in my opinion!! Good luck--feel free to add me.
  • Drdisney
    Drdisney Posts: 90 Member
    Welcome, you made the big step showing up. I'd be happy to help keep you motivated, add me if you want. Good luck and have a great Friday!
  • xSirensSong
    xSirensSong Posts: 615 Member
    I'm 23 as well (won't be 24 until next September), and started at 222. While I do not have any children, I'm married & have been diagnosed with PCOS. I would love to help you along your journey!

    I'm always happy to support & motivate, in return for support & motivation! Welcome, lovely!
  • AshleyMeggg
    AshleyMeggg Posts: 148 Member
    Hey Amber,
    My name is Ashley, I'm 22 years old, I'm in my last year of college, graduating in May. I gained the freshmen fifteen over and over again, going from around 140-190 in the last 4 years. I've dropped almost 10 pounds since I restarted using MFP in September. I'm training for a half marathon right now so most of my cardio consists of me running around my neighborhood. I'm hoping to lose 50 more pounds, so I'm here for the long run.
    I've added you as a friend, hopefully we can motivate each other!
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    Hello! I am a similar weight and similar age to you. Great luck with everything!
  • xRiverX
    xRiverX Posts: 149 Member
    add me,you will never be alone.the devil is right there tempting you lol just tell him to stfu from me will you lol

    its not hard its not easy,just be true and natural the weight will come off with the right attitude and mind set :)
  • PiscisBlue
    PiscisBlue Posts: 3 Member
    hello, I have some in this group but in two months and a half that I have on it I feel better, I have lost 12 pounds and I've met wonderful people with stories like yours where we need the moral support to achieve our goal which is lose weight, and especially our health care, send an invitation if you like to accept you on my list and if you look at my list of friends I have really motivating people to share ideas and also daily mainly because we have to be honest with ourselves themselves and to realize where we are eating more and fix the mistake, Take heart, you're not alone, the main step and you gave it, and start making the change gradually, do not be discouraged, but for a lasting result it is better to a slow but sure.
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    Feel free to add me as well !!!! We have MUCH in common. I'm on Day 3 of restarting MFP after a long hiatus and gaining back all my lost weight--which came off the wrong way to begin with. I am 40 years old (so polar opposites as far as metabolism goes!) but had a rough 1st pregnancy in my mid 30's. I gained 80 lbs and had already been 20 lbs overweight prior to pregnancy. I dropped part of it, but then went right back up to 205. I found a job where I would be very active and dropped down to 185. I had just been told I'd never conceive another child when BAM! Pregnant again. LOL! Same as you, not a mistake, although my child does have a genetic disorder. The entire pregnancy was extremely high risk and I developed gestational diabetes as well. I lost all the baby weight, but then quit eating that healthy diabetic diet and found myself recently right back at 200 lbs. I was emotionally eating from worrying about my child. She's relatively healthy, but still requires a massive team of specialists and regular exams in addition to 2 surgeries in the past 7 months. I'm 5'6 and currently down to 190 lbs. I think all my friends on MFP gave up on me as no one responds any longer to my posts. I can't blame them. I dropped off the face of the planet and was not only not following my OWN plan, but provided no additional support to them either. I need to start anew and I am 100% confident that this time I will succeed. I'm not longer following a special diet. I'm no longer trying to force myself to eat low calorie only. I'm eating what I want, when I want, but I'm choosing to fore-go the foods that will pack on weight. I tell myself "If you want that piece of cake go ahead. But do you REALLY want it?" The answer, surprisingly, has been "no. I don't. I'd rather munch on fresh fruit."
    So that's my little story in a nutshell. As I said, feel free to add me and we can be a good support to one another! :D Already cheering you on!!!
  • LoveLea3
    Hey Sister!
    I would love to be your friend! Please add me. I am serious about losing weight too!
    Congrats on your weight loss already. :smile: I just lost my first pound on here!
    I worked hard for that pound! Yippy! High Five! Talk to you soon!
  • eSUNt
    eSUNt Posts: 37 Member
    Hi Amber! Welcome to MFP! Definitely a step in the right direction. Congrats on the 2 pound loss that is so exciting! I'm adding you as a friend!

    ~ E
  • theopenforum
    theopenforum Posts: 280 Member
    Hi, Amber I want friends too :) lol
    I am recently removed from weight loss and online talking about my experiences online for that matter and I am trying to build friends too :)

    Hit me up or anyone here if ya want to see my before and after pics :)
  • hopeinmn
    hopeinmn Posts: 35 Member
    Welcome Amber! I am new here as well. You will get lots of support and encouragement here. Feel free to add me.
  • HouseOwlet
    HouseOwlet Posts: 11 Member
    Same here! Anyone here can friend me if they like =]

    It's great that you want to be healthy for your kids! They'll look to you for so much guidance in life, when I have children I want to set a great example for them.

    If my boyfriend had a bet on with me about weight loss, he'd probably try to force-feed me everyday!

    Good luck!!!
  • gurley3
    gurley3 Posts: 8 Member
    I know he wants me to lose it too! He has to be tired of me whining about how my body hurts. I have bad ankles and had to have surgery one 1 of them and then my hips pop in and out of place and my back is a constant ache because my boobs are so heavy! That and I bet he would like to see me skinny again!
  • amandatapar
    amandatapar Posts: 246 Member
    I sent you a friend request. I have lost 65.2 pounds in 6 months so I am definitely serious about losing weight. I still have 17.8 pounds left to go. So I want to lose 83 pounds total. I can't really exercise for a few weeks though because I had my gall bladder removed yesterday. I can walk some but anything too strenuous I have to wait for my check up in almost two weeks. Keep your chin up and even if you falter just get back at it and don't get too down about it. Just move forward. I still have some insecurities. My stomach after four kids will probably never be as flat as I want it to be but I am coming to accept that. I weighed 223 pounds when I started and I weigh 157.8 pounds now. I have a 3 yr old girl, 10 yr old girl, 13 yr old boy, and 15 yr old girl.
  • oktolose
    oktolose Posts: 3 Member
    I will be your friend. I only have two on MFP and they are currently not logging in. One of them has reached even beyond her goal and looks great. I think she lost about 50 lbs, and I believe a lot of her success was due to her dedication to exercising every day. My screen name is OKTOLOSE. You are not alone. I need moral support as well. I weighed about 110 until I was in my mid-50's. I worked full-time and did step aerobics regularly (about 10 years of step). I loved fashion and had a wonderful wardrobe for work and for going out., all size 3 to 7. I had some personal problems, lost the job that I loved, became extremely stressed out, and began gaining weight. When I first began to gain, I gained 25 lbs. in 1 mon! Now I weigh 180 and am 5'3". I have given all of my wonderful clothes away. I have very few clothes to wear now. I hate to look in the mirror. I dream a lot, and in my dreams I am still thin, I guess because I've only been heavy about 5-7 years. Although, last week I finally dreamed how heavy I really am. So I renewed my commitment to MFP about 2 wks ago. It's a struggle every day, but I have to do it so that I can like myself again. I started at 184, so have lost 4 lbs. My biggest problem right now is pain from exercising. I have to be very careful how much I do and gradually work up to the amount I need. Fortunately, I have some knowledge of good nutrition and physical fitness. Please do not give up on your desire to get fit. If you feel like you fail one day or more, just try, try, try again.
  • kimmcleodwish
    I have found this place to be kind, motivating, and helpful! I have had weight struggles and insecurities, too. Feel free to add me if you'd like and by all means check out my profile. I have been quite high in my weight. I understand. Happy to support if you want!
  • thezorb
    thezorb Posts: 67 Member
    You are definitely in the right place--MFP is one of the best things I've done in a long time! I've met a lot of nice, supportive people on this site who have helped me get to where I am now--30lbs lighter and feeling much better about myself. You've done the hard part--signing up and introducing yourself. I hope MFP works its magic for you like it did for me. :smile: Feel free to add me!
  • kimlynn919
    kimlynn919 Posts: 316 Member
    When i was 23 i weighed over 200lbs and sadly did nothing, then wound up pregnant with my first (and only) during that tme. was fine for a while after she was born, then got up to 230 by the time i was 25. lost back down to 200 after my mom had a heart attack. im now 33 and heavier than ive ever been in my life, if you ck out my profile io listed the weights i was throughout.... and now here i am with achy body and high blood pressure. i am more motivated now than i have ever been!!! shouldve taken the opportunities i had before when i was younger. but im getting it done and feeling pretty confident. lots of luck to you!! you can add me if you like, i cant post from the app, it makes my phone go haywire, but i post when i can get the internet on my phone to work, and while im at work ::)