29 going on 30. It's going to be a great year :)

My first post to the Message boards. I have been using myfitnesspal on my phone for about a month and have logged on to the website because I am always looking for more resources for reaching my goals. I set a goal to wear a bikini on my 30th birthday next September and have around 35 lbs to lose. I am giving myself plenty of time to get there because I want to do it right and keep it off. I think going slow and steady and making it part of my lifestyle will make it easier to face whatever the next decade(s) have to throw at me!


  • MonicaS29
    Hey girl, I will be 30 next September too and have a similar goal! Good luck! :)
  • starkiss100
    starkiss100 Posts: 235 Member
    I just turned 30 in August!
  • lizzygrl1981
    I've got about the same amount to lose and I turn 30 in April! I'm hoping to be at least half way there by then!!!

    But until then, I'm still in my 20's :)
  • siriusciel
    siriusciel Posts: 234 Member

    I also started my journey when I was 29.. with my goal of being fit & healthy by 30! This is a great goal, your on a great track.. and mindset to leave yourself enough time. Slow & steady is the way to go... I had a minor set-back but was able to lose about 30 pounds in 6-9 months. I am now back on track and about to hit my half-way 30lb weight loss goal this month. I think it helps to always have new goals and even mini goals to help not get yourself too overwhelmed. Once I completel this goal, my new goal is to lose the other 30lbs by Oct 1st .. 14 days before my wedding day.

    Good luck, everyone on here is so great and motivating!
  • dmmayer
    Craziness I just turned 30 the September past. Good luck and just know that I am trying to accomplish the same thing even though the weight is a bit different. So we can be in it together:) WE CAN DO IT!!!
  • coconuts09
    Hi....I too am about to turn the big 3-0 next Friday...oh my! While i am happy with where my life is at turning 30, I am not impressed with me physically. I am too overweight...I did just have a baby 10 weeks ago, but I was overweight before she came into my life. Now that I am married to a wonderful man, have two beautiful daughters, I need to focus on me, so that I can be healthy & present to enjoy the amazing people in my life. I decided that in 2 weeks I am going to start weight watchers again because I am nursing and their program works with that & it has worked for me in the past. My 5 year hiatus is over...time for a new journey. Good luck to you all on yours!