Diet coke and Coke Zero



  • alliod
    alliod Posts: 5
    I drink them also, and honestly, Diet Coke is the least of my concerns! Like you I find they curb my appetite a little, and satisfy a sweet craving. So I will trade all the sugar, fat and cholesterol I was ingesting for a Diet Coke any day.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member
    QUOTE: does diet Pepsi make a caffeine free?


    YES, it's in a white box rather than baby blue.

    Diet Coke's caffeine free is in a gold box.
  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member
    QUOTE: does diet Pepsi make a caffeine free?


    YES, it's in a white box rather than baby blue.

    Diet Coke's caffeine free is in a gold box.

    I drink caffeine free diet coke at night because if i dont..i wont be able to sleep. It never bothered me before but now all of a sudden lol
  • kpnuts23
    kpnuts23 Posts: 960 Member
    Ahhh you gotta love a can or 2 of diet coke!! Happy days :)
  • jacque509
    jacque509 Posts: 978
    Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but the chemical in soda not only effects your health but it does promote a craving for carbs, ie: bread, chips and pasta
    I used to drink soda at least 3 to 4 a day. I now drink water or sparkling water the sparkling water has the carbonation that is the same in soda and basically what people really like about the soda is carbonation anyway
  • ErinMarie25
    ErinMarie25 Posts: 733 Member
    I haven't drank soda for 4 months! I don't even crave it anymore. I was drinking Coke Zero like it was cool because I assumed it was fine because it had no calories. Totally wrong. I drink 80 oz of water a day. If you drink a glass of water before dinner then you'll get full faster.
  • I'm the same way I've lost lot's of weight and still drink a glass of Coke Zero or Pepsi Max sometimes once a day, hasn't affected my weight loss at all. My soda/eating habit's weren't very bad to begin with and I've always drank my 8 glasses of water a day, I've just upped my weekly workouts and the weight has slid off.

    Everyone is different though! Keep that in mind!

    I think if you enjoy your soda and it helps you in certain ways to drink it, then go for it and if your gonna have it drink diet (ick I hate diet, lol) I'm personally a Coke Zero Pepsi Max kinda girl, just keep the intake limited :bigsmile:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I used to be a heavy soda drinker, and gave it up a year ago. I don't miss it. I occasionally pop over to Sonic for a diet cranberry limeade, or will have sprite when I'm sick because water tastes funky when I'm sick.
    Anyway, if you're just using it to fill you up, why don't you replace 2 of them with water? Chugging 30 oz of water first thing in the morning may give your body a similar buzz as a caffeinated drink! Oh, and water will also help fill you up.
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    You know something funny? I've never been a regular soda drinker. I have it (the REAL THING) every once in a while, but it was never a habit. I don't think I've had soda at all in at least a year now.

    But there's been a lot of talk about New York City wanting to make it so food stamp recipients can't buy it and hearing all of that has caused a serious Cherry 7-Up craving! I haven't had any and it's going away, but geesh!
  • Lyadeia
    Lyadeia Posts: 4,603 Member
    I prefer the real full calorie, full sugar, full TASTE Coke to the diet mess. :) But like all other things, it is ok in moderation, but don't go overboard. I wouldn't have a Coke or Mello Yello everyday...I personally have it with my cheat meal during the week.

    In addition to all the nasties listed above, the artificial sweeteners also have neurological effects and can actually enhance dementia in people with things like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. I didn't realize that until someone told me about it last week, and when I looked it up in peer reviewed scientific articles (not just so-and-so said so on the Internet which is 90% crap anyway) I found out it was true. So if it affects people who are already seeing signs of neurological disease, I bet the diet soda crap affects the rest of us too but we just don't see it...

    Besides, the real thing tastes better. I would much rather have real sugar than something with so many side affects that losing weight goes to the bottom of my totem pole of issues.
  • Think about your long term health when drinking chemically sweetened beverages. Here are a couple of articles you might be interested in reading.

    Diet drinks increase ones pallet for overly sweetened foods/drinks:

    Health risk of diet and regular sodas:

    I take the articles regarding aspartame causing cancer with a "grain of salt". I on occasion drink diet beverages, maybe 1-3 times a month. I do limit what type of artificial chemicals I put in my body. If it's produced synthetically and there's no nutritional value then your body/liver has to work harder processing these chemicals out of your system. If you are drinking 1-3 diet sodas a day then there's a significant chance for these chemicals to build up in your body. Remember, you can't sacrifice the health of your inside for that of your appearance. Make your inside happy and healthy and it will flow to the outside.

    Good luck to you on your journey.
  • RoadDog
    RoadDog Posts: 2,946 Member
    I prefer Coke in My Rum and Coke. Otherwise, I don't drink pop.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Gotta agree with those who talk about the bad chemical sweeteners in diet sodas. From a chemical standpoint, you're actually better off drinking the regular stuff, though obviously it's not a better choice from a weight-loss standpoint. Drinking diet pop and other chemically sweetened drinks may offer you "zero calories," but they do not offer you "zero side effects." These companies want people to stay hooked to their product because it gives them a lifelong customer - same with McDonald's, hence the reason they start marketing their product to children about as soon as they can walk. You say you "cannot" give up the diet sodas, but I have to tell you that those chemicals are not good for your body, and the very best way to hydrate yourself is by drinking a lot of water.

    Also - aspartame can affect the hormones that control your appetite, so just an FYI there. It can throw things off balance and make you produce more of the hormone that incites hunger and less of the hormone that tells you that you're full.
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Also, an interesting documentary on the topic is called "Sweet Misery." It is all about aspartame and talks about all of the "issues" that went on behind the scenes regarding the government/FDA jumping through hoops to be able to deem it as safe for public consumption. Sounds a little propaganda-ish, but it makes you think.
  • I drink diet pepsi alot 2-3 cans a day. but i have heard that it can effect your wieght loss something about hte carbs and it keeps u blotted. i know i went 2 weeks without one pop and i felt so different and i lost like 4lbs..but i just can't give it up either i get this really bad headache.
  • Wow, this topic really scares me. I ONLY drink diet drinks and coffee. After I developed ab eating disorder in 2007, i was too scared to drink anything with calories or sugar, and it just stuck with me. Even though im not as restricting when it comes to my diet, i still cannot get myself to drink anything regular. I just hate how sugary it tastes and it leaves that sugary coated feeling in my mouth. Eugh. Diet pop is just so crisp, fresh, and bubbly. I honestly don't think I will ever give up diet pop. If that's what kills me, so be it I guess haha,. At least I dont smoke cigarettes.
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    I think diet sodas (and sodas in general) are OK in moderation. As long as you go into something with your eyes open, you can avoid some of the pitfalls.

    Caffeine does leach calcium and iron, and other nutrients from your body, so you might want to take a multivitamin or extra supplements.
    Also in studies on lab rats, rats that were fed artificial sweeteners were fatter than those who weren't. But that's because they ate more. For some reason, artificial sweeteners increase your craving for sweets, and keep you from getting satisfied. This is one of the reasons why you should drink diet drinks in moderation, and make sure that you are not overly restrictive or overly allowing sugar in your diet.
    There are a lot of other small side affects to take into consideration. But as long as you keep it in moderation, it shouldn't hurt you that much. Take it to the extreme, and you'll have to put in a lot of work to compensate.
    Caffeine is the most addictive substance known to man (yes, its more addictive than heroine). So if you want to quit all together, you have probably 2 options. Quit cold turkey and feel miserable for about 2 weeks, or slowly wean yourself off.
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    If it's the bubbles you love and you want to cut back to just one a day, you could drink flavored carbonated water. 0 calories, 0 sodium, 0 sweeteners. I can't stand artificial sweeteners. They have a bitter aftertaste for me, so I drink the carbonated water for my bubble fix (La Croix or Mendota Springs in the US).
  • If it's the bubbles you love and you want to cut back to just one a day, you could drink flavored carbonated water. 0 calories, 0 sodium, 0 sweeteners. I can't stand artificial sweeteners. They have a bitter aftertaste for me, so I drink the carbonated water for my bubble fix (La Croix or Mendota Springs in the US).

    another carbonated water i LOVE is the (gasp) Walmart brand American Clear or whatever it is. They only cost like seventy cents for a bottle with 32oz in it! Key Lime is the BESTTT
  • epa422
    epa422 Posts: 1,009
    another carbonated water i LOVE is the (gasp) Walmart brand American Clear or whatever it is. They only cost like seventy cents for a bottle with 32oz in it! Key Lime is the BESTTT

    Doesn't that have artificial sweeteners in it? I have had it in the past, but the aftertaste kills me.
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