15lbs in 7 weeks... anyone want to join me??

nikapp13 Posts: 20
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Im trying to lose some weight in time for my partner's brother's wedding which is in 7 weeks time. My partner is bestman and ive been told im going to be in the photo's too as the bride is not having a maid of honour...i hate having my picture taken at the best of times and i feel so HUGE at the minute.

I weigh 180lbs and im 5ft 6, that a BMI of 29.5, im around a size 14 (uk) :frown:

Id really like to get down to 165lbs by the wedding and to tone up abit to get rid of my "jelly belly".

Im trying to stick to my calories, and exercise more, i spend most of my day sat around doing very little as spend a lot of time sat at a computer desk.

I know i need to eat "better" and drink more water and move more.

Im hoping that my goal isnt too high its just over 2 lbs a week.

If anyone wants to join me id really appreciate the support :flowerforyou:


  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    I'd love to! I do not see myself losing 15 lbs in 7 weeks (my weight loss has really slowed) but I can try! I will be happy to lose 7 in 7 weeks... but even more than that would be fantastic!
  • Hey nikapp13

    I would def like to join you in this quest. I have a holiday in 12 weeks time and my goal is exactly the same as yours. Would be good to have someone to help keep the motivation going :-)

    You thought of how you are going to tackle it? I'm trying to stick to 1100 cals a day and daily exercise (mostly walking to work and back) My trouble is ALWAYS the weekend though and trying to stick to just 1100 cals a day.......its oh so tough for me

    I hope you are well :-)
  • nikapp13
    nikapp13 Posts: 20

    Congrats on your 14lb loss already Amanda, thats really good! i think aiming for a pound a week after already losing is a good idea.

    Pianoprincess weekends are a big downfall for me too i have such a hectic social life and i find sticking to my calories hard and always eat late or skip meals!

    im planning on sticking to 1200 calories a day and doing at least 3 workouts a week (i use the wii ea active as im a sahm so dont have chance to get to the gym).

    glad your both with me on this XX
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    Count Me in,, That's my goal also,, started walking / jogging about 8 weeks ago and enjoying it, but keep putting on weight! Starting Weight Watchers today, so my goal would be 15 lbs loss.. I weigh ~ 12 Stone at the minute (not 100% sure, I have to buy a scales) and am a size 14, really want to get down to a 12,, maybe even a 10 eventually, but I would be happy at a toned 12 in time for my holidays
  • AmandaB4588
    AmandaB4588 Posts: 655
    Yes, the weekends are my biggest trouble too. If I didn't misbehave on the weekends, I probably could lose 2 lbs a week or at least 1.5!

    I am on week 2 of couch to 5k, and I plan to continue that program for the remainder of our challenge. If I really stick with it, I will be running a 5k by the time this challenge is up! This will be great motivation for me.
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    Hi AmandaB4588, I was on the couch to 5k aswell, just a bit of a setback at the minute as I have a chest infection,, it's amazing though, 8 weeks ago I really struggled to be motivated to exercise, but finding myself missing it at the minute, it's part of my routine now, and I never thought it would be!
    It's amazing how quickly you'll find a difference, already I can feel my muscles becomming toned,, now I just need to lose weight so I can see them!
  • mlally1014
    mlally1014 Posts: 119 Member
    Would love to join you all in this quest. 15 pounds would basically take me to my goal of 140 pounds (I'm 5'7). Recently my weight loss had really stalled, but this week I think that I finally broke through and am now losing again. I have increased my calorie intake to 1500 from 1200 and it seems to have really worked. I will be doing cardio 6 or 7 days a week with 2 days of running (interval training) I will also add in 3 days of strength training. I really need to increase my water intake and this is what I will really concentrate on. Good luck to all and I will enjoy on following everyones journey
  • I'm in, I have quit a bit of weight to loose. I am 5'3 and 186 as of this morning....I think trying to loose 15 lbs in 7 weeks would be a great way to jumpstart my weightloss!!!!!!!
  • Delley08
    Delley08 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi I am in!!! I wanted to hit my goal weight at the end of May and this will be the motivation to do so. I am not sure I can hit 15 pounds, but I am going to try to do my best. My goal will be the 15 pounds, to make it I will have a cardio blast!!! WE CAN DO THIS!!!
  • taye4ever
    taye4ever Posts: 11
    You can sign me up, I have lost 15 pounds so far and many more pounds to go. But, no worries because I'am up for the challenge and have my life partner right beside me to get me through and don't worry you will be ready for that photo. So let's get it started.... 1 2 3 ... GO!
  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Count me in! I have to be at a wedding the exact same weekend ... and MAN would it be great to be another size down :happy:

    And since you're at home, can you try sitting on a balance ball while you're on the computer (or otherwise sitting?) I'm in law school and would probably get laughed out of the class if I carried a balance ball around, but I do look forward to having one as my office chair. That is until I can get the treadmill desk!
  • Hey as someone who lost 15lbs in 7 weeks and is 5' 7" and started at 180lbs. I thought I'd write to give you support; I hope you succeed at your goal. I think it's great to have a motivating factor to help you through your upcoming ups and downs. I thought I would give you a breakdown of what I did to pull it off.
    First of all I set my goal to be a 1 lb a week. I got lucky my first two weeks where I must have just lost a lot of water weight. After that it was between .6 and 1.8 lbs a week. Last week I stayed at exactly the same weight (I only weigh myself one day a week). I am very committed to changing my lifestyle and losing more than just this 15lbs. I think of myself as very lucky for being able to lose this much weight. I could feel frustrated that I haven't lost more, but then I would give up. So I really work on my attitude a lot.
    I bought a pedometer and I walked 105 miles in the month of February in the cold and snow of NYC.
    As of today for March I have walked 94 miles.
    I take a yoga class once a week.
    I do at least one fitness video from my collection once a week.
    This past weekend I walked 15 miles through the park and I rode my bike for over an hour.
    I do sit ups and push ups at least 3 times a week.
    I logged into MFP 45 days in a row and logged everything honestly. (I took a little break but got back into logging).
    I cooked and ate soup almost daily for one of my meals and upped my veggie and fruit intake.
    My current goal in the next 8 weeks is to finally get below 159lbs which would finally take me out of the BMI category of overweight. After that I will set a new goal.
    I believe that commitment is far more important than willpower.
    I hope you succeed. Let us know how it goes!
  • nikapp13
    nikapp13 Posts: 20
    Glad to see so many people have similar goals to me and are willing to give this a go.

    some days i struggle to eat enough calories even on 1200 a day and then if i have exercise calories to eat too its even worse!

    i have cut out all "naughty snacks" and if i find myself hungry between meals ill have fruit but i dont seem to be hungry which is the problem.

    water intake is another of my downfalls....i dont drink enough...i know i dont.... 8 glasses?? i did drink 3 pints of blackcurrant squash yesterday but that was a rare occurance but guess its something i need to work on.

    my exercise today is going to be 30 minutes "jogging" on my trampette this morning and then 30 minutes on my 30-day programme on the ea active on Wii.

    GOOD LUCK everyone :-)
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    I've started off badly, having a bad day today! but generally, I've been sticking to a Weight Watchers plan, and eating lots of fruit.

    I'm struggling with drinking enough water also, but I find having a fruit or herbal tea is a good way of increasing my water intake,, I actually enjoy them, and unlike normal tea with milk, I don't feel the need to have a bar of chocolate with them!

    I have no fitness plan at the minute as I have bronchitis,, but I'm thinking that maybe some weights and sit ups might be ok? I know cardio is out of the question, but I do want to keep working on toning up, so going to try that.
  • edelq
    edelq Posts: 111
    I've been pretty terrible all weekend, really fell off the wagon,, so I'm going out today to buy a scales that gives you your body fat % also. Going to do my first weigh in tomorrow, and then plan to weigh in every Tuesday. I figure that even if the weight isn't going down, if the body fat % does (as I'm working out alot, I think I might even gain a little weight), then I'll be happy.
  • Help! I need to lose 15 pounds in 7 weeks I drink wine every night they don't have an alcohol problem if I only quit drinking the large bottle of wine after work every night is this task going to be affected
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