Newbie Nurse :-)

Hello everyone! I'm new to myfitnesspal, so if you have some time, check out my page. I really love the layout of this website and the fact that there is such a huge resource of food that has the calorie, carb and fat counts. I'm very impressed! Although I have a way to go, my goal weight is 140-145. I'm determined! Good luck to everyone in reaching your goals!


  • Chipperoo23
    Welcome! I hope to see ya around!
  • FitnessChefJime
    FitnessChefJime Posts: 174 Member
    Welcome to MFP good luck!!
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    I really hope you have a wonderful experience with MFP. I sure have! I have struggled my entire life with my weight. Having babies was my thing in my early and late 20's, so the "baby weight" is what I blamed it on. After finding this sight I have really begun to see the results I have wanted. I fight for it everyday now.
    I look forward to following you if you need a friend.
  • morgancl12
    Hello Everyone,

    I am the Newby. This site is one of the best things thats happen to me. It motivates me to do better now that i have the info. Thanks My Fitness Pal. I can't weight to get to my goal weight. It will be celebration time!
  • Ford4x4lady
    welcome!! I've only been on here for a couple weeks & its awesome! So much information & incredible support.. add me as a friend :)
  • nursevee
    nursevee Posts: 344 Member
    Hey to a fellow RN! Good luck with reaching your goal weight. Slow and steady is best!