Weigh in day!

I am a little nervous to weigh in today. I have worked hard, physically, emotionally (no comfort eating) and of course staying on track with my calorie goals. Last week I lost 2 pounds. I expect today will also be around a 2 pound loss. 2 pounds sounds like such a small number after so much work and dedication. How do I stay motivated to continue this week after week?


  • rebam33
    rebam33 Posts: 2 Member
    I've been feeling very similar lately. I've only been losing around 1lb a week (which I'm fine with as time goes, I wanna lose slow and steady instead of falling off the wagon trying to go too fast) and when I see that one pound gone I'm ecstatic, but then I go to the store and still don't fit into most of the things. (Halloween store is the worst offender) What I'm doing to get through is trying to focus on the other changes I'm making.

    I've been exercising, I used to not be able to go up the three flights of stairs to my apartment without being completely out of breath by the top, yesterday I realized that I walked a 15 minute mile AND went up the stairs and was the same amount of out of breath that going up the stairs used to be. That is a huge difference! And it is coming from me being healthy!

    I also like to try new healthy snacks when I'm feeling down about working so hard and still being overweight. I've found that the more tasty healthy stuff I start to incorporate, the less it all feels like work. Instead of cheese poofs I eat snap pea crisps for instance. They have that same nice satisfying crunch, but are mostly healthier.

    Just remember that it takes time and all those 2lbs add up! At 2lbs a week that is almost 10lbs a month! If you aren't already using mini-goals to reach your big goal, I highly suggest it. Generally every 5 pounds I do some sort of reward, or if I finish a 30 day program. Something like buy a new pair of weights because the ones I have are too light because I'm getting stronger! Or every 60 miles of walking I can buy a movie! Every week I stay on my calorie and exercise goals I can buy one song on itunes to add to my workout playlist.

    What you're doing for yourself is awesome, just keep going! (sorry this is so long, I got excited and started motivating myself as well)
  • vlland
    vlland Posts: 55 Member
    I have the same problem - its hard to be motivated when the results r small. BUT....it takes time - as im sure u know- and if u keep plugging along- u will reach ur goal some day. Then u can look back to this time and u will be so happy u stuck with it. I have weighed around 155 my whole life and then 5 yrs ago I lost 30lbs. I was never VERY overweight but enough overweight to not know what feeling confident felt like. 30lbs was a huge difference and when people started to notice they were shocked. But really it didn't happen over night. It was a couple pounds each week until "all of a sudden" I looked good. I gained back about 15 lbs this past year and I feel stuck. The weight isn't coming off and I keep trying. I am not perfect and I go over my calories at times but I just keep trying. Eventually I hope to reach my goal again and in the meantime I am happy that I may not be losing weight quickly but I am not gaining weight anymore either. Keep on keeping on :)
  • inukshuk1960
    inukshuk1960 Posts: 27 Member
    I am a little nervous to weigh in today. I have worked hard, physically, emotionally (no comfort eating) and of course staying on track with my calorie goals. Last week I lost 2 pounds. I expect today will also be around a 2 pound loss. 2 pounds sounds like such a small number after so much work and dedication. How do I stay motivated to continue this week after week?

    Great Job
    I am down to counting partial pounds because that is all I am losing. This week 0.7
    Must say I am betting a bit discouraged
  • Failing2Thrive
    Thank you so much! You are right. I need to celebrate my successes and not think of them as small.. I have been looking at new clothes, not buying any because I know I will be smaller. I like the treat yourself idea :-)
  • Failing2Thrive
    So true. We are not gaining. That is a success in itself. :-)
  • Failing2Thrive

    We can motivate each other :-)
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    2 Lbs per week is a huge loss...your expectations are jacked.
  • Failing2Thrive
    That's why I posted this. Third week EVER on a weight loss program. Thanks for the lack of support. Jacked? maybe. My true supporters will help me figure out what is "normal".