Losing Motivation!

Hi! I'm Stacy from South Carolina :-)

I'm not new, but I have never posted before. I'm almost 3 months into my weightloss journey and seeming to lose motivation. Any new friend requests would be welcomed. Looking to get ideas from open diaries. See what you all are doing for excercise. I mainly ride my bicycle around parks, small towns, paved trails, and I do aerobics videos. I haven't started any toning yet, though. Thinking about doing that very soon :-)


  • Derpes
    Derpes Posts: 2,033 Member
    The key is to push forward regardless of how motivated you feel - it is easier said than done!!

    Don't let the way you feel dictate the way you act.....to that point, there are things that you can do to combat losing motivation. Mix it up. Set new goals for strength or endurance. Try different foods.

    The honeymoon phase is over!

    Good luck.
  • iquiltoo
    iquiltoo Posts: 246 Member
    From someone else (I forgot to write down who!) "Motivation is doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done when we WANT to do it. Discipline is doing what needs to be done when it needs to be done even when we DON'T want to do it ."

    Here's a couple of posts that I have copied and saved on this theme:



    Do a forum search on "motivation" - you will find lots of threads on this topic.

    Hope that helps!
  • Hiker_Rob
    Hiker_Rob Posts: 5,547 Member
    Hi Stacy, feel free to add me as a friend if you like (and anyone else can too). I'm not a hardline motivator, more of a laid back change my lifestyle type.

    All the best in reaching your goals!!
  • kiwijo95
    HI Stacey.
    Im feeling a bit the same at the mo, have lost 2 stone in the last 3 and a bit months, but I always get this far in and then it all goes out the window. Determined not to go the same way this time, add me as a friend and lets crack this together. :o)
  • tomedog
    tomedog Posts: 33 Member
    Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • katdell
    katdell Posts: 89 Member
    Hi there
    We all start losing motivation at times and that is why we are all on here encouraging each other to keep on going no matter what! The one thing that keeps me going is seeing the amount of weight I have lost which is over 2 stone and also measurements is also a key as even if the scales said I havnt lost anything measurements tell a different story! Keep going and if you want to add me your more than welcome :D
  • tx_mom72
    I totally understand! This is my 3rd time here. Longest stretch and the most weight I've ever lost at one go! :smile: You and I have similar starting stats & I'm shooting for the same end goal, for now! I'll probably change that & keep going once I get there! I don't post negative comments on other's choices & expect the same respect in return :smile: You and anyone else are free to add me.
  • adoudster
    Hi Katdell,
    I know what you mean about losing motivation. I struggle with it every day.
    Motivation needs to come from within for me. Be proud of how far you have come. You are doing great! One thing I've learned for myself is that I need to eat more veggies. It really helps to fill me up.
    Good luck!!
  • zentha1384
    zentha1384 Posts: 323 Member
    I have been struggling with my motivation since May. It can be really hard and disappointing when things just don't seem to be working. Lose weight is hard, keeping it off is hard. If it was easy then no one would have this problem. Keep in mind how far you have come, not just how far you have left to go!

    Beyond that
    Sometimes you just have to push through that feeling. The results can be amazing. Pushing through those down and dragging times have made for some of my most proud moments. My trainer says "I never regret it when I do it, but I always regret when I don't." It is very true advice, but don't let yourself burn out either, because that can cause a complete melt down.

    Sometimes you just need a little bit of a break to take some perspective. My break taught me there is NO WAY i can stop tracking my food because it end poorly,. It made me realize that if I don't want to be overweight this will be something I will have to do forever. That isn't to say I will do it everyday, but a majority of days will have to be tracked. This isn't to say everyone will have this problem, i just learned that this is what it will take me to keep losing and keep it off when I reach my goal.

    Feel free to add me as a friend (anyone can) just make sure you include a message of why of I have a tendency to ignore them.
  • bartman1200
    Hi, I just joined MFP a few minutes ago. I am a 58 year old grandfather. I started my weight loss goal at 350lbs and am now at 280. The problem is I have been there for quite some time, so I know what it is to need motivation. Hang in there! I know that is easier said than done but keep the faith. Please add me as a friend if you need some one to talk to.
  • stacysum
    Thank you for all your kind words everyone! I'm feeling better already. I can't wait to get off work and go for a bike ride!!!
  • tjmahoney
    tjmahoney Posts: 47 Member
    It's definitely tough in the beginning; got great ideas and motivation, then the reality sets in. It's work to lose weight...yuk. But for me, it was more to 'get fit' and just feel better day to day. July was my reckoning and saw 260 on the scale. That was it for me; I was always tired and feeling like a slug. I started to slow my intake and no carbs after lunch time. Began a slow, comfortable walk on the treadmill and ignored everyone else around me who was running. And didn't announce anything to my family; getting fit was my personal goal and it was just "for me" if that makes sense.

    Today, now 3 months later I've lost 32 of the 60 lbs I want to lose and can now run (granted just for a minute) on the treadmill so I'm doing interval treadmill for a better fat-burn. Wa-hoo!

    Best part: I bought a Fitness wristband, Fitbit Flex and got some friends on that site. Now I can set goals, follow progress, get encouragement (sometimes get a taunting if a friend walks more steps than I do and pulls ahead of me - all good and friendly competition) and I love checking my progress. Here's the bonus (for me) though: it's the FITNESS part. I wanted to actually lose 70 lbs but the more I learned, that is unrealistic and would erode lean muscle. If I lose 50 lbs and stop at 210, that would put me at 18% body fat, which is 'acceptable' (I started at 28% which is 'obese' - no surprise there). I need to resume resistance training, use the large muscle groups since that's where the fat burn happens. My goal is modified to 200 (so 60 lbs) which puts me at 14% body fat, the fitness level I'm targeting.

    Again, just my story. I'm not on a mission to change anyone else in my life, just me. Not that I don't love them, just can't (and don't want to) control anyone else's behavior. And if I don't reach my goals, then it's on me but I"m not feeling like that's my outcome. But it must be the example since I see my wife and grown daughter now noticing, opening discussions and saying they want to 'join me'. Well, it's not really joining me although that's great; it's joining yourself.

    Would love to have some friends here as well; please feel free and let's motivate each other!