Advice on exercises and foods needed please :-)

Hello, I'm Ryan,

I'm looking for any information that may help. I would like to lose fat all over and tone up, but people say I need to lose the fat first so it doesn't turn to muscle? is this correct?
When I say I want to lose fat and tone up all over, I literally mean ALL OVER, bingo wings, moobs, belly and waist.
I start the gym on Monday so id really like some information on what exercises I should be doing whilst there.
I'm not looking to diet as such, I do have to cut the un healthy snacks out though, I have started buying Ryvita and low fat Philadelphia to snack on instead but is there any foods I should definitely avoid... or include?

Thank you in advance for any help :-)


  • brickguy
    Fat doesn't turn into muscle. Muscle isn't easy to build.

    It takes many hours in the gym to gain muscle mass. Just do your workouts and don't worry about gaining muscle. Stay active.
  • paddy1987
    Also if this helps at all, I have one of the WW scales and this is what I got back from it:

    Weight: 13.1 and 3/4 (stones)
    Water: 55.9%
    Fat: 23.5%
    BMI: 25.7

    im about 5'11 and 26 :-)
  • carolyng66
    carolyng66 Posts: 18 Member
    Muscle and fat are two totally different things. Turning muscle into fat would be like turning a cat into a dog. :-) Losing weight and building muscle can be done but it does take a lot work and consistency. The latest I've read states you really need to workout for about 90 about five times a week. Newbies may want to start off less frequent and work their way up. It's a bitter pill but I think there is validity in that. It's what I need or I start sliding and building weight back on. Also, weight management is 80% diet and 20% exercise. I wish you the best in reaching your goals.