Just wanted to vent and in need of some support. :)

Last week was amazing, burned over 7000 calories in 6 days!! I had a 3 pound weight loss when I weighed in last Monday. This week, I feel tired and feel the need to eat more and I eat away my exercise calories. I feel somewhat heavy..like I gained a few even though I didn't. I have a 5K this Saturday so I feel like exercising 90 minutes a day is an excuse to rest up and I know I can double that a day. I crave for heavy workouts even though sometimes I just don't have the energy like I have been this week..lack of exercise like this upsets me because I want good losses each week. Last 2 months I've had 2 pound losses and like to stay at that.


  • CoryIda
    CoryIda Posts: 7,887 Member
    Don't get discouraged - you are doing GREAT!

    I can't imagine being able to do a 5K as heavy as I am, but you are doing it and that is AMAZING! Maybe you do need to sleep more, or maybe you aren't getting enough water OR, and this is a definite possibility, you may not be getting enough B vitamins, which help with energy.

    Keep up the great work!
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    This the right place for support. I cant wait til
    I can do that kind of exercise, keep up the great work. We all have those weeks, still having mine but trying to work thru it. You can too
  • boniekatie
    If you over work youself you will zap your energy instead of increasing it. I had that problem when I fist started running. I felt great while I was running and burning all thos calories, but I was pushing myself too hard and when I go home from my run I was too exhausted to do anything else all day. I had to slow down and not push so hard and make sure I was eating enough in order to get my energy back.
  • Arianna86
    Just think positive and stay active. If I'm tired I atleast do a 30 min walk on the treadmill or bike and get a B12 shot at the Dr.....congratulations on your weight loss success and being able to participate in a 5k that is great! :happy:
  • statquo33
    statquo33 Posts: 13 Member
    Yeah, you're doing great...I feel like every week or 2 I plateu because I will weigh myself everyday. And for about 4 or 5 of those days, my weight stays about the same, either a pound more or less...then around the week or week and a half time is when I see results....so I'm sure if you keep doing what you've been doing you'll be ok!...5k...thats impressive X]]
  • gatorflyer
    gatorflyer Posts: 536 Member
    You're doing an amazing job .I'm looking forward to having that kind of stamina one of these days. I would love to be able to do a 5K.. Keep focused and keep your eyes on the prize - a healthier and happier you! Keep up the good work!