Looking for raw vegan and vegetarian friends



  • yaseyuku
    yaseyuku Posts: 871 Member
    I don't label my way of eating really but I follow a mostly plant based diet and am also interested in befriending vegans and vegetarians.
  • Vegetarian for two years. Vegan for two years. Back to vegetarian. All you cheese lovers need to discover vegan Daiya cheese.
  • appifanie
    appifanie Posts: 95 Member
    Vegetarian for two years. Vegan for two years. Back to vegetarian. All you cheese lovers need to discover vegan Daiya cheese.

    I love the pepperjack between two corn tortillas - just pan fry and eat. Extra yummy stuffed with BBQ soy curls.
  • I have been "plant strong" for 2 months now. I would say vegan but my daughter always points out that I wear leather shoes : ) I love the Daiya cheese as well for when nothing else will do. I also have a recipe for a great nacho-y flavor cheese if you'd like it. Dairy was by far the hardest thing for me to give up. I love all dairy especially cottage cheese. I am struggling now because I gained weight since giving up meat and dairy, I think I just need to track what I am eating so I know where my calories are coming from...so here I am!
  • I have been "plant strong" for 2 months now. I would say vegan but my daughter always points out that I wear leather shoes : ) I love the Daiya cheese as well for when nothing else will do. I also have a recipe for a great nacho-y flavor cheese if you'd like it. Dairy was by far the hardest thing for me to give up. I love all dairy especially cottage cheese. I am struggling now because I gained weight since giving up meat and dairy, I think I just need to track what I am eating so I know where my calories are coming from...so here I am!

    Ooo a recipe would be awesome, thanks!!!
  • vegan4lyfe2012
    vegan4lyfe2012 Posts: 1,214 Member
    I'm a vegan of 1 1/2 years. I enjoy raw everyone once in a while, but definitely like my cooked beans and tofu. If anyone would like to add me, just send a request. I have an open food diary and love to give and get support on here from other vegan-minded friends :)
  • trackmyday1973
    trackmyday1973 Posts: 393 Member
    I've been Vegetarian my whole life. Never ate meat in my whole entire life. Not even as a baby. I just never wanted it.
  • aubrie917
    aubrie917 Posts: 41 Member
    I was vegan for almost a year...then was convinced to start eating fish, eggs, dairy, and some chicken...after about a month of that I realized it was the worst decision I ever made. I've been vegan again for about a month and a half. I've been looking for more vegan/vegetarian friends so anyone feel free to add me!
  • AthenaLolita
    AthenaLolita Posts: 10 Member
    Hi I am in the beginning of the transition process of becoming a raw vegan. Looking for vegan friends seeing as where I live vegans are not around me and this lifestyle will be considered weird. Looking for support from other like minded individuals. Please feel free to add me.
  • pastryari
    pastryari Posts: 8,646 Member
  • laurenbrooke79
    laurenbrooke79 Posts: 27 Member

    I have been vegan for almost 4 years now and when I take my vitamens and eat well, I feel great. This past year in college I gained 20 pounds :/ (alcohol, bread and nuts were my way of diet most the time! awful) I have now decided to be raw vegan until haloween, as kind of a detox and beginning to my 30 pound weight loss goal.

    Any one else a raw vegan and struggle on the 80/10/10? I go over on my fat everyday, I think I am addicted to avocados. I am getting sick of berry/green smoothies and salads. Any recomendations for dinners that are low in fat And taste good?

  • Hello and welcome!

    I am vegetarian, making the transition to vegan.. Feel free to add me!
  • Hello! I've been vegetarian for two years and avoid dairy (though I'm not completely vegan)! Add me! I'm new on here!
  • thenewmoni
    thenewmoni Posts: 30 Member
    i've been a vegetarian for 4 months now...lol
    Not very long but interested in learning more recipes because i've gained 7lbs substituting meat for junk food as fillers.
    I need help!
  • rosebuds_78
    rosebuds_78 Posts: 6 Member
    I'm a week into being Vegan! I would love some like-minded friends!
  • kayei
    kayei Posts: 6
    Hi, I've been vegan for about 7 years now, and would love to make some veggie friends on this site. :)
  • kayei
    kayei Posts: 6
    I'd like some pointers on the 80/10/10 as well...I only lasted on the 80/10/10 diet for a couple weeks. I was irritable all the time, with a constant headache. The entire time I physically felt like I wasn't getting enough nutrition somehow. But I was only on it for a couple weeks, so maybe I was doing it wrong.
  • Yaritza83
    Yaritza83 Posts: 19 Member
    With the 80/10/10 you need to consume tons of calories. You should be eating 3000-3500 ideally.
  • VeganHippieLady
    VeganHippieLady Posts: 5 Member
    Vegan for over 10 yrs. and looking to go raw
  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Vegan for three years and vegetarian for 10+.