Suggestions for improving diet (please check out diary)

age: 24
CW: 59kg/130lbs
Height: 152cm/5ft
Activity level: Sedentary because I'm attempting a metabolic reset
Current cals per day: I have slowly increased from 800-1000-ish to 1900 over the last 4 weeks

I'm wondering if anyone can take a look at my diary and make suggestions for where I can improve/tweak.
Right now, I'm trying to nourish my body with the right foods and calories, but it's so new and different as I'm used to crash dieting so I'd appreciate any feedback or suggestions on where I can maximise nutrition. Do my carbs look ok? for some reason I feel like I've has a 'bad day out if it gets too close to 200 grams :/ I eat a lot of coconut oil because it helps reach my calorie goal and also has other wonderful health benefits.

note: I'm doing a metabolic reset at 1900 cals. I'm hoping to cut to about 1500 and commence more intense work outs in a few weeks.


    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Your food choices look great to me, and yummy!!! :) Only looked at the last 2 days.
  • flumi_f
    flumi_f Posts: 1,888 Member
    Looks pretty good to me. I never did a reset and don't know anything about that, so I will just assume, you are doing this correctly.

    I see lots of different foods from different food groups, most fresh, few processed. That is a better diary than most!

    When you get to cutting cals to 1500, you might want to reduce the fruits a bit in favor of more fresh veggies - less sugar, less cals, but still high in vitamins, minerals and fiber. You will probably have to reduce some of the fats to, to get to 1500, but you'll get there.

    Oh, and no more crash diets!
  • ravikrishna
    ravikrishna Posts: 51 Member

    Went through your diary and couple of things caught my attention. Losing weight, if is the main goal, then its very important to control the Sugar intake.

    1) I see that you're consuming more sugar which is not good, as this adds more weight to you. Try to limit the sugar intake. If not, this will for sure, hamper your fat loss goals.

    2) Carbs seem more and protein intake can be increased too. Try to reduce the Carbs. Got to know that Carbs are required when you need quick energy for doing exercises and usually apart from that they wont fit in much. In the order of priority, first is Protein, the comes the Fats and then the Carbs.

    Apart from these things, rest seems good.