°Vegetarians Wanted°



  • Thanks!!!
  • i thought i was the only vegetarian who subsisted mainly on junk food! i am trying to make the change to healthier too ...

    it's hard.

    i have been reading a book "salt, sugar, fat" about how the junk food industry has basically figured out how to get us all addicted to junk food by creating the 'perfect' combo of those three ingredients. it's a good read.

    for me ... it's helpful not to be too strict. if i say "no chocolate" i will be good for a week and then binge in a big bad way. a little bit every now and again if the bulk of the day has been 'good' is my new m.o!

    good luck!
  • ablazeoflife
    ablazeoflife Posts: 169 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me as well - I've been lacto-ovo vegetarian with a lot of vegan days for the last 9 years. I'm not bad at it but I'm always learning. I have an open diary and am very supportive of my friends when I can be. Been away from MFP for a little while due to real life stuff but today, I'm back. :-)
  • kayleighlang5
    kayleighlang5 Posts: 34 Member
    I'd love to be your veggie pal! I've been looking up delicious vegetarian and vegan ingredients-- and it would help getting a bit of extra support too! : ) No criticism here!
  • lua_
    lua_ Posts: 258 Member
    I'm a vegetarian with an open diary
  • kayei
    kayei Posts: 6
    Anyone feel free to add me as a friend. I was an on/off vegan for 7 years...fell off the wagon somehow, and am now happily back on.
  • foodiscomplicated
    foodiscomplicated Posts: 85 Member
    Happy to provide some support. Feel free to add me as a friend.
  • sybrix
    sybrix Posts: 134 Member
    Feel free to add me as well. Lately I've been eating pretty junky but occasionally I do try new healthy recipes and love to get ideas from others as well. Trying to perfect my black bean taco recipe. :wink:
  • samolai
    samolai Posts: 8 Member
    I'm a vegan! I love cooking and trying new recipes. I could use the extra motivation as well, so I'll add you! :)
  • Teresa6338
    Teresa6338 Posts: 4 Member
    My hubby Blood6338 is a vegetarian and I am always looking for a healthier way to feed him :) I try to stick to the vegetarian program while at home but I do sneak in some tuna, eggs and cheese at home but no other non veg items in our house :) Looking to hearing how yall stay healthy with out the junk. We love veggies and fruit!!
  • Teresa6338
    Teresa6338 Posts: 4 Member
    Oreos are vegan!! That is what I consider junk food!! LOL :)
  • Hi! I am a vegetarian too and recently joined. It is sometimes hard to find vegetarian cuisine that is healthy!