Feeling jittery after a veggie blended juice?

hi I started on a veggie juice blended drink for breakfast every day (today was day 7) - I'm not really doing a juice fast- just replacing that one meal. Calories are equivalent to my regular breakfast but I eat veggies and some fruit instead. Today I used spinach, kale, a small apple and two dates along with unsweetened almond milk. I don't strain it - I have it with the pulp. I usually use a single date but today I used two. I drank it pretty fast - maybe within 15 minutes. Immediately after I started feeling kinda jittery and jumpy - like I didn't know what to do with myself. Couldn't sit, couldn't stand was feeling a little nauseous.

I am not diabetic - I have been tested many times over the years including going through two pregnancies and come up with normal levels. I do probably have some insulin resistance on account of being overweight and poor eating habits which I am trying to correct. I had bought myself a glucose monitor because I've had episodes before where I felt like my blood sugar was low (a couple of hours after eating something sweet) and wanted to understand what my body does with processing carbs. Anyways I checked it today during the jittery episode and it was at 119 which is relatively normal after eating something like that - definitely not super high.

I went out for a short walk and came back and ate some egg whites which made me feel better. But the whole thing has left me quite shaken.

I do have hypothyroidism.

Can anyone else relate? Should I stop these veggie blends, should I add no fruit at all to them? Having them in the morning has helped me focus my day and makes me feel more committed to eating healthier the rest of the day as well and I don't want to stop just yet.



    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Did you drink caffeine? Could be from that or your thyroid issue. I've never gotten jittery from juicing.
  • samjoy
    samjoy Posts: 119 Member
    thanks - yes I did have some tea before the veggie juice - it was two cups with a little sugar and milk in each cup.
    NRSPAM Posts: 961 Member
    Hmmmm.. I wouldn't think one cup of tea would do it, unless you're really sensitive to caffeine. I would maybe cut out the fruit, and see what happens. Then add it back later and see if that makes you jittery again. I've juiced just about everything, except dates, and I haven't gotten jittery from them. Do you feel hungry? Maybe you just need to eat something with more calories. I honestly don't know. If it keeps up, I would get your thyroid levels checked.
  • Linda09189
    go see your doctor
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    I am diabetic and I have this problem. I don't ever eat fruit or veggies by themselves, especially on an empty stomach. I always have some protein with my fruit and veg. I usually have some peanut butter or an egg.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    I just saw that your blood sugar was 119. That is the kind of number i see when my blood sugar crashes. You should be tested for diabetes again.
  • samjoy
    samjoy Posts: 119 Member
    thanks I thought 100 was the limit so 119 after eating something (maybe 30 mins) was close to normal.
  • mkbledsoe
    mkbledsoe Posts: 132
    If you are not diabetic, then you are right, but weight gain can bring on diabetes. My diabetes is completely weight related. I wasn't diabetic during my pregnancies or when I was younger.
  • samjoy
    samjoy Posts: 119 Member
    thanks I will check with my dr again. Just to be clear the last time I got my fasting glucose and A1C (sp?) checked was about 6 months back and it was normal.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    Every so often, I love a homemade juice with fruits and vegetables but I never use it as a meal replacement. I might have juice with breakfast or as a snack in between a meal. I have never felt jittery after drinking it.

    Since you have thyroid issues, and you have been tested for diabetes, you need to talk to your doctor about this.
  • chaoticrunner
    chaoticrunner Posts: 32 Member
    I'm hypothyroid and I juice, the juicing never makes me feel like that. I do however get that jittery energy when I've recently changed my levothyroxine dosage or even changed the time that I took it. When's the last time your medication was adjusted? Have you switched from taking it in the mornings to night or vice versa? Perhaps it was just the extra sugar from the extra date. Sugar doesn't do that to me, but everyone's different.
  • samjoy
    samjoy Posts: 119 Member
    thanks for your replies everyone. I will see my dr soon. But I have also been researching and apparently you can get the symptoms of hypoglycemia even when your blood sugar is on its way down, not necessarily when its super low. I have cut out the shakes for now and will just eat my veggies instead as that does not cause me any issues.