
Hi, my name is Shari and I just joined MFP today at the encouragement of my trainer Erica (thanks Erica!). I have been dieting since my 20's with great success for many years. In my late 30's I had my son and put on a lot of weight during pregnancy, lost it all right away, but nursed for an extended period of time an feel victim to high fat foods, especially dairy, and quickly gained it all back and them some. By 40, I was at my highest weight ever - more so than when pregnant :(. I've been a WW member for the last five years, but was not really serious about it.

Now, my brother is getting married and my daughter is getting married next year and it's time to change. I am the person that either is behind the camera or hiding from it and I will not be able to be that person at either wedding! So I've started walking and running, joined a great gym with a fabulous trainer and am determined to get healthy.

I want to be able to keep up with my 8 year old son and at the weight I am and the non-existent level of activity, I just can't. So here I am on the path to getting fit in 2010!

Looking forward to getting to know everyone here on MFP!


  • eharvey
    eharvey Posts: 32
  • KristinaW
    sounds like you have already come far in the battle of weight vs wants! I know how it is to give in to post-breastfeeding cravings. after my son, he is now 3, i lost my weight quickly. and while breast feeding i ate ice cream daily. i ate ice cream daily after breast feeding as well. i found my self weighing 210 just 30 days ago. I knew i had to do something. i have already lost nearly 20lbs! and it feels great!
    I would love for you to have the same great feeling as i do! if you need some friends on here please feel free to add me!
  • poodlepaws
    poodlepaws Posts: 269 Member
    Welcome Shari...I just joined last week and I've found it much easier to keep track of what I eat now that I can control those nasty little calories!!
  • Sk8Mom209
    Thanks everyone for the encouragement!

    @KristinaW - I to was addicted to ice cream while breastfeeding - Hagen Daz and Coldstone daily (somedays multiple times daily)! Ice Cream will probably always be one of my weaknesses, but I have learned to keep it under control and only indulge on rare ocassions. I can even take my son to $1.00 scoop night now and not get myself anything!

    I'm looking forward to the great community and wealth of encouragement here!

    Thanks again!
  • Beebee78
    Beebee78 Posts: 703
    Welcome to MFP - you will find lots of support here xxx
  • zynny
    zynny Posts: 2
    You are fabulous ;0) Those cravings while breastfeeding are nuts! I so was wishing for that crazy metabolism that would have allowed me to be "skinny" because I was breastfeeding. Alas, it was not to be ;0) This is really helping to get my body recalibrated on what really works for me, and putting good foods in my body!