Exercise ideas for those with Migraines

dlmarkley66 Posts: 51
edited September 22 in Introduce Yourself
Hey everyone! I do not wish to be whiny here but I need some ideas for some introductory type exercises. I have had chronic Migraines my entire life. When I bend over, I get head pain. If I get my heart rate up too high, I get a migraine. When I get hot, I get a Migraine. And so on.......It is very frustrating. I would appreciate any ideas or to hear from those of you with similar issues. I live in the country, on a bad road, not fit for walking. I work from home, as a Telenurse. Any ideas????


  • nowic
    nowic Posts: 171 Member
    Maybe pillates- slow movements, relaxing- but still hard work!
  • MsLisaB
    MsLisaB Posts: 256
    I'm so sorry to hear about that. I get migraines very occasionally, maybe one every 6 - 12 months. When I do get them its the "hide in a dark room with a cold compress to the head and try not to throw up" type. Just a thought for you, a friend's wife get migraines quite regularly and has discovered it's due to a lack of Vitamin B, so when she gets them it's off to the Dr for a VitB shot.

    Pilates is definitely a good suggestion. You could also try Tai Chi.
  • PILATES was going to be my suggestion too! I do it, it's great. Your heart rate will not get elevated and it's still very good at toning muscle.
    WHY PAY for pilates videos? Just look on YouTube. :wink:


    :smile: STRETCHING :smile:

    :smile: ARMS:smile:

    :smile: LEGS:smile:

    :blushing: ADVANCED BUTT AND LEGS (OPTIONAL):blushing:

    :smile: CORE / TUMMY:smile:


    If you follow along with those links that will give you a GREAT full body pilates workout! Good luck!
  • gatedialer
    gatedialer Posts: 149 Member
    I also get migraines often and when I do I usually do yoga, simple stretching or pilates. I don't push myself and make sure to exclude any movement that would exacerbate my symptoms. If my migraine is too much, I don't exercise and I just try and eat healthy that day. Have you heard of that old show called "sit and be fit"...it's a simple exercise program for the elderly, that could be a good idea. The exercise isn't too demanding and is very light.
  • AZChatterB
    AZChatterB Posts: 248 Member
    I, too, suffer from migraines (although seemingly not as severe as yours). I have had great success with the Walk Away the Pounds series (although I have only done the 1 and 2 mile tapes). They CAN get your heart rate up, but Leslie Sansome (the "guide") continually reminds you to take it at your own pace, just keep moving. They are basically marching in place and she has four core moves (walking, side steps, kicking, and knee lifts), all very basic. She also has one participant who does half range motions and one who doesn't add the weights, both to show the viewer that it's okay to take it at your own pace. I went several weeks on the one mile before adding the weights and the same with the two mile. Like Sansome notes, the important thing is to just keep moving. The one mile walk takes 20 minutes; the two mile walk takes 30 minutes (there is a 3 mile and a 5 mile and probably others).

    Hope this helps. Good luck!
  • Thank you so much for the information. That was very thoughtful of you! This site is so wonderful!
  • Thank you very much for the info. I will certainly check into these things ! Good luck to you on your weight loss endevours!:smile:
  • Oh wow, thats a great idea! I will check into this as well. Thanks for the info. I hope that with some exercise and getting this weight off that maybe my migraines will settle down. Good luck to you!
  • Have you tried seeing a chiropractor about the migraines?? It might help :)
  • tierra85
    tierra85 Posts: 300 Member
    Have you tried going gluten free? I Stopped eating it for other reasons but my migraines went from a few times a week to rarely.
  • sbusarah
    sbusarah Posts: 163 Member
    I also suffer from frequent migraines. I find exercise difficult for the same reasons. I would suggest the same things that the other people have suggested. My exercise consists of walking and stretching.
  • Thanks for the reply. I will check into those ideas!
  • Thanks for the idea. I have heard about this more recently in the medical field. I will check into this.
  • I had migraines really bad for a year and I found that regular excercise, eliminating most caffeine, and eating a well balanced diet (lots of vegies, fruits, & waters) worked better than any medication. A multivitamin might also help to ensure you don't have any vitamin deficiencies. Also getting adequate rest is important. Hope it gets better.
  • Hey thanks for the reply ! I am getting a lot of great information and ideas from a at MFP! It's a great place to be for support!! Thanks and good luck to you!!
  • tes8612
    tes8612 Posts: 13 Member
    The Walk Away the Pounds DVD's might be good for you. You can do them in your living room, there isn't any bending over and you can easily monitor your heart rate. = )
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