Today marks the first day of the rest of my life

Howdy! I'm Sarah, I'm 21. 5'2 and severely overweight. Weighing in at my heaviest at 225, just cutting soda out the past couple months has dropped me down to 208. Now I'm ready to shed almost 100 pounds. I've tried this a couple times...this year. So I obviously lack motivation. I'm in need of a mentor, someone I can come to regarding exercise, eating (i crave, a LOT) and just emotional stability, 100 pounds is not just going to change the way I look, but the way I feel. Who knows, great friendships could come from this experience! I wish to connect with other people who are around the same height/weight as me with the same goals, (that's not saying I wont talk to anyone else!) If you are vertically challenged and have lost a great deal of weight, I'd like to hear/see your stories for motivation!

Thanks for reading :)


  • karlakk
    karlakk Posts: 28 Member
    You can friend me :) I'm 5'2 also & it seems like every lb. shows, right?? I've lost 17 lbs so far, but many more to go, we got this!
  • peeena
    peeena Posts: 1
    Welcome aboard!
  • smrising
    smrising Posts: 23 Member
    thanks ladies! i need all the support i can get, lol
  • Hello.. My name is Veronica. I have decided today that I want to lose weight. I will put all my effort to limit my soda intake to once a day. That will be my biggest challenge since I am a soda-holic!! My mind is made up tho... hoping for the best!
  • SNLover87
    SNLover87 Posts: 101 Member
    Hey Sarah! Welcome and congrats on taking those first steps. It truly will change your life, and we're here for you. Feel free to friend me if you like. I'm a little taller (5'6), but also started higher (250). I'm about 7 mts in to this journey, 46 lbs down, and work out 5-6 days a week. I'm also on here everyday (175+ days going strong!) and I'm a supportive friend. MFP is great in general for support too, I love it. We can do this!
  • fat2fab16
    fat2fab16 Posts: 7 Member
    Hey! I could use a friend as well. I am at 220 now heaviest I've ever been. I am 5'6'' wanting to get down to a goal weight of 140. We can motivate eachother!! Send me an invite! :D
  • smrising
    smrising Posts: 23 Member
    Hello.. My name is Veronica. I have decided today that I want to lose weight. I will put all my effort to limit my soda intake to once a day. That will be my biggest challenge since I am a soda-holic!! My mind is made up tho... hoping for the best!

    i also have a problem, i crave it all the time. but water is the way to
  • jlp100
    jlp100 Posts: 117 Member
    Hey there - good for you for taking a stand and wanting to do this. remember only you can do this for yourself so you gotta stay strong & know YOU can do this...

    Feel free to add me :drinker:
  • magdalen13
    magdalen13 Posts: 62 Member
    Hey! I'm 5'3" (5'4" if I stretch, haha) and similar -- down to 220 from 238, would like to get a lot more off :) Please, any of you, feel free to add me :)
  • Mad_Dog_Muscle
    Mad_Dog_Muscle Posts: 1,251 Member
    One day at a time! Best of luck to you!
  • prettykitty1963
    prettykitty1963 Posts: 42 Member you I am a "pop-aholic"...that is what we call "soda" here. I gave up pop. I probably drank 2 liter a day. Now if I drink 2 glasses a month it's a lot. I can't say that my weight dropped as a result. I was sooooooooooo hoping it would. But good for you that it helped you. I switched to flavored seltzer waters (the kind without any chemical/fake sweetners and without sodium), and now am addicted to the carbonated water. I can easily drink 66 ounces a day. For some reason I have a really hard time drinking plain water.
    Maybe the carbonated water will help you "kick the habit"

    Congrats on your first day and Good Luck :)
  • Hello there and welcome! So glad you are making a choice to make a change =) I too am vertically challenged and weighing in now at somewhere between 235-240. I havent weighed myself in a while -_- Anywho! I'm with you sister and praying for your achievements. I'll be adding you and looking forward to seeing your accomplishments! God bless n take care =)
  • Khawel06
    Khawel06 Posts: 4 Member
    Great job on your decision. The most important thing is not to give up, and take each step a day at a time.
  • frankiep73
    frankiep73 Posts: 40 Member
    I am much much taller, but understand the soda crave. I gave up all diet soda and all other artificial sweeteners 9/10/13 and have not looked back. I feel amazing and the crave goes away. I also believe that with the artificial sweeteners, I was craving more food and more sweets than ever in my life. My joints feel better, too. So, you can do it! You will see that it will make a change in your life, in the way you feel. I've lost 15 pounds since 9/10/13 and I think that was totally all the water and bloat from soda and from beer. Good luck and feel free to friend me.
  • CaseyM1985
    CaseyM1985 Posts: 65 Member
    I'm 5'2" and started 5lbs heavier than your original :) Welcome to this amazing, inspiring, frustrating, fulfilling journey!

    Feel free to add me if you like.
  • mbts08
    mbts08 Posts: 284 Member
    Hello! :flowerforyou:

    You can do this if you really want it!

    Add me if you like. My diary is open. :smile:
  • lewcompton
    lewcompton Posts: 881 Member
    I'm Lew... Married, dad of two soon to be three (inducing on this Wednesday)... Started 15 months ago at 425 pounds and down to 235.9 now... Track everything and be honest with yourself about what you eat and the exercise you do... If need be round up on the food and down on the exercise... Anyone is welcome to add me.
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Hello.. My name is Veronica. I have decided today that I want to lose weight. I will put all my effort to limit my soda intake to once a day. That will be my biggest challenge since I am a soda-holic!! My mind is made up tho... hoping for the best!

    i also have a problem, i crave it all the time. but water is the way to

    Eventually, you'll crave it much less, but sadly...water is never going to be delicious. :P I cut soda out for a while just to get out of the habit of always choosing it as my drink of choice. I have it once in a while now, but I'm not nearly as into it as I was eight months ago.

    Hi, BTW.