Controlling Binges!!

Has anyone successfully beat the binging ?!?!?

I'm really struggling I’ve been doing really well first couple of months on a high protein, low carbs training diet but lately I’ve fallen off the wagon frequently binging on slabs (no exaggeration) of chocolate!!

I’ve managed to do really well without Dairy, bread, pasta and white potatoes I don't even miss them but it seems chocolate is my ultimate weakness and unfortunately I don’t even seem to be able to have it as a treat or cheat every so often because I just end up wanting more and more until I’ve literally sat and ate 200g of it !!

Arghhhhhhhh so frustrating :(


  • nomeejerome
    nomeejerome Posts: 2,616 Member
    Has anyone successfully beat the binging ?!?!?

    I'm really struggling I’ve been doing really well first couple of months on a high protein, low carbs training diet but lately I’ve fallen off the wagon frequently binging on slabs (no exaggeration) of chocolate!!

    I’ve managed to do really well without Dairy, bread, pasta and white potatoes I don't even miss them but it seems chocolate is my ultimate weakness and unfortunately I don’t even seem to be able to have it as a treat or cheat every so often because I just end up wanting more and more until I’ve literally sat and ate 200g of it !!

    Arghhhhhhhh so frustrating :(

    Is there a reason you have eliminated dairy, bread, pasta and white potatoes?
  • jen_zz
    jen_zz Posts: 1,011 Member
    There's a binge eating support group on here with some great advice:
  • sunsetzen
    sunsetzen Posts: 268 Member
    It totally depends on you, mentally. What are you willing and able to do.

    I dont cut anything out and have built up a willpower to say no to too much for some things (like cake). I buy smaller things, like chocolate bars, so I cant eat so much even if I eat the whole thing. For chocolate, I eat dark because after a certain amount, it doesnt taste good anymore. If its salty food, I replaced my chips with home-popped popcorn, so less calories for the same amount.

    I find if I cut everything out, it builds up inside so then I eat every junk food in sight. I prefer moderation. Or occassional binges that are within my calorie counts.
  • jacksonpt
    jacksonpt Posts: 10,413 Member
    First step is figuring out WHY you binge.

    Diet too restrictive?
  • auddii
    auddii Posts: 15,357 Member
    Personally, I found I binged when I tried to "eat healthy". I was fantastic during the week when I had a lot of structure, but on the weekends, I'd eat anything and everything in sight. I'd try just not buying food, and then I'd have the strangest binges ever.

    When I went back and logged, I was eating about 1100 calories during the week and 5-6000 per day on the weekends. And I wasn't really losing anything (shocker). I now eat about 1800-1900 calories a day, and I haven't had serious binges since (I've definitely eaten high calorie foods, but none of the stand in front of the open refrigerator shoving x in my face while scanning for x, y, and z to eat.

    I have had some mini-binges, and I've found that I do have trigger foods that I don't quite have a healthy relationship with yet. I have had some ice-cream in my freezer for about a month now, and I consider that a win. I also have some mini-binges when my blood sugar drops. So (this is a personal thing because I get reactive hypoglycemia and my blood sugar drops after a few hours of eating), I now eat every few hours to try and prevent the mini-binges. Plus, I'm a complete ***** when I have low blood sugar.

    But, I agree with other posters, it really depends on why you binge.
  • diadia1
    diadia1 Posts: 223 Member
    It totally depends on you, mentally. What are you willing and able to do.

    I dont cut anything out and have built up a willpower to say no to too much for some things (like cake). I buy smaller things, like chocolate bars, so I cant eat so much even if I eat the whole thing. For chocolate, I eat dark because after a certain amount, it doesnt taste good anymore. If its salty food, I replaced my chips with home-popped popcorn, so less calories for the same amount.

    I find if I cut everything out, it builds up inside so then I eat every junk food in sight. I prefer moderation. Or occassional binges that are within my calorie counts.

    exactly this.
    cutting out things who litteraly can't not live without is not doable.
    i have chocolate almost everyday. and if i don't have it one day then the day after i really crave for it. so i do make room for MY chocolate in my daily calories budget.
  • placebomonkey
    placebomonkey Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks guys I will check out the group thank you jenzenzen :)

    I'm going to mexico in less than 8 weeks and in my desperation to lose the weight around my tummy I begged my friend who is a Personal trainer to help me they sent me loads of information on weight training routines and what to eat I'm not sure what exact diet it is but it cuts out white potatoes, dairy, bread and anything processed. And encourages lean meats, fish and green vegetables.

    Admittedly I do get quite stressed out with work and this might not be helping. I know It's not because I'm hungry because one good thing about the diet is I eat little and often and never feel hungry I think it is a comfort thing I crave the taste of it then if I allow myself to have just a little its quickly out of control and I'm unable to stop sometime to the point of actually feeling sick :(
  • kw85296
    kw85296 Posts: 265 Member
    I have my moments too, but someone posted on here a while back that she doesn't tell herself that she can't have the junk food. She tells herself that she doesn't eat the junk food. The difference in mindset does seem to help some for me. The food is no longer forbidden, it just isn't one of the options on the menu. :smile:
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Thanks guys I will check out the group thank you jenzenzen :)

    I'm going to mexico in less than 8 weeks and in my desperation to lose the weight around my tummy I begged my friend who is a Personal trainer to help me they sent me loads of information on weight training routines and what to eat I'm not sure what exact diet it is but it cuts out white potatoes, dairy, bread and anything processed. And encourages lean meats, fish and green vegetables.

    Admittedly I do get quite stressed out with work and this might not be helping. I know It's not because I'm hungry because one good thing about the diet is I eat little and often and never feel hungry I think it is a comfort thing I crave the taste of it then if I allow myself to have just a little its quickly out of control and I'm unable to stop sometime to the point of actually feeling sick :(

    Oh, I hear you on the eating until you are sick thing. Whenever I hear a diet where you eliminate ANYthing, it makes me wonder if it is too restrictive. I mean - they are probably thinking you can drop a few lbs by going through your glycogen stores, but that will come right back on when you start to eat normally again. It's sort of like 'cutting' for a figure event, so you will look as lean as possible.
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    I've never really binged. When i want something i have it as long as i can fit it into my daily intake properly
  • fragilegift
    fragilegift Posts: 347 Member
    I have times when chips and chocolate disappear, so, apart from just not buying them, I have a few buckets of 'emergency' mini Easter eggs to dip into if I really really must have some chocolate. It is low grade chocolate, so not moreish and the 4 eggs I allow curbs the craving. Having the mini eggs means I can't just have 'one more row' either. If the urge for chips gets bad enough, my rule for myself is that I *must* walk to the supermarket to get them (no buying junk food in with the household groceries). It isn't very often the balance wins out in favor of the chips strangely enough.
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    I've never binged and I have lost over 20 lbs by eating the same foods I always eat, just in smaller amounts. The other day I really wanted ice cream and I still had room in my daily calories for it, so I went out and got a scoop of it, and I was still under for the day. If you have trouble controlling your chocolate craving, go out and burn 300-400 calories and then buy a chocolate bar that's around 250 calories. That way you can have your chocolate and still fit it into your daily calories.
  • placebomonkey
    placebomonkey Posts: 104 Member
    Thanks Everyone this is all great advise :) Already feeling alot more positive I can do this. Me and the other half went to the gym last night burnt off a few hundred cycling and weight training then we called in at the shop on the way home and I told myself I am allowed some chocolate but might not eat it. I bought i twirl and a some strawberries we got home he ate his chocolate a protein bar and strawberries I just had the strawberries and guess what ??? my chocolate bar is still in the cupboard !! I think just knowing I have it and I'm allowed it is giving me some strange incentive not to eat it lol :D