Overeaters Anonymous?

I am curious if anyone here has attended meetings. If so, would you share your experience?

I am realizing that binge eating is a real issue for me, as well as fixating on food all day long. I also see that there is a large connection between binge eating and emotional or self-esteem blows. I know this is not rocket science for anyone with weight issues, but want to know if OA has helped anyone to manage such issues.

I also hesitate because as with any 12 step program, a lot of the ideology focuses on a higher power. Yet as an agnostic, I really have a complicated relationship with God/higher powers. I know of atheists going through AA though...

Just would like some insight, opinions or thoughts. Thanks.


  • nkoconnell
    nkoconnell Posts: 34
    I belong to another 12 step program and know quite a few people who have attended OA. They have had great results. I find that I can apply many of the AA principals to my relationship with food. The support and fellowship I receive at meetings is immeasurable, and The program is designed to help everyone, no matter your beliefs.
  • freddi11e
    freddi11e Posts: 317 Member
    I attend NA for a past drug addiction. My addiction switched to food and and got out of control. I attended OA and FA... and to be honest... it only made my obsession worse. which is weird.. because one twelve step program worked for the drugs... ive been clean for 2 years... but i guess it's because food is something that you have to "use"

    My higher power is "universal energy"

    Doesn't hurt to try a meeting tho. just go to one and check it out.

    My binging fluctuates... two days ago was my last binge.... it kills me just the same as drugs (emotionally) but the self-awareness i got from working the 12 steps is priceless. I have a choice to binge today (I was aware that it would cause me pain but did it anyway.. and I was aware of why .. sometimes I act out on my defects anyway tho.. lol progress not perfection) I'm not kidding.. I think the whole world should work the 12 steps because the *kitten* you learn about yourself is amazing... and the compassion you get for YOURSELF and OTHERS will change your life. I still have self-worth issues as you mentioned but damn lady... I fricken like myself today :)

    Hope it works for you
  • OAEE
    OAEE Posts: 10 Member
    I have been in OA for 8 years and was an agnostic going in and was still one when I woke up this morning. I am maintaining a 55 lb weight loss for about 7 years. I just decided not to focus on the HP thing and focus on doing the next right thing. I have a sponsor, worked the steps, use all the tools and kind of just pray to myself or my best highest self to do the most loving thing I could do. it has been working for years now and I have a much better life than ever before. the suggestion is to try 6 meetings and see if it works for you. best wishes on your continuing journey.