Blogger & Such

SabrinaM85 Posts: 99
edited September 22 in Motivation and Support
I am looking for motivation, support and inspiring stories outside of MFP. Do you blog about your weight loss journey, the ups and downs? I would love to read your stories and support you.

Post your blog link on here or send me a private message.

I blog, almost daily, about my journey of trying to lose around 50+ pounds. I am a work in progress, with a long ways to go.
You can view my blog @



  • bikegeorge
    bikegeorge Posts: 19 Member
    Hi Sabrina,
    I don't blog, but I'd love to help support you on this site. Weight loss is a process and requires a lot of positive energy and optimism. Once you get some momentum going, it almost takes on a life all it's own. You can do this. I will take a look at your Blog.
    My issue is I am an athlete living in my second childhood since I fretifred so I could have more playtime. I use to run Marathons, but knee injuries and surgery forced me away from that and in to long distance cycling. I have been struggling with weight gain since I broke my femur back in May '09 during a bike race and I'm finally getting to where I want to be physically as far as the leg goes, but I have gained 30 pounds being inactive and sedentary.

    It's time to move my *kitten* now. I will resume riding again. This site has helped me jump start my weight loss orogram in a great way making me really think about food as fuel again and not as a pacifier. In a bit over 3 weeks I have dropped 11 lbs with no exercise. As an athlete I relate to you quite well since you are as well. I know we can push each other in a positive sense.
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    I just checked out your blog and found it really inspirational, and I've added you to google reader :)

    I recently started a blog to capture some of the clean/healthy foods and recipes I'm trying out. Feel free to check it out!
  • bikegeorge
    bikegeorge Posts: 19 Member
    Quickie Note,
    I added your blog to my fav sites so I can check i on you there as well. I have a feeling...strong feeling that you'll lose 20 lbs more by Xmas.
  • Thanks George!

    And Raelbee -- I just showed your peanut butter stuffed apple to my friend, we are making them tonight!! Awesome!
  • raelbee
    raelbee Posts: 219
    Thanks George!

    And Raelbee -- I just showed your peanut butter stuffed apple to my friend, we are making them tonight!! Awesome!

    Awesome! They are so good! I've been having one every night :)
  • I can't wait to make one!!!

    --- Everyone has such amazing stories, or yummy recipes to share. I want to keep this thread going so I can expand my reading and support group!
  • GlamourBean
    GlamourBean Posts: 18 Member
    I'll add your blog to my Favorites... best wishes on your journey!
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