Phentermine 37.5 - Anyone use this?



  • jrmccoy78
    The only thing Phentermine is supposed to do is suppress your appetite...and it may give you some energy (it is speed, after all) but it will NOT give you lasting results, you HAVE to do the work yourself! You have to change your eating and exercising habits. The reason people gained all their weight back after stopping is because they went back to their old habits, or never changed them to begin with! Phentermine can be a good tool if used correctly, although it's kind of a last resort option. And there are lots of haters on here who will demean you for using Phentermine, but that's none of their's between you and your doctor. If you don't feel like it's working for you, I would reconsider using it because it is a drug and can be harmful, so if it's not working, there's no reason to use it. Just do your best with watching what you eat and exercising. You can do it!
  • ongard2000
    ongard2000 Posts: 7 Member
    I agree that you def need to watch what you eat. Just make sure you reduce your portion which I start doing and my weight came off a lot faster than before. I also take the a natural phentermine which is a lot better for the body instead of the prescription version which I was getting a lot of side effects. A friend actually took me about the natural version which consists mostly herbal ingredients. I just felt a lot better taking that version and getting some great results so far. Of course I do a moderate amount of walking each day which also helps. Here is the site of the natural version in case anyone want to know where to order it
  • ongard2000
    ongard2000 Posts: 7 Member
    Actually here is the correct site URL for the natural version of phentermine I have been ordering
  • missdibs1
    missdibs1 Posts: 1,092 Member
    My doc prescribed Phentermine 37.5 for me and I was just wondering... is it worth the $$$? Does it work at all? I've only been taking it for 4 days but I feel no different so far. Anyone lost weight with this stuff?

    I have tried it (even though i did not need it) It caused insomnia I threw them out save your money buy some weights there is no magic pill
  • skhunt1
    skhunt1 Posts: 3 Member
    Can you give me an idea of the low carb diet? I too am experiencing dry mouth and it is about to KILL me---but I certainly have curbed my appetite... now just to learn to eat healthy.
  • skhunt1
    skhunt1 Posts: 3 Member
    I did not get an eating plan really. Can you give some ideas?
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    I used it for 2 weeks many moons ago when I was 25, but had to discontinue immediately. It was very fortunate for me that I worked in health insurance, in an office filled with nurses and medical doctors. A nurse stopped me one afternoon at work and asked if I had a history of high blood pressure. I'd never in my life had high blood pressure but she insisted I let her take my BP. It was high. She checked again the next day. Still high. I had to come off the medication immediately after that. Once I did, my blood pressure was normal again and is still normal at age 40.
  • LittleLinder
    LittleLinder Posts: 8 Member
    I lost weight at first but your body gets accustomed to it very quickly...other people I know have said the same thing. As soon as your body gets used to just pack back on the pounds. My honest advise? don't waste your it the right way with less calories and exercise...I have spent a "bucket load" on Phentermine 37.5 to still be overweight. Just not worth it.
  • chicpower1
    chicpower1 Posts: 169 Member
    Can you give me an idea of the low carb diet? I too am experiencing dry mouth and it is about to KILL me---but I certainly have curbed my appetite... now just to learn to eat healthy.

    A good rule of thumb for a low carb diet is no more than 15 carbs per serving, and no more than 2 servings of carb per meal. That's the basics of a diabetic diet, which tends to be low carb. If you're consuming a food with 20 carbs per serving, then you might rethink it. :)

    I'm doing fairly low carb right now, simply because carbs and sugars are my addictions so I'm working to control that and break the cycle. I make sure to visually fill my plate according to a good, healthy meal. Half of my plate consists of raw or steamed veggies (Cooked other ways is fine, just watch out on the sauces), one 3-4 oz serving of lean meat, and 1 starch or carb, such as a slice of whole wheat bread, a small serving of potato, etc. I like to eat fruit for snacks but if I need another fruit serving for the day I add it to my meal. I can't stand milk, so I consume my dairy in the form of an Almond Milk protein shake for breakfast, and a small container of low fat yogurt. I also have at least one serving of low fat, skim mozzarella cheese on at least one meal per day. :) Hope this helps!
  • starstruck2000
    starstruck2000 Posts: 1 Member
    I've known several people to use them and they worked.
  • k9chica
    i started taking Phentermine 37.5 just to help me get adjusted into a clean eating plan, it works. I have learned how to eat healthy, make better choices and it gives me the energy to work out. I couldnnt lose 15 lbs I had extra from my second child but now those 15lbs are gone and I'm trying to lose 10 more :). Of course you are gonna gain the weight back if you keep eating the same way you did before you started taking Phentermine, you have to make healtyhier choices, work out daily and you will be good to go!
  • dmota0425
    dmota0425 Posts: 18 Member
    i started taking Phentermine 37.5 just to help me get adjusted into a clean eating plan, it works. I have learned how to eat healthy, make better choices and it gives me the energy to work out. I couldnnt lose 15 lbs I had extra from my second child but now those 15lbs are gone and I'm trying to lose 10 more :). Of course you are gonna gain the weight back if you keep eating the same way you did before you started taking Phentermine, you have to make healtyhier choices, work out daily and you will be good to go!

    I agree. If you dont use the medicicne as an instrument to teach you portional control and what foods are good for you, theres no point in taking it because once your off you will gain it all back.
  • TSchleusner
    I have a hard time finding a doctor to prescribe Phentermine. I was on it for three months and lost over 60 pounds. I made smart food choices and exercised daily. I haven't changed much of my lifestyle or eating habits since being off of it, but my weight hasn't changed at all. I work out at the gym religiously with no results now. It's very frustrating, and I wish I could get back on the pill.
  • murlacher1987
    I have used it twice. Once a year ago for 3 months and it helped me develop better eating habits. Over all I lost 60 lbs on it. I have now been on it for the second time and am in my 2 month of another three month cycle. I ave lost almost 30 lbs this time and am working hard at eating even healthier and have lost enough weight that exercising isn't impossible. I hope this helps!
  • dreams4sale
    Wait...doctors are prescribing this crap to people? Like, for a medical purpose? Or because people are complaining that it's too hard to have self control and exercise?
  • Tyme4ACh8nge
    Tyme4ACh8nge Posts: 3 Member
    i took them before in the past. Tbh i actually liked those pills. I had plenty of energy and wasn't eating huge meals. I did have side effects: high blood pressure, serious head aches, and even sharp chest pain from time to time. I ate good and worked out over 2 hours per day. I lost weight fast but i stopped because of the side effects. i then gained back my weight i lost plus more. Even with the side effects i like the pills because i hate working out and it gave me the needed push..Now after time and time again of trying to lose weight i got a push within myself. I'm eating healthy and currently doing Focus T25 along with walking in the a.m. My friend also took them but she had horrible side effects as well. worse than mines cause she had to go to the er for her bowels locking up. If you take them with no side effects then make the most of the boost while it last and keep up eating and workout habits when you stop the pills. Good Luck
  • uaedan1143
    3/1/2014...I've been taking this for one week now...I started out at 195.1 and weighed in today at 186.1.....I think its only side affect is a little dry mouth here and there....BUT keep in mind...this is an appetite suppressant not a miracle pill...I've been watching what I eat and worked out a couple days this week...nothing too much but at home exercises that I found on Pinterest. For an example of what I eat... I have a smoothie in the morning...recipe varies a little but usually consists of baby spinach couple small scoops of Greek Vanilla yogurt....1 cup of fruit (I buy frozen so I don't need ice cubes) usually blueberries and strawberries and a cup of almond milk Blend til' smooth and its delish! Sometimes I add an avocado (which I don't like but in a smoothie is good and creamy cant taste it) and sometimes I'll use my Raspberry Zinger Tea in place of the Milk, and change the fruit up so its not always the same taste. Also I might add a little honey and cinnamon in the smoothie as well! For snacks Ill have nuts, celery and peanut butter (1tbsp), popcorn, granola, fruit, lunch salad with a protein like chicken and I used a Blush wine vinaigrette instead of my favorite Ranch, or a turkey sandwich with lettuce-sometimes no bread I just wrap the turkey in the lettuce...and dinner has been interesting...I love to cook and make my own things, so I've had Chicken Kabobs with peppers and onions the other day (honey garlic lime and soy sauce marinade-YUMMY!) with BAKED sweet potato fries (the only way I like sweet potatoes) I'm a picky eater too so recipes try my taste buds and textures bother me too...I made chicken broccoli alfredo the other night BUT my pasta was spaghetti squash (which is really good, texture is way different but good) and for my Alfredo sauce It was Almond Milk, garlic clove and a little Extra virgin Olive oil. Another night was stuffed peppers...I made my normal way, no short cuts (beef Rice a roni) Hamburg onion and tomato sauce stuffed into my Green bell pepper, My husband makes the BEST spaghetti saice but because im trying to be good I made an avocado roasted red pepper sauce....1 avocado 1 roasted red pepper (from a jar) or fresh, and a garlic clove with salt and pepper to taste added a little oregano and it was pretty good! and because last night I let my kids have their friends sleep over I ordered my favorite Papa Gino's pizza....I had 2 slices of a large cheese pizza and a small cup of cola...and turned the rest over to the kids where normally I would of ate like 4 slices until I was stuffed! The key to anything is self control even with this does suppress my appetite immensely, I basically force myself to eat what I do but eat in moderation...if you want ice cream, have a scoop instead of a bowl to curb the craving...or have frozen yogurt instead, DRINK WATER all day and if you're not an exercise enthusiast or runner like I'm not anymore...walk or find some home exercises to do just to keep your body moving! :)
  • kweese250
    kweese250 Posts: 2 Member
    I took phentermine 37.5mg for about 18 months starting back in 2008. when I first started taking them I weighed 250 lbs. by time I was done losing weight in 2010 ( cause I got pregnant) I was 155lbs. I have tried tons of diets before trying this and I must say it really did work for me. now back in the same boat after having 3 babies back to back. trying to get the weight back off:(
  • jsykes0040
    I was just given this by my Dr. to help with my weight loss. Although I don't think that I am over weight, but I do have problem areas. Mid section. I'm 5' 9" and 213 pounds, being this tall, it only makes me look like I'm pregnant. I'm still thin in the arms and legs, just big in the stomach. but my Dr. feels that this will help me loose the weight in my stomach. I suffer from nerve damage in my right leg and back so exercising for me in minimal. I hope to get back down to at least 180 lbs.

    I was worried about diet pills making me feel anxious or excitable and jittery. Like I had to much caffeine. Does this med do that to anyone? And I also am reading that it keeps some people awake at night, has anyone tried to counter act that with a sleeping pill? and if so, how is that working for you?

    Joreen S.
  • CrystalQ222
    CrystalQ222 Posts: 63 Member
    I was just given this by my Dr. to help with my weight loss. Although I don't think that I am over weight, but I do have problem areas. Mid section. I'm 5' 9" and 213 pounds, being this tall, it only makes me look like I'm pregnant. I'm still thin in the arms and legs, just big in the stomach. but my Dr. feels that this will help me loose the weight in my stomach. I suffer from nerve damage in my right leg and back so exercising for me in minimal. I hope to get back down to at least 180 lbs.

    I was worried about diet pills making me feel anxious or excitable and jittery. Like I had to much caffeine. Does this med do that to anyone? And I also am reading that it keeps some people awake at night, has anyone tried to counter act that with a sleeping pill? and if so, how is that working for you?

    Joreen S.

    The first few days it can make you dizzy and hyper to say the least. But then it calms down and you are not as jittery. I took it back like a year and a half ago and it works. Best to take in the morning so it wears off before bed. But I was taking zolpidem for sleep which is a generic for ambien and I was able to sleep well even if I took it at 5 pm. Just be careful, weight comes back on after you stop if you do not control what you eat.