binge days

I dont know what is going on. I was feeling really strong, dropping weight, eating carefully, and working out 6 days a week. dropped over ten pounds in like 8 weeks. Last couple weeks have been hard. Started a new job in a restaurant- attended wine and food tastings for it, missed gym days, and am having trouble avoiding all the pumpkin flavored stuff i love every fall. Recently just feel unmotivated and yucky. Working like 50-70 hours a week between my two jobs. I am just tired but any time i go over i feel like i am going to gain it all back. am allotted 1350 cal a day- just never feel full.....

feel really awful - went over 500 today.

5'6 123lbs, lots of muscle


  • kaylammi
    kaylammi Posts: 8 Member
    I feel ya. I went buck wild at a wedding last night and went over my calories by 1500 (!!!!!) They had food trucks, donuts, and BEER. So much beer. I drank 1000 calories worth of beer. I don't know what the hell came over me. And I definitely paid for it this morning.

    But today I got right back on the wagon.. Two months ago, messing up like that would have made me give up entirely. That's been the cycle for my entire life. I'm pretty proud of myself for not letting it destroy my hard work.
    And it doesn't have to destroy you either! You can do this! You just gotta keep looking towards the future!

    Also, do you eat back your calories after you work out? You're probably eating too low of calories if you aren't. That may be why you're not satisfied.
  • kowajenn
    kowajenn Posts: 274 Member
    You need the occasional bad day. Don't beat yourself up, especially over 500 measly calories.
  • Lolmankey
    The only way to feel full when eating low calories is lots and lots of vegetables. Also, budget some calories for junk, that way you don't have to be cheating to eat it. I budget a bag of candy every few days. And don't beat yourself up for going over your calorie limit, that's just a way your brain tricks you into thinking you care about it. If you really care about it, sit down and figure out what went wrong, how to structure your day so the right choices are easy, why you might have made the wrong choices despite your goals, and what you'll do next time. Lastly, use another fitness calculator (one that includes measurements, which you will need to take) to make sure 1350 is really enough calories for you. If you're trying to lose a lb a week, maybe lower it to .5 lb.
  • TonyStark30
    TonyStark30 Posts: 497 Member
    but that isn't really a binge day, probably barely takes you over Maintenance if that, its just what you should be eating.
  • Raynne413
    Raynne413 Posts: 1,527 Member
    500 calories over isn't much to worry about, honestly.

    When I was having the most trouble, I was working out too much (up to 3 hours a day) and not eating enough (only eating around 1200 total), and not eating enough fat. I don't know if that is the case with you, but you should make sure you are eating enough to support your activity levels. Since I've cut my workouts, and eat more (around 2000-2200 calories per day), and stopped eating only fat free stuff, I've had no problems.

    Also, sleep deprivation can also cause cravings because your body looks for the easiest source of energy, which is generally carbs.