Eating back calories..

What if you're just not hungry?? Should you force it?? I haven't been but I see some people criticizing others for not doing it so I'm JW.


  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    If you're netting super low calories all of the time, it's an issue because you cannot get proper nutrition netting 500 calories per day or whatever nonsense so many people put themselves through. If it's a day here or there, it's not a really big's about what's happening most of the time. If you're always netting super low calories, you're also burning up a lot of muscle which is always groovy...
  • darryl771
    darryl771 Posts: 8 Member
    I honestly think that you should force yourself to eat at least the amount you need to lose weight. I think if you don't eat, you can get develop all types of problems. I know when I am stressed, food is the last thing on my mind. But I still try to snack healthy.. at least some vitamins and nutrients.

    You don't want your body to shut down.
  • jallforme3
    jallforme3 Posts: 38 Member
    I wouldn't force it but make sure you are still at a reasonable net calorie goal. Also, a tablespoon or two of peanut butter is an easy way to add calories and a but of protein and yumminess.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    Save it for the weekend so you can eat a little more.
  • michellekicks
    michellekicks Posts: 3,624 Member
    If you're netting super low calories all of the time, it's an issue because you cannot get proper nutrition netting 500 calories per day or whatever nonsense so many people put themselves through. If it's a day here or there, it's not a really big's about what's happening most of the time. If you're always netting super low calories, you're also burning up a lot of muscle which is always groovy...

  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    I only eat from 1200-1300 if I exercise, at first I forced myself to eat back all my exercise calories, but thought "This is a real bat habit to get into". I also wasn't losing weight netting 1200 on an exercise day..

    In the end I guess it depends on how much you work out, how positive you are that you burnt close to that amount of calories and if you are actually hungry. Eating when you are NOT hungry is setting yourself up for bad habits.

    My opinion.
  • LurveTheDoctor
    My trainers said you didn't have to eat it.. But I'm seeing it here.

    I don't get the "netting" part.
  • LurveTheDoctor
    I only eat from 1200-1300 if I exercise, at first I forced myself to eat back all my exercise calories, but thought "This is a real bat habit to get into". I also wasn't losing weight netting 1200 on an exercise day..

    In the end I guess it depends on how much you work out, how positive you are that you burnt close to that amount of calories and if you are actually hungry. Eating when you are NOT hungry is setting yourself up for bad habits.

    My opinion.
    That's what got me fat in the first place haha.
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    My trainers said you didn't have to eat it.. But I'm seeing it here.

    I don't get the "netting" part.

    Your trainer probably thinks you are doing it the TDEE method which acounts for exercise. MFP is different and sets up your calorie intake to lose weight without exercise, when you exercise you make your deficit even larger which is why MFP gives you back calories to eat. Just like anything, too much of anything is not good for you, including too much of a deficit. The only thing is MFP maybe a little generous with calories burn, which is why it is a good idea to get an HRM to get more accurate calorie burn.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    If you're netting super low calories all of the time, it's an issue because you cannot get proper nutrition netting 500 calories per day or whatever nonsense so many people put themselves through. If it's a day here or there, it's not a really big's about what's happening most of the time. If you're always netting super low calories, you're also burning up a lot of muscle which is always groovy...
    this. eat them back.
  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    I only eat from 1200-1300 if I exercise, at first I forced myself to eat back all my exercise calories, but thought "This is a real bat habit to get into". I also wasn't losing weight netting 1200 on an exercise day..

    In the end I guess it depends on how much you work out, how positive you are that you burnt close to that amount of calories and if you are actually hungry. Eating when you are NOT hungry is setting yourself up for bad habits.

    My opinion.
    That's what got me fat in the first place haha.

    So instead of starting the bad habit again, only eat when you are hungry.. Most people feel hungrier on the day they work out anyway :)
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    I only eat from 1200-1300 if I exercise, at first I forced myself to eat back all my exercise calories, but thought "This is a real bat habit to get into". I also wasn't losing weight netting 1200 on an exercise day..

    In the end I guess it depends on how much you work out, how positive you are that you burnt close to that amount of calories and if you are actually hungry. Eating when you are NOT hungry is setting yourself up for bad habits.

    My opinion.
    That's what got me fat in the first place haha.

    So instead of starting the bad habit again, only eat when you are hungry.. Most people feel hungrier on the day they work out anyway :)

    Hunger is not a good indication on whether you are getting enough nutrition or not. People with ED get full of 600-800 calories, some over weight people eat more than enough and are still hungry.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I only eat from 1200-1300 if I exercise, at first I forced myself to eat back all my exercise calories, but thought "This is a real bat habit to get into". I also wasn't losing weight netting 1200 on an exercise day..

    In the end I guess it depends on how much you work out, how positive you are that you burnt close to that amount of calories and if you are actually hungry. Eating when you are NOT hungry is setting yourself up for bad habits.

    My opinion.
    That's what got me fat in the first place haha.

    So instead of starting the bad habit again, only eat when you are hungry.. Most people feel hungrier on the day they work out anyway :)
    "eating when you're hungry is setting up for bad habits"... is listening to your advice.

    If you're only eating 1200-1300 calories on the days that you work out, you're doing it wrong too.

    OP, the number MFP gives you is a goal with a deficit built in already. You can eat that amount and still lose.

    If you're having to "force yourself to eat" then stop eating diet food. Get a big handful of almonds, or some peanut butter or something if you need to hit your calories...

    ...otherwise, you'll be back here in a few more weeks asking the forums why you're so tired, or your hair is falling out.. or why your period is way off schedule.

    We'll tell you the same thing then as we are now.

    Eat. Eat more.
  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    I only eat from 1200-1300 if I exercise, at first I forced myself to eat back all my exercise calories, but thought "This is a real bat habit to get into". I also wasn't losing weight netting 1200 on an exercise day..

    In the end I guess it depends on how much you work out, how positive you are that you burnt close to that amount of calories and if you are actually hungry. Eating when you are NOT hungry is setting yourself up for bad habits.

    My opinion.
    That's what got me fat in the first place haha.

    So instead of starting the bad habit again, only eat when you are hungry.. Most people feel hungrier on the day they work out anyway :)
    "eating when you're hungry is setting up for bad habits"... is listening to your advice.

    If you're only eating 1200-1300 calories on the days that you work out, you're doing it wrong too.

    OP, the number MFP gives you is a goal with a deficit built in already. You can eat that amount and still lose.

    If you're having to "force yourself to eat" then stop eating diet food. Get a big handful of almonds, or some peanut butter or something if you need to hit your calories...

    ...otherwise, you'll be back here in a few more weeks asking the forums why you're so tired, or your hair is falling out.. or why your period is way off schedule.

    We'll tell you the same thing then as we are now.

    Eat. Eat more.

    I don't understand why you are quoting me on something I did not say? I also don't understand why you are telling me what I am doing is wrong when you don't even know what I am doing.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    I only eat from 1200-1300 if I exercise, at first I forced myself to eat back all my exercise calories, but thought "This is a real bat habit to get into". I also wasn't losing weight netting 1200 on an exercise day..

    In the end I guess it depends on how much you work out, how positive you are that you burnt close to that amount of calories and if you are actually hungry. Eating when you are NOT hungry is setting yourself up for bad habits.

    My opinion.
    That's what got me fat in the first place haha.

    So instead of starting the bad habit again, only eat when you are hungry.. Most people feel hungrier on the day they work out anyway :)
    "eating when you're hungry is setting up for bad habits"... is listening to your advice.

    If you're only eating 1200-1300 calories on the days that you work out, you're doing it wrong too.

    OP, the number MFP gives you is a goal with a deficit built in already. You can eat that amount and still lose.

    If you're having to "force yourself to eat" then stop eating diet food. Get a big handful of almonds, or some peanut butter or something if you need to hit your calories...

    ...otherwise, you'll be back here in a few more weeks asking the forums why you're so tired, or your hair is falling out.. or why your period is way off schedule.

    We'll tell you the same thing then as we are now.

    Eat. Eat more.

    I don't understand why you are quoting me on something I did not say? I also don't understand why you are telling me what I am doing is wrong when you don't even know what I am doing.

    I'm quoting you on what you said.

    That's why I quoted the post.

    You told the OP "Eating when you're are NOT hungry is setting yourself up for bad habits."

    That is doing absolutely nothing but building a bad relationship with food. How is "feeding your body ample nutrition" a bad habit anyway? I know, I'm all mean and stuff, right? You shouldn't be giving bad advice, that's all.

    ETA: If you're only netting 1200 calories on days that you work out, you're probably not eating enough as it is. Shocker, I know.. but the default response for most people in here is "I'm not losing, so I should eat less." It's sad how wrong that is.
  • forevertoday
    forevertoday Posts: 101 Member
    I never said you were mean :/, I actually think you are quite helpful..

    Not everyone thinks the same as each other and you should embrace that and share what you know, not just do the whole "I'm right, you're wrong" thing - Anyway, thanks for clearing it up now I guess I have some rethinking to do :)
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member
    So here. Here's a huge wall of text that might help. I put this together a while back. It seems to have helped some folks. It worked for me.

    1. don't trust the initial setup that MFP provides. If you put in the wrong/inaccurate information, it'll tell you to eat an amount that may not be applicable.
    2. Make sure you eat enough.
    3. Figure out what works for you and is sustainable/healthy/long term.
    4. avoid fads. don't buy in to any "Hey, try the twinkie and vodka diet"
    5. Don't cut out anything now that you don't plan on literally giving up forever.
    6. GET A FOOD SCALE. Weigh everything. No, seriously.
    7. Get an HRM with a chest strap. You'll at least have a better idea of what you're burning. It'll be more accurate than the generic info in the exercise database.. and even more than the cardio machines. This is great for steady state cardio (run/walk/etc)
    8. Don't go balls out. You'll burn out. I see 300 lb people show up here, instantly start working out and cutting their intake SEVERELY... trying to cut out all of their carbs at once.. whatever. Take it slow. Figure out how much you need to eat FIRST in order to lose.. then incorporate exercise.
    9. Don't cardio yourself to death.
    10. Take the information on the forums with a grain of salt. A lot of people that have been here for a while.. and have been successful, may seem jaded. They give out GREAT advice day after day, only to be met with people that refuse to listen.
    11. Eat real food. Not diet food. Not "low fat, sugar free, now without X." It's easier to get/find/count.
    12. don't set time restrictions.
    13. measure yourself weekly. Don't just weigh. Measure and take pictures.
    14 BE PATIENT.
    15. Avoid forum topics that have "1200" in the title. It's just full of butthurt. Lots of it.
    16. This isn't a game, it's about changing your lifestyle. Do that.

    pretty much that.

    ...and don't fall into the "1200 calorie" vertigo of suck because of:

    the typical MFP users does this:
    1. I wanna lose weight, let's try MFP.
    2. OH! Wow, it tells me I can lose 2 lbs a WEEK? AWESOME!
    3. I just sit at a desk when I'm not working out, I guess I'm sedentary.
    4. MFP tells them 1200 calories, and they don't even eat that.. then they work out on top of it.. creating an even bigger deficit.
    5. Lose a lot, fast, brag about 1200 calorie success.
    6. Come back in a few months trying to figure out why they're dizzy, tired, not losing weight.
    7. Get on the forums, ask why they aren't losing.
    8. Get two responses (I eat 1200 and lose) (I eat 2200 and lose)
    9. Argument ensues about who is right.

    Now. That being said. These threads happen hundreds of times per day. Most times, and I mean really.. seriously.. 95% of the time.. people get the 1200 number because they don't put the right information in when they set up the account. There are a great number of people that are trying to help. I'm one of 'em.

    I'm a hardcore advocate of actually finding out what works for the individual.. by means of other calculators, averages, time, practice, and patience.

    Blanket prescriptions of 1200 calories "because it worked for me" is more harmful to the generic new user than the "figure out what you need to eat." Unfortunately, one is a LOT easier to type.

    Find out what you need:
    Take the tips, links, and info above and make the cart more manageable to stay on.
  • LurveTheDoctor
    I only eat from 1200-1300 if I exercise, at first I forced myself to eat back all my exercise calories, but thought "This is a real bat habit to get into". I also wasn't losing weight netting 1200 on an exercise day..

    In the end I guess it depends on how much you work out, how positive you are that you burnt close to that amount of calories and if you are actually hungry. Eating when you are NOT hungry is setting yourself up for bad habits.

    My opinion.
    That's what got me fat in the first place haha.

    So instead of starting the bad habit again, only eat when you are hungry.. Most people feel hungrier on the day they work out anyway :)
    "eating when you're hungry is setting up for bad habits"... is listening to your advice.

    If you're only eating 1200-1300 calories on the days that you work out, you're doing it wrong too.

    OP, the number MFP gives you is a goal with a deficit built in already. You can eat that amount and still lose.

    If you're having to "force yourself to eat" then stop eating diet food. Get a big handful of almonds, or some peanut butter or something if you need to hit your calories...

    ...otherwise, you'll be back here in a few more weeks asking the forums why you're so tired, or your hair is falling out.. or why your period is way off schedule.

    We'll tell you the same thing then as we are now.

    Eat. Eat more.

    I was actually suffering hair loss befoer I started working out.
  • LurveTheDoctor
    My trainers said you didn't have to eat it.. But I'm seeing it here.

    I don't get the "netting" part.

    Your trainer probably thinks you are doing it the TDEE method which acounts for exercise. MFP is different and sets up your calorie intake to lose weight without exercise, when you exercise you make your deficit even larger which is why MFP gives you back calories to eat. Just like anything, too much of anything is not good for you, including too much of a deficit. The only thing is MFP maybe a little generous with calories burn, which is why it is a good idea to get an HRM to get more accurate calorie burn.

    I have been putting in the number the machine gives me for calories.