Exercise DVD

princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
edited September 22 in Fitness and Exercise
I'm bored with doing the treadmill everyday. I'm looking for an exercise DVD to throw in there a few times a week. Unfortunately, there are so many out there! Does anyone have an opinion on a fun one that gives a good workout? I've been looking at Jillian Michaels, p90x, etc.. Help!


  • budgetqueen79
    budgetqueen79 Posts: 310 Member
    I like Turbo Jam!
  • Nano911
    Nano911 Posts: 18 Member
    I have been doing P90X for the last 29 weeks!! I have a few but this is my favorite!!
  • gogospice
    gogospice Posts: 185 Member
    I've been doing the Biggest Loser Bootcamp video, Billys Bootcamp Cardio Inferno, and Bob Harper's- Inside Out Method (this one I can only get about half way through before my legs kill me) And I like all of them... The Biggest Loser ones are still my favorite, because it shows average people working out and sweating, unlike the others where it isl completely fit people making it look like its easy...
  • YogaRunner
    YogaRunner Posts: 652 Member
    It really depends on what your goals are. Different DVD's are geared toward different goals, likes and so on. I wanted to build muscle and become leaner...so I chose ChaLEAN Extreme. Then, I wanted to boost my metabolism and utilize oxygen better to improve my running stamina...so i chose Turbo Fire. I know people who were just getting started working out seriously so they chose Slim in 6 and had amazing results. A friend of mine loves to dance so she chose Hip Hop Abs and another friend is very focused on her religion and so she chose Body Gospel! There is something out there for everyone for sure!
  • mlh612
    mlh612 Posts: 311 Member
    I like Jillian Michaels Mastering Your Metabolism... It is a great work-out and I am always worn out afterwards :smile:
  • rachelblank427
    rachelblank427 Posts: 180 Member
    I've been doing the Biggest Loser Bootcamp video, Billys Bootcamp Cardio Inferno, and Bob Harper's- Inside Out Method (this one I can only get about half way through before my legs kill me) And I like all of them... The Biggest Loser ones are still my favorite, because it shows average people working out and sweating, unlike the others where it isl completely fit people making it look like its easy...

    Agreed! I like the biggest loser workouts because they are customizable also.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    I'm doing the Jillian Michael's 30 day shred... It is definitely a challenge~!
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    Thanks for the ideas! The Biggest Loser sounds good and also P90x. I'm worried about P90x though...I've heard it's intense!
  • jmmtaylor
    jmmtaylor Posts: 225
    Turbo Jam is fun! I also do JM's 30 day shred (when I want a change). We have p90x and it's really intense. I can't do that one and I'm kind of upset (lots of pushups and I have a bad wrist).

    I would say go check out Walmart. They have $10 cardio DVD's. I like the dancey type dvd's myself :)
  • I do the 30 Day Shred by Jillian Michaels. It's only 20 minutes, but that 20 minutes will kick your butt! I love it b/c I have 3 small kids and 20 minutes is perfect...and easier AND cheaper than taking them all to a daycare at the gym. I've had a lot of friends buy it after I suggested and they love it. It's cardio and strength training so you will need hand weights. I have 2# weights b/c she does a TON of reps. Hope that helps a little!
  • rbcca19
    rbcca19 Posts: 91
    I'm doing the 30 Day Shred as well. I love it. I like that it has 3 levels and you work up to each one.
  • princessmikayla5
    princessmikayla5 Posts: 140 Member
    Jillian Michaels also sounds good. I can't do the dance workouts! I have no body rhythm whatsoever :D
  • Nano911
    Nano911 Posts: 18 Member
    No doubt P90X is a tough workout. When I bought it, I was not sure I could do it. I was just finishing slim in 6 and wanted to keep going. What I found out after I bought P90X is that you can modify almost every move. It combines 3 days of weight lifting and 2 days of cardio and a day of yoga. The program is always changing so it does not get boring, covers all your bases with lifting, cardio, stretching, gives very good instruction on how to do the exercises properly and has a set schedule to complete the program. I dont think you can go wrong with any of the beachbody videos. The few I have are all very good.
  • I'm a 2x P90X graduate, yes it's intense but doable for sure, if you're really detriment to reach your goal and get the best body you've ever head it's worth it! Believe me it will be hard at first but in the long run it will be so worth it :)

    I'm doing INSANITY right now which is MUCH more intense then P90X but also a challenge and I like a good challenge :wink:

    Whatever you choose I suggest you check out www.beachbody.com they are the organisation behind P90X, Turbo Jam, Insanity and a lot of other great workout programs.

    Good luck on making your choice :)
  • rensmom
    rensmom Posts: 13
    I have been doing the 10-lb slimdown (also available On Demand) and really like the series a lot! Great workout in a short period of time since it's circuit training.
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