post wedding blues.



  • learnerdriver
    learnerdriver Posts: 298 Member
    I am finding maintaining exercise mojo easier by setting fitness goals and by increasing my level of normal movement, which is not gym related- do something outside, do it together (ie a walk after dinner/lifting together)

    Love your wedding shot.
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    If I relied on motivation, I'd have quit the day after I started.

    It's a matter of making it a requirement, a non-negotiable part of your life. I have to pay the bills, clean cat boxes, shave my legs, floss my teeth, and exercise, or I'll have the utilities turned off, smell like cat pee, have gorilla legs, lose my teeth, and my pants won't fit. It's part of my routine, same as the other tasks.

    Make a schedule and stick with it like it's your job.
  • loserbaby84
    loserbaby84 Posts: 241 Member
    My first instinct is to ask if your new hubby works out..

    I find going to the gym with someone motivates you more than going alone!

    If not, a PT will always kick your butt into shape if you have the $$ or I find that a great play list helps me any time I exercise :)

    Find your groove, you got this!
  • SkimFlatWhite68
    SkimFlatWhite68 Posts: 1,254 Member
    Beautiful wedding photo :) congratulations.

    Post wedding weight gain is pretty normal. You are happy and enjoying your new life with hubby.

    Try to schedule some time in for exercise - even just go for a walk together or something.

    Diet is where you need to be pulling the reins in - it's 70-80% of the fat loss equation. Make a plan, stick to your calorie goal and log everthing you put in your mouth. Maybe be stricter on the weekdays and allow yourself the weekends to indulge if that helps.
  • BusyRaeNOTBusty
    BusyRaeNOTBusty Posts: 7,166 Member
    My current motivator is a trip to Aruba for our 10 year anniversary :drinker: . Start getting in shape for that :bigsmile: .
  • missydawn1973
    I find its easier to stay motivated with in a group.. I think having contact with people on a daily basis helps keep me accountable and helps me stay motivated.
  • FrancesGallagher
    FrancesGallagher Posts: 88 Member
    A goal and a routine is the way to go and you are going to be so much happier with yourself. The wedding is over and getting ready for that big day was your goal, I am not surprised that you are experiencing the post wedding blues. Please try hard to get back into taking care of you and getting back into planning your food and exercise. Good luck with your program.
  • kristina1105
    I am in a similar boat! I got married in June and while I have only gained 5 pounds back I feel like I lost all of my tone when I stopped working out because I was studying for my CPA exam.

    NOW I am back on track - I find that the best way for me to work out is going to a boxing class. I LOVE it and easily get addicted!!! If you have a boxing club around you that has classes (mine are called power hour classes) I highly recomend them! They push you and its an amazing stress reliever. I am starting out slow for now at 3 days a week but am hoping to build my way back to 4 - 5 days a week like I was doing pre-wedding!

    I just started logging again (today) and try to keep friends on here that do the same - that way I stay accountable and motivated! Feel free to friend me if you like!
  • keem88
    keem88 Posts: 1,689 Member
    i hate the gym. the only reason i am motivated is because i love to hike so that is my exercise. you need to find something you love to do like dancing, running, hiking, swimming, skip it, jump wrote, spinning in circles, hoola hopping. if it feels like it is impossible to go to the gym then maybe you need something you find fun?
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    It's a routine part of my life. Asking me how I stay motivated to hit the gym or otherwise workout is like asking me how I stay motivated to brush my teeth in the morning and before's just something I do. People tend to have this issue when they mentally have working out some separate activity that is outside of the normal routine...when it's routine, you just do it and you feel rather ****ty when you don't. I feel like smashing someones skull in when I miss a lifting session.
  • naturallyme36
    naturallyme36 Posts: 155 Member
    bump for later :wink:
  • skcardiog
    skcardiog Posts: 316 Member
    The guy in the mirror I see every morning motivates me to do better each day .
  • LilMissKrissy
    I gained 10-15 pounds after my wedding (One year in November!), and now that none of my pants fit anymore, I'm mad enough to hit a treadmill for an hour. Mind you, I was a skinny minnie for years because I took ballet lessons. I took up yoga to keep the flexibility, but didn't keep up with it.

    I may be the only woman to have ever asked her husband for a gym membership for their first anniversary. What does that say about me or my marriage?
  • somerisagirlsname
    somerisagirlsname Posts: 467 Member
    If I relied on motivation, I'd have quit the day after I started.

    It's a matter of making it a requirement, a non-negotiable part of your life. I have to pay the bills, clean cat boxes, shave my legs, floss my teeth, and exercise, or I'll have the utilities turned off, smell like cat pee, have gorilla legs, lose my teeth, and my pants won't fit. It's part of my routine, same as the other tasks.

    Make a schedule and stick with it like it's your job.

    love this
  • jamiem1102
    jamiem1102 Posts: 1,196 Member
    My jeans. If they start getting tight - that's motivation enough. The only new size of jeans I'll purchase is a size smaller. Larger is not an option.
  • haunstar
    haunstar Posts: 40 Member
    just don't let that 12 pounds turn into 60.

    Find something you like to do- find a workout partner, or try something new, maybe swimming, or zumba or weights? I have found that half of my battle is getting to the gym.

    Best of luck! Your wedding picture is beautiful!
  • dmarie4032
    You remind me of Meg Ryan (circa Harry Met Sally) in your wedding photo. To your question though, perhaps you were really motivated to hit the gym because of the wedding. And now that has come and gone (congrats by the way), it may be that you should explore other types of exercise that you actually enjoy and triple point score if whatever you enjoy is easily accessible. So, going to the gym requires transporting yourself there, transitioning, changing clothes, etc. However, jogging around the block, jumping rope for a few minutes, getting in a few push-ups or planks can add up and it's convenient. And if you're really lacking the motivation, just start moving and see what happens. "Showing up" is the hardest part. All this is easy to say though, I realize. I would like to magically transform into a morning exerciser so that I can ensure that exercise happens every day, but I've yet to make the leap. I also like the suggestion about tight fitting clothes serving as a motivator. Never let yourself slip into comfy pants or a larger size unless you've exercised for the day. Elastic makes it easy to fool oneself.
  • DaveneGfit
    DaveneGfit Posts: 338 Member
    If I relied on motivation, I'd have quit the day after I started.

    It's a matter of making it a requirement, a non-negotiable part of your life. I have to pay the bills, clean cat boxes, shave my legs, floss my teeth, and exercise, or I'll have the utilities turned off, smell like cat pee, have gorilla legs, lose my teeth, and my pants won't fit. It's part of my routine, same as the other tasks.

    Make a schedule and stick with it like it's your job.

    I fully agree! Some days I don't have the motivation to do it, but it's a matter of making it apart of my routine until it is just what I do. When I first started I had no motivation to work out, but I kept on going because I wanted the change so bad. Sometimes you just have to fake it to you make it
  • aelphabawest
    aelphabawest Posts: 173 Member
    It helps that I've found something I can do regularly that I love (running), so I actually look forward to it. But when it's something i'm eh about I just make it a.) as easy as possible (close to where I live or work and at a time that bookends work or is right when I wake up) b.) a priority (such as, as one of the other posters put it, paying bills). c.) routine (every MWF, running, every TR, weight training, etc.)
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    If I relied on motivation, I'd have quit the day after I started.

    It's a matter of making it a requirement, a non-negotiable part of your life. I have to pay the bills, clean cat boxes, shave my legs, floss my teeth, and exercise, or I'll have the utilities turned off, smell like cat pee, have gorilla legs, lose my teeth, and my pants won't fit. It's part of my routine, same as the other tasks.

    Make a schedule and stick with it like it's your job.
