Calorie Deficit - Seems to be a hot but confusing topic.

mwal74 Posts: 112 Member
edited November 2023 in Getting Started
I found this article today and thought it explained calorie deficit, burning fat, and retaining muscle quite well.

Here's the way I understand it; please let me know if I am mistaken.

MFP tells me I should eat 1350 calories. Honestly, I have a difficult time eating that much without getting sick or feeling like I'm ALWAYS eating! I lowered it to 1200, because that's more realistic for me. I still manage being under by 50-150 every day but I'm never hungry. I do take vitamins and I eat healthy foods, so I don't feel that my nutrition suffers.

So I eat ~1100 calories per day.
I drink 4-6 20-oz bottles of water per day.
I exercise on the gazelle (elliptical) and burn 700 calories. (gauge says 1,200 but I hear they're usually off, so I round down by just under half)
So my net calories are 400.

But because I ate 1100 calories and my deficit is 700 calories, I'm still eating enough to remain healthy and rarely eat extra due to working out or "make up my deficit" as some say. I feel like that is my sweet spot for burning fat without sacrificing muscle, as the article states.


  • astartig
    astartig Posts: 549 Member
    when they say deficit they don't mean your net calories for the day. they mean how much under what your target maintenance calories would be. So if your maintenance calories would be 1800 that would be 1300 calories to 1500 calories. if maintenance is 2300 that would be 1800 to 2000 calories you should be eating NET.

    1200 calories is the minimum they recommend you get to get nutrients you need. While supplements are helpful they don't necessarily absorb the same way nutrients from food sources absorb.

    While I don't think you are really going to harm yourself with what you're doing at this point (it's extreme and aggressive and depending on a lot of factors might hurt you in some ways) I don't think it's optimal.

    most likely you will burn out going at it like this. it's not a sustainable approach. it's best to make lifestyle changes so you don't gain it all back later when you go back to what you were doing before.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    If you've just started you're likely to feel that's enough for now, and you can go on for a while. But in a few weeks you're going to start feeling hungry and weak, and at that point, don't be afraid to up your intake because 400 net calories is unlikely to stick. If you feel hungry or lethargic then you're eating too little.
  • bybyadipocytes
    bybyadipocytes Posts: 51 Member
    I'm confused. why is it so hard for you to eat 1350 cals? It isn't much at all, especially if you are burning 700 calories, which would take like 2 hours on a gazelle. How long do you use the gazelle for?
  • jmp463
    jmp463 Posts: 266 Member
    Are you losing lbs??? With those number I would think it's falling off you.

    However unless you are working out at least an hour at pretty good pace. I am doubting the 700 cals burned. You need to be careful with that. MFP way over estimates cardio calories burned.

    Otherwise if you are not hungry and feel good then great.

    I wish you well
  • 141by2016
    141by2016 Posts: 179
    Just decided I am not getting involved.
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    If you've just started you're likely to feel that's enough for now, and you can go on for a while. But in a few weeks you're going to start feeling hungry and weak, and at that point, don't be afraid to up your intake because 400 net calories is unlikely to stick. If you feel hungry or lethargic then you're eating too little.

    ^^Yes. This.
  • MuseofSong
    MuseofSong Posts: 322 Member
    Well, if she wants to eat 1100 calories a day, burn 700 of it on her work out equipment and tell everyone she's not hungry, feels great, yadda yadda, whateva!

    How'd you gain 50 lbs? Did the magical weight fairy kiss your forehead and bestow glitter and starshine calories upon you? Dude, that's totally how I got fat. It wasn't like I was hungry all the time, stress eating, or having hormone issues . . . it was magic! And I'm losing weight the same way! I just think happy thoughts and tell myself I'm not hungry! squeee!

    Seriously though, you're doing it wrong.

    And, at a 400 calorie a day net, you're well on the way to an eating disorder.

    I really do not think you're being honest here or with yourself. There's no way in Hades you got to 195 pounds eating 1100 calories a day and feeling 'sick' if you forced yourself to eat 1350. No one gets obese on 1350 a day, even if you're really short and delicately boned, it just would not happen.

    I eat 1800-2k a day, lightly active, and lose weight. Of course, I have 2x as much to lose as you, but that doesn't mean I'd eat half the calories even if I was your size. Do not eat under 1200 NET calories.
  • mamadon
    mamadon Posts: 1,422 Member
    Eating under 1200 calories is not sustainable for the long term. Netting 400 calories is way too low for your health. I have to ask, how it is you have trouble eating at least 1200 calories? No offense but you didnt get to a place where you need to lose weight by under eating. i know I didn't. What is your plan after you lose the weight?
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    You are eating to little to fuel your body with all the elliptical exercise. By the way, unless you use it for two hours or thereabouts, I believe the estimate on your machine is off.

    Think of food as fuel for your body. If, after you've entered everything into your profile, MFP sets you at 1,200 calories, that amount is for if you do nothing at all. Your calorie deficit is already worked in so you don't have to worry about it. When you add exercise, you are supposed to eat a portion or all of those exercise calories back.

    Food fuels your body, like gasoline fuels your car.

    Please take a closer look at your logic and see that you are eating way too little to keep your body in healthy state.
  • SLLRunner
    SLLRunner Posts: 12,942 Member
    I have to ask, how it is you have trouble eating at least 1200 calories? No offense but you didnt get to a place where you need to lose weight by under eating. i know I didn't. What is your plan after you lose the weight?

    I echo this. Boy, all of us ate way over our calorie allotment to put on weight, therefore I don't understand how eating some healthy calories can be difficult.
  • Duck_Puddle
    Duck_Puddle Posts: 3,237 Member
    I have a new friend on mfp and the first day she looked at my diary, she wrote "Now I see why you're so successful. You maximize the amount of food you can enjoy."

    Eat. It's good for you. Do something you can maintain forever. I know it feels perfect right now, but as mentioned by a PP, in a few weeks it'll catch up to you and you'll be feeling not so hot and wondering why you're craving everything under the sun and having uncontrollable binges. Mfp does the math for you. Eat until it says 0 calories remaining (and up your goal back to 1350).
  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    I am not going to go into great detail. The whole point of a calorie goal is to be met. You wouldn't set a goal to finish a project and just leave a little bit undone, would you? Anyhow. When you exercise you are supposed to eat those calories to replenish your bodybecause you are already at a deficit. Think in the long term. When you are at your goal weight you will need to eat at maintenance. You will also need to eat your exercise calories then, otherwise you will continue to lose weight. Simple.
  • nelinelineli
    nelinelineli Posts: 330 Member
    I have to ask, how it is you have trouble eating at least 1200 calories? No offense but you didnt get to a place where you need to lose weight by under eating. i know I didn't. What is your plan after you lose the weight?

    I echo this. Boy, all of us ate way over our calorie allotment to put on weight, therefore I don't understand how eating some healthy calories can be difficult.

    Many of us don't have big stomachs - we got fat on sweets, pastry, sweetened drinks etc, not on big quantities of food. When switching to a clean diet you can feel full on 800 calories a day - for a while. It's just an adjustment period, that I personally don't see needing to be "fixed" as long as you know what's going to come next.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    Sweet. Another semi-starvation diet.
  • munchkin0518
    I see you're new to this. Your entire "diet" is a noob mistake and will come crashing down on you.
  • darkrose20
    darkrose20 Posts: 1,139 Member

    EDIT because the pic was too big, and can't resize images at work. :sad:
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    I feel like that is my sweet spot for burning fat without sacrificing muscle, as the article states.

    Thats a gem right there. :laugh: :laugh:
  • Cindyinpg
    Cindyinpg Posts: 3,902 Member
    I found this article today and thought it explained calorie deficit, burning fat, and retaining muscle quite well.

    Here's the way I understand it; please let me know if I am mistaken.

    MFP tells me I should eat 1350 calories. Honestly, I have a difficult time eating that much without getting sick or feeling like I'm ALWAYS eating! I lowered it to 1200, because that's more realistic for me. I still manage being under by 50-150 every day but I'm never hungry. I do take vitamins and I eat healthy foods, so I don't feel that my nutrition suffers.

    So I eat ~1100 calories per day.
    I drink 4-6 20-oz bottles of water per day.
    I exercise on the gazelle (elliptical) and burn 700 calories. (gauge says 1,200 but I hear they're usually off, so I round down by just under half)
    So my net calories are 400.

    But because I ate 1100 calories and my deficit is 700 calories, I'm still eating enough to remain healthy and rarely eat extra due to working out or "make up my deficit" as some say. I feel like that is my sweet spot for burning fat without sacrificing muscle, as the article states.
    As a few people already stated: you are not eating enough, especially if you are exercising. Start over right at the beginning and calculate a reasonable calorie deficit and set your macro and micronutrient goals. This is a great place to start:
    Good luck.:flowerforyou:
  • mwal74
    mwal74 Posts: 112 Member
    Oh wow. I honestly don't think I've ever felt this much animosity in a forum or been attacked so harshly. I just made my diary public for all to see. I munch a lot, so I cater my diet to include several healthy snacks per day while having three small-medium size meals. Please keep in mind that normally my diet consists of at least two salads per day, but since I began tracking on MFP, I had munchie foods here (the special K bars and such) so that's what I ate (a lot). My vehicle was in the garage and I hadn't been grocery shopping for "real food". That changed tonight, because I got my durango back today.

    Now I'll try to address several issues.

    "when they say deficit they don't mean your net calories for the day. they mean how much under what your target maintenance calories would be." & "it's best to make lifestyle changes so you don't gain it all back later when you go back to what you were doing before."

    Thank you, that's very helpful! I am actually making several lifestyle changes. Cutting out alcohol, getting off my butt, not working as hard, eating small amounts more often... the list goes on.

    "How long do you use the gazelle for?"

    90 to 120 minutes per day. I usually go for an hour at a time twice a day. I don't do it to try to kill myself, I enjoy it! I start pandora, grab the ear buds, and have some personal time, and I love it! I'm usually drenched in sweat every session!

    "Many of us don't have big stomachs - we got fat on sweets, pastry, sweetened drinks etc, not on big quantities of food. When switching to a clean diet you can feel full on 800 calories a day - for a while. It's just an adjustment period, that I personally don't see needing to be "fixed" as long as you know what's going to come next."

    Thank you nelinelineli and QuietBloom, that was the most constructive and helpful message I've seen yet. I wasn't aware that switching to cleaner foods would make me feel fuller on fewer calories. Thank you for preparing me for "what's going to come next" I'll make sure to keep an eye on that.

    "Are you losing lbs??? With those number I would think it's falling off you." & "I wish you well"

    Thank you for the well wishes! I am! I'm averaging a pound every other day right now, but I do know that will slow down. When I first started with the Gazelle, I was gaining muscle but burning fat. I begin each session slowly to warm up, work up to 140 heart rate (aerobic), and then cool down during the last 10 mins. I follow up with a lot of stretching. When I was gaining pounds but losing fat, I could feel a difference in how my clothing felt, and how I felt overall. I knew it was improvement in my overall health. After about 5 pounds gained, I started losing quite quickly.

    "How'd you gain 50 lbs? Did the magical weight fairy kiss your forehead and bestow glitter and starshine calories upon you?"

    I've addressed this once, but to reiterate: poor diet choices, fast food, lots of beer and doritos, no exercise, lots of candy, and simply not caring about myself or my personal appearance.

    "You didn't get to the place where you need to lose weight by under eating." & " What is your plan after you lose the weight?"

    You're exactly right, I didn't. I got to this weight by living a sedentary lifestyle, working at the computer, playing video games with my husband and kids, eating potato chips, fast food, and candy whenever I wanted, and drinking beer. Please don't look at this as "she's whining that she can't eat so many calories oh boohoo, attention *kitten*" - my questions and comments were sincere unlike many of the flaming responses I received. My plan for after losing the weight is to continue building muscle until I feel healthy and look toned. I have already promised myself that I will never be this overweight again.

    "Do something you can maintain forever. I know it feels perfect right now, but as mentioned by a PP, in a few weeks it'll catch up to you and you'll be feeling not so hot and wondering why you're craving everything under the sun and having uncontrollable binges."

    Thank you for this. What I'm doing right now is something I feel that I can maintain forever. If or when that changes, I will adapt.

    Yes, I am. Cute pic!

    To all:

    I appreciate most of the comments here. I used to be an assistant aerobics instructor (in 1990 when I was in high school), and I was an exotic dancer (stripper) in 1992 after I had my daughter. I had my son in 1997, and within 6 months I was back into a size 7 (about 130 pounds), and working out with tae bo every day. I also ran three miles twice a week and was an avid horseback rider. I'm no stranger to eating healthy and living a healthy lifestyle.

    Several years ago I had some family problems and turned to eating for comfort. That's also when I started drinking more. Then in 2001, my world came crashing in around me. My brother, my only sibling, who was seven years younger than me, was killed in a car accident. No matter how many times you hear, "he died instantly" and "he didn't suffer" - those don't make it ok. They don't make you wish it hadn't happened. They don't make you choose to live a healthy lifestyle. They make you take pills to force yourself back to sleep when you wake up because the reality of being awake hurts to your very soul. They make you ignore everything and everyone around you. Including yourself.

    Those of you who made rude comments, I thank you as well. The world needs all types I suppose. I did not join MFP for negativity; I've had enough of that in my life. I hope that after reading a little more about me, you understand that I'm not whining for attention or some uneducated little twit looking to starve to death. If you still have the same initial impression of me, feel free to continue your barrage of insults and negative comments. I'm strong enough to handle them. Life does that.
  • mwal74
    mwal74 Posts: 112 Member
    As a few people already stated: you are not eating enough, especially if you are exercising. Start over right at the beginning and calculate a reasonable calorie deficit and set your macro and micronutrient goals. This is a great place to start:
    Good luck.:flowerforyou:

    Thank you! I'll go look now.
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