Me Again!! Active Chatty Daily Loggers Wanted!

Howdy folks :drinker:

I love this site but feel I need some more support as I've hit about the 3/4 way of my weight loss (lost 75llbs) and need to mix it up so looking for like minded active users who can share training tips and advice and in return you'll get somebody who'll burst your *kitten* and of course support and help you. I am a very active user so you'll either love me or want to slap me by the end of each week :drinker:

Be warned though my diet isn't as "clean" (whatever that means) as it should be so if you are offended by Cheeseburgers and Chicken Kebabs or Tequila you best not add me because I've "offended" people with my food choices and who doesn't love a good burger! Come on its protein people !! lol

Also "friend collectors" who don't chat or log need not bother as you'll be deleted by the end of the week!

Happy Tuesday folks and thanks for reading

:bigsmile: C x


  • EdTheGinge
    EdTheGinge Posts: 1,616 Member
    Me me pick me *stretches up into the air

    You forgot to mention the need for a little message with any request lol
  • BlueAngelChar
    BlueAngelChar Posts: 1,364 Member
    As Ed so aptly put please include a little message with the request and i'll do the same! cheers! :drinker:
  • darkon
    darkon Posts: 5,342 MFP Moderator
    I am very very active and chatty aswell, my wall is daily spammed and i check most of my friend's diary.

    I also want active ppl that interact with me, and if they do not i weekly delete these.

    Feel free to add me if you are interested in a supportative active fitness pal :P
  • CitizenMichael
    CitizenMichael Posts: 50 Member
    Phew someone else who sneaks a chicken kebab into their diet - Yeah !

    Also happy to hear from like minded people who are on a weight loss journey feel free to send an invite,

    I will follow the route of no friend collectors though as well
  • hurcheon
    hurcheon Posts: 2 Member

    I've been overweight a long time.

    I lost a lot (about 203lbs) between 2002 and 2006, but over the last seven years I put 161 of that back on.

    I am now trying to lose 196 pounds. So far, over the last five weeks, I've managed 17. My main change was to cut out junk snacks.

    A colleague recommended MyFitnessPal and the scary thing that came out is, that without the junk, I am actually still pretty much on the diet I was on before, so if I had eaten a bit more, and forgotten about the junk, I wouldn't have put the weight on. Pretty much true for a lot of folk.

    I am making sure that healthy, home made curries and the like are still being eaten, and I'll eat out, just try and balance it, not be daft.

    I'm moving more, and even though I'm way heavier than I want to be, just a bit of a walk each day is making moving so much easier