how to jump start loss again???? plz help

kalebsmama07 Posts: 503
edited September 22 in Health and Weight Loss
i was eatting 2000 or more calorie diet now ive cutt back to 1200 roughly n still not seeing a jump start in weight loss... ive cutt back for probley 2 weeks now...i drink and eat rite most of the time! any tips and help welcome nice answers only plz


  • themommie
    themommie Posts: 5,033 Member
    are you getting in exercise? also if you are, you might try mixing it up ( not doing the same thing everyday), Just hang in there and keep sticking to it, it will come off. The ones that dont make it to goal are the ones that give up. You can do it
  • udallmom101
    udallmom101 Posts: 564 Member
    You could be placing your body is starvation mode going from 2000 calories a day to 1200. I would be real careful! Your metabolism will slow and your weight loss will stall.
    I have been told by countless people, doctors, and family members in the medical field, that losing 1 lb. a week, possibly 2, is best. You will always lose a lot at first. Don't get discouraged.
    I have found though, if I don't stick to any one exercise regime, not giving my body the time to get used to any one activity, the weight does come off. You also have to take into account that the more weight you lose the harder you have to work to work off the calories. The more you weigh the more calories you burn usually.
    Just stick with what you were doing and go back to the basics. Patience and love in your journey.
  • To me, 1200 seems to little. I'm guessing your body is in survival mode. I'd say increase your cal and your exercise.
  • I am in the process of restarting mine too. The body gets used to any routine and adjusts so you have to adjust with it. Hang in there.
  • I had a similar issue. I spoke to my doctor and was informed that once you drop below 1300 calories your body enters a type of starvation mode which tweaks with your metabolism thus resulting in difficulty losing weight. My doctor told me to do between 1300-1500 calories. I have been doing that with the occasional day below 1300 and it seemed to do the trick for me. May want to give it a try for a week or so. Hopefully you will have the same positive results.
  • I struggled with weight loss and working out for five years. Then I used Jenny Craig and it worked, except it was expensive for me. This time I used a combo of the Michael Thurmond [six week plan] and the Jillian [Biggest Loser-new book]. It has finally started melting off me for the first time in years.

    I have lost 13 pounds since Labor Day. I am not hungry and I am shocked each time I get on the scale. I eat small meals and track them on myfittnesspal. I was not eating enough calories, nor was I eating the right things. I am now eating only food that I prepare [at least 80% of it, I can't help but hit Tropical Smoothie once a week]. I am eating 1200 calories also, drinking 8-10 glasses of water a day, and eating meat in portions no larger than 2-4 ounces. I eat protein with every fruit/carb to lower the impact on my glucose. Hope this helps.:happy:
  • kimi233
    kimi233 Posts: 271 Member
    If you are working out and only eating 1200 calories total your body is probably going into starvation mode. If you are working out, like the other ladies said, try mixing things up... if you have been doing only cardio, add some strength training, and change what type of cardio you are doing. I would also add a "cheat" meal in and see if that helps. It may shock your body again to start loosing weight. Are you taking a rest day while working out??? That makes a difference to?!
  • vcatmb44
    vcatmb44 Posts: 129 Member
    I am having the same problem i have been eating healthy and 1200 cal now for like 3 weeks and i just started working out again yesterday but i havent lost a pound?! Im hoping that now ive started working out again i will start to lose but it makes no sense
  • Mamasota
    Mamasota Posts: 144
    Get off that plateau - Try this - multiply the calories you eat by 7. Now divide those calories up so that on some days you are way over and on others you are under. At the end of the week, you should have consumed the same number as usual. I don't know why this works for some people but it does. Don't forget to get plenty of water.

    Monday - under by 300 calories
    Tuesday - under by 200 calories
    Wednesday - over y 500 calories
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    Here's what I most recently did to bust through my latest plateau. I have been using the workout program P90X for about 6 months, but had not seen any weight loss in about five weeks. I certaily was getting enough exercies, working out 6 days a week.. I was eating 2200 calories and I'm 6 feet was 182 at the time. As I began my 3rd round of P90X I upped my calories by 500 a day to 2,700 and dropped 5 pounds in a week.

    I find that along with mixing up my workouts I need to mix up my caloric intake as well.
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