Trying to lose 150 pounds...

Hi, my name is Litha. I am a mother of 3 and a wife.

I am 150 pounds overweight (well a little less now that I've been working out and watching my caloric intake). I have PCOS and it makes it very difficult to lose weight. In the past I was discouraged when I'd do the same workout as someone else and eat the same calories, yet they'd lose more pounds than I would. That would make me stop and discourage me.

Now I have decided to take the focus off of "diet" and "exercise" and make it a life choice to be healthy, with a twist. I am exercising (of course) but with the goal of getting healthy with more mobility, and not the focus of losing weight, which means if I only lose a pound in a month... that's okay! I am also not "dieting"... I am eating what I want when I want but the only difference is... I'm stopping when I'm satisfied (not when I'm full). I have found that I eat 1/2 as much if not a 1/3 as much food as I did by doing this. So my caloric intake is where my endocrinologist said he wanted it (between 1000 to 1500 calories a day).

I just began this journey, so if there is anyone out there who wants to add me as a pal to help encourage me and keep me from giving up again, I'd very much appreciate it!

God Bless,
