not losing the weight

hello everyone,

i've been using MFP for quite a while and have lost 21lbs of a 52lb goal loss

i work out 3days on, 3days off usually doing cardio and having an exercise loss of 1600, i only ever eat 1200calories except for one 'treat day' every two weeks or so

but now the weight doesn't seem to really be coming off....i have read about eating your exercise calories but to me it then seems pointless slogging my guts out running if i'm just going to have to pig out to make sure i eat them all

any ideas anyone? all advice would be so very much appreciated


  • MichelleFirestone
    MichelleFirestone Posts: 212 Member
    sounds like you hit a plataeu. your body got used to the routine. try mixing it up a bit.
    a few extra calories 2 days a week at random. seemed to help me get over mine, just by mixing it up.
  • KtChiCa
    I would try adding more exercise. I know it's hard to squeeze in sometimes, time wise. But, how long do you work out on the days you do? Instead of maybe doing 3x a week. Try moving up to 4 or 5 and only do 30 minute sessions. I don't know what type of exercise you do, but changing your routine is really important. If you are continuously doing the same thing every week when you work out, your body is used to it - so you need to change it up every once in a while to trick your body's metabolism.

    I use Jillian Michaels' 30 Day Shred DVD in addition to jogging/running. It's under 30 minutes with stretching. And I have seen some major results in just 3 weeks. There is not much time commitment and you can do it in the freedom of your own home. And not too mention it was under $10 at Wal Mart.
  • roointheuk
    mix up your calories. 1600 x 7 = 11200 calories over the whole week. Rather than eating exactly 1600 everyday give different days a different goal for example

    monday = 1200
    tuesday = 1400
    wednesday = 1800
    thursday = 1500
    friday = 1600
    saturday = 1800
    sunday = 1500

    that probably doesn't add up to 11,200 but you get the idea. its all about tricking your body into losing weight. Not sure on the exact science but i have been doing it for a while and it seems to be working. a lot of nutrionist and dieticians reccomend this pattern to by the way, its not just a crazy idea ;)

    You should eat the majority of your exercise calories otherwise your body will start to starve and store. So you may not be eating enough!
    good luck and hope it pans out for you as you have done so well so far!!
  • kentlass
    kentlass Posts: 325 Member
    i meant to say 3days on, one day off and 3days on! woops! am working out for an hour and a half on the days i'm doing one

    thanks for the advice so far! i have 2 young babies, one severely disabled so some days i don't get chance to eat so eating 1200 seems to be a struggle on it's own! :)
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    Try bumping your intake up to 1400-1500 for a week. Easiest way to do that is to add some nuts and dairy to your day, maybe as a couple of snacks. After a week see how you are doing. I think you are not getting enough calories to keep your metabolism in high gear. The days you exercise you cause a huge deficit and your body doesn't get enough calories and it could slow your metabolism down for days. So on the days you don't exercise, your body is still in slow mode and it will conserve the calories you eat. If you get your intake up to a level where the days you do exercise, you won't cause such a huge deficit and slow the metabolism down. It will keep burning at a higher rate even on the days you don't exercise. You can expect to gain a few pounds initially (mostly water), but that will go away in a few days.

    Good Luck!