Tae Bo anyone?

Anyone here who is an avid Tae Bo user? Tae Bo has always been my favorite workout, not only is it upbeat and fun, but it incinerates some major calories. It'll be fun to chat with some people who share my same love for Tae Bo! Any takers? :)


  • Rosie958r
    Rosie958r Posts: 160 Member
    I just started and I really like it!
    Great burn as well. Which one workout did you do?
    I like the cardio one.
  • 1092kl
    1092kl Posts: 19
    I do Tae Bo off and on. The kicks sometimes hurt my knees! But I do love the sweat that comes from it!!
  • I do Tae Bo at home 30 min 3 days a week and Zumba classes 60 min 3 days a week and take 1 day off to rest. I've only been doing it for about a month and a half and have already lost 10lbs and dropping. Tae Bo is so intense that I usually can only go for about 30 min before I'm just completely worn out! Tae Bo is great cardio and core strenghening while Zumba is a really fun way to sweat and get your heart pumping!
  • rhondagamountain
    rhondagamountain Posts: 12 Member
    I did Tae Bo when it came out on VHS around 1999 with Tae bo Advanced and the Ripped Series being my favorites. I lost over 50 pounds using those tapes. He lost my when he got into Billy Bands and the stick thing. Also, I moved away from it more into Yoga after I hit my goal wait. I have been frustrated with the recent move of exercise dvds to crossfit type of movements which have a high dread factor or really complex choreography so I decided or order a new Tae Bo which reviewers said was back to basic. I have fallen in love with Tae Bo all over again. I have done hundreds of dvds including Beach Body and no one gives you the calorie burn along with fun as Billy does. I recently burned 1,000 calories in an hour doing Ripped I and the 8 minute workout together. I am doing old and new. I bought the Ripped series used on dvd and downloaded the advanced for free. (Hello my old friend - that red carpet!) Of his new ones I LOVE Tae Bo Classic and Cardio Sculpt which uses hand weights. Also, youtube has many of his videos on their site.