any lifting ladies use creatine

I'm debating trying it out for 6 weeks, does anyone have any experience, advice, opinions? Im one week into an 8 week heavy lift strength building program.


  • arghbowl
    arghbowl Posts: 1,179 Member
    In for the ladies who lift <3
  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    I have been using it for a month. The one I'm taking doesn't actually make you retain a lot of water weight. I can't say that I've really noticed anything different since taking it, but I'm currently working hard to add muscle mass which is why I'm taking it. The general consensus is that creatine monohydrate is the one to take. They have a micronized version which is what I plan to buy when I run out of the product I'm currently taking which is creatine orotate which doesn't require a 'saturation' period like the monohydrate.

    ETA: I just noticed we are the same age. :)
  • j6o4
    j6o4 Posts: 871 Member
    I'm not a ladie but I will say that it takes about 2 weeks to actualy feel or notice the effect on creatine monohydrate.
  • I studied the pros & cons of adding creatine to my daily supplements, it really depends on just how BIG you want to get! I personally do not feel comfortable using it because, I read that it can cause excess hair growth, and knowing my luck it would be in all the wrong places, lol! Plus my mother had to have estrogen & hormone shots before I was concieved so I am already blessed with baby fine (lanugo) hair on my arms, head and legs, I keep schick in the razor business, lol!
    Good Luck whatever you decide keep us posted!
  • I haven't ever used it, but I'd consider it, and am interested in reading the responses, so...

  • Barbellgirl
    Barbellgirl Posts: 544 Member
    I haven't ever used it, but I'd consider it, and am interested in reading the responses, so...


    From the look of your pictures lady you don't need it. You look amazing already! :)
  • Groovyca2022
    Groovyca2022 Posts: 21,378 Member
    In, to get more info also.

    I am wanting to get more into lifting...need advice/tips.
  • ajkolb
    ajkolb Posts: 21 Member
    Creatine is great if you want to build muscle. I don't use straight creatine. I use EST Ennercell which is a German creatine. No need to cycle it, or build up and then back off of it. I drink it post workout every time. I also use Univeral's Sterol Complex!). It's cheap and it works!)
  • rainbowbow
    rainbowbow Posts: 7,490 Member
    I did take it for quite some time and feel that it really helped my strength training and endurance. It was definitely noticeable for me. However, it caused some problems with constipation and stomach upset which I couldn't handle anymore. I did try micronized to see if that would improve it (I really didn't want to stop taking it I enjoyed it so much) but found it made little difference.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    Thank you for all your responses. I got the creatine monohydrate , and started my first dose this morning. There are mixed opinions on if i need to load it or not, so i'm gonna just do a halfsize load for the first week, just to see how if affects me. I dont wanna have to deal with lifting on an upset stomach. I will definately be sharing my progress with this and what i think of it.

    does anyone know if all these suppliments are safe to take at the same time? i'm also taking bcaa's and glutamine. should i wait for each to digest before taking the next?
  • AmberRSkelton
    AmberRSkelton Posts: 19 Member
    If you're lifting at home, I love the Chalean Extreme program. I haven't used any of the P90X programs, but the people I know who have really liked it.
  • joleenl
    joleenl Posts: 739 Member
    Thank you for all your responses. I got the creatine monohydrate , and started my first dose this morning. There are mixed opinions on if i need to load it or not, so i'm gonna just do a halfsize load for the first week, just to see how if affects me. I dont wanna have to deal with lifting on an upset stomach. I will definately be sharing my progress with this and what i think of it.

    does anyone know if all these suppliments are safe to take at the same time? i'm also taking bcaa's and glutamine. should i wait for each to digest before taking the next?

    I have been taking creatine for about a month. No stomach issues. No constipation. No water retention. The guy at the supplement place said to drink plenty of water while taking it. I take mine pre-workout (not post as someone else suggested) as it gives me strength and endurance for my work out. I haven't notices any muscle gain but I am trying to lose weight so gaining muscle on deficit is difficult if not impossible as it is. I take mine with my pre-work out supplement. I take my BCAA's in the morning with breakfast and then post workout with my protein shake. I found the BCAA's made my stomach a little upset if my stomach was empty. I don't take glutamine so no idea on order or digestion time for all the supplements.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    I've been cycling on and off of it for the last year and half. I've never had any "excess hair growth" (there are no hormones in pure creatine so that is total BS). Never had upset stomach, etc. It does make you retain water, but in your muscles- it's different from just being "bloated". The whole point of using creatine is to retain water in your muscles. When I lift I can tell the difference, I get more of a "pumped" look in my muscles during and a little after lifting. It has helped me increase various lifts numerous times.

    When I first start a cycle, I'll use it in my morning protein shake as well as in a shake after I lift. I do that for 2 weeks, then only use it after I lift.

    For what it's worth, I use Optimum Nutrition's creatine- cheap and does the trick. Doesn't contain all the filler *kitten* that's in a lot of other products.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    If you take creatine, then do drink a lot of water......should be anyway. :)

    Most studies I have read is that there is no need to "load" with it.
    And the best time to take it is post workout.

    So for me, my supps are this.
    Pre-WO -- I take BCAAs 10gr
    Post-WO -- I take creatine 5 - 10 gr, and glutamine 5 - 10 gr.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member
    Thank you for all your responses. I got the creatine monohydrate , and started my first dose this morning. There are mixed opinions on if i need to load it or not, so i'm gonna just do a halfsize load for the first week, just to see how if affects me. I dont wanna have to deal with lifting on an upset stomach. I will definately be sharing my progress with this and what i think of it.

    does anyone know if all these suppliments are safe to take at the same time? i'm also taking bcaa's and glutamine. should i wait for each to digest before taking the next?

    Also, on the front of mixing supplements- here's an excerpt from an article about stacking supplements on

    ....."Two more supplements that you should not take at the same time are Creatine + L-Glutamine. You should not take Creatine and Glutamine at the same time, because Creatine and Glutamine depend on many of the same substrate carriers and co-transporters. When the two are competing with one another for the same carriers, one wins and one loses.

    Solution: Simply take them with 2 hours apart. Most bodybuilders are taking L-Glutamine before they train and before they sleep, and Creatine after they train and first thing in the morning. So this way, they give their bodies plenty of time to absorb each one of these separately. For others that train after their breakfast, if you take Creatine only once per day, take it after your training, and on the days you don't train, simply take your second dosage 2-3 hours after your morning L-Glutamine serving, or 2-3 hours before your last L-Glutamine serving."
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I studied the pros & cons of adding creatine to my daily supplements, it really depends on just how BIG you want to get! I personally do not feel comfortable using it because, I read that it can cause excess hair growth, and knowing my luck it would be in all the wrong places, lol! Plus my mother had to have estrogen & hormone shots before I was concieved so I am already blessed with baby fine (lanugo) hair on my arms, head and legs, I keep schick in the razor business, lol!
    Good Luck whatever you decide keep us posted!

    :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Yeah, don't pay attention to this post.

    Creatine is not a hormone.
    Your body produces it naturally to begin with.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    ....."Two more supplements that you should not take at the same time are Creatine + L-Glutamine. You should not take Creatine and Glutamine at the same time, because Creatine and Glutamine depend on many of the same substrate carriers and co-transporters. When the two are competing with one another for the same carriers, one wins and one loses.

    I will have to look into this....because I have been doing just that for quite some time.
  • iron_jj
    iron_jj Posts: 446 Member
    Ive been taking creatine for almost 2 years and swear by it. 5g daily with my bcaas or whey, training and off days. :laugh: at the hormone comment.
  • bcf7683
    bcf7683 Posts: 1,653 Member

    ....."Two more supplements that you should not take at the same time are Creatine + L-Glutamine. You should not take Creatine and Glutamine at the same time, because Creatine and Glutamine depend on many of the same substrate carriers and co-transporters. When the two are competing with one another for the same carriers, one wins and one loses.

    I will have to look into this....because I have been doing just that for quite some time.

    Here's the whole article if you want to read the whole thing []...
    There's some things in there that after reading I was like "Huh, I guess that should be common sense" but I never thought of it. Like caffeine and creatine. They're totally in competition. One's a diuretic and the other makes your body absorb more water. Just never thought of it that way- especially since a lot of pre-workouts contain caffeine AND creatine.

    Given that mixing the supplements listed aren't going to kill/maim you, it's more in the name of efficiency, practicality and maximum results.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    Here's the whole article if you want to read the whole thing []...
    There's some things in there that after reading I was like "Huh, I guess that should be common sense" but I never thought of it. Like caffeine and creatine. They're totally in competition. One's a diuretic and the other makes your body absorb more water. Just never thought of it that way- especially since a lot of pre-workouts contain caffeine AND creatine.

    Given that mixing the supplements listed aren't going to kill/maim you, it's more in the name of efficiency, practicality and maximum results.

    Yeah, I just read that one....
    I am gonna do some more looking....

    But for grins and giggles, I may try just splitting them.....just to see what happens.
    I can take my glutamine later in the day for the role it performs.

    I just take the stuff post work out, because I work out in a fasted state, so by end of work out, my body will suck up any thing.
  • SonyaCele
    SonyaCele Posts: 2,841 Member
    today is the last day of my 5 day load, i have not really gained much weight, i was expecting to gain 3-5 pounds, but so far maybe just a pound or two. I feel like i have a constant pump, its kinda cool. My muscles are definately harder. And when i workout i get a bigger pump faster. As far a strength, i can't really tell if its helping my workouts or not, its only been 5 days so i'll give it some more time.
  • TLC1975
    TLC1975 Posts: 146 Member
    I take it, pre and post side effects and noticeable improvement in gains visually verses when I didn't take it.

    P.s. it will take more than 5 days to see a noticeable difference either way
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member

    I'm not taking it currently, but will start next week when I start my bulk. My plan was 5g pre- and 5g post-workout with a banana and protein powder smoothie.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member

    I'm not taking it currently, but will start next week when I start my bulk. My plan was 5g pre- and 5g post-workout with a banana and protein powder smoothie.

    Long time, no see PR.
    Still doing the marathon thing?
  • TriLifter
    TriLifter Posts: 1,283 Member

    I'm not taking it currently, but will start next week when I start my bulk. My plan was 5g pre- and 5g post-workout with a banana and protein powder smoothie.

    Long time, no see PR.
    Still doing the marathon thing?

    Hahaha...yes, this Saturday! Just want to get it over with and start getting my swole on :love:
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    Get it girl

    Good luck with the run, wish you all the best. :happy: :happy:
  • sluggz
    sluggz Posts: 134
    I studied the pros & cons of adding creatine to my daily supplements, it really depends on just how BIG you want to get! I personally do not feel comfortable using it because, I read that it can cause excess hair growth, and knowing my luck it would be in all the wrong places, lol! Plus my mother had to have estrogen & hormone shots before I was concieved so I am already blessed with baby fine (lanugo) hair on my arms, head and legs, I keep schick in the razor business, lol!
    Good Luck whatever you decide keep us posted!

    The above comment should be stricken from the record...

    as far as Creatine goes, it is arguably THE most effective supplement you can take for building lean body mass. It is produced naturally in the body and is also found in meat, eggs, fish... that being said, it's perfectly safe in normal dosages (suggested 5g a day).

    Monohydrate is usually the least expensive version and there is no evidence to suggest any other form works any better. I take 5g post-workout mixed in a whey shake.
    Just my opinion, and I'm no expert, doctor or nutritionist, but based on the evidence (anecdotal or otherwise) and scientific studies - if you are serious about lifting, there's no reason you SHOULDN'T use creatine. It works.
  • I've been using it for several weeks now, added to my protein shakes. I didn't "load" which I have heard most recently really isn't necessary. I've decided to just keep a small, daily amount as opposed to stopping & starting for weeks at a time. I'm sure it depends on your intentions- mine are to stay lean & toned as opposed to adding muscle mass.
    (And, I'm using Optimum Nutrition micronized- you can add it to anything, or just drink with water- completely flavorless)
  • I've heard to use kre-alkalyn (hope I spelled that right) vs. creatine as a woman since it causes bloat for most women. Right now I'm doing the BodyBeast Lean beast schedule and not using creatine since I'm not trying to bulk till I lose some more body fat. I can tell you it caused me bloat (regular ON creatine) when I did use it vs. kre-alkalyn.
  • MityMax96
    MityMax96 Posts: 5,778 Member
    I've been using it for several weeks now, added to my protein shakes. I didn't "load" which I have heard most recently really isn't necessary. I've decided to just keep a small, daily amount as opposed to stopping & starting for weeks at a time. I'm sure it depends on your intentions- mine are to stay lean & toned as opposed to adding muscle mass.
    (And, I'm using Optimum Nutrition micronized- you can add it to anything, or just drink with water- completely flavorless)

    I know you.

    Welcome to MFP