Maybe it'll work this time.

Hello everyone.

I'm new to the community but not new to the habit of trying (and failing) to lose weight. I have never been in my ideal weight range, even as a child. Now I'm 5' 10", 287lbs, 27 years old with high blood pressure and developing knee problems. To say I've fallen off the wagon a few times would be an understatement. In the past year and a half my weight has fluctuated by 50lbs (down and back up) and I was recently my heaviest ever (293). I am hoping that a community will help me stay on track, meet goals, and keep the weight off. I have heard nothing but good things about MFP from others I know and reviews around the web, so I hope maybe this time I can make it work.

In an effort to put my best foot forward as it were, I've purchased a Fitbit Flex and linked it with MFP. I know there is a Fitbit group here and I've already joined it. I'm also considering buying the Aria scale (I tend to do better when I have hard numbers and graphs to look at).

If anyone has any pointers/suggestions about diets/exercises for someone my age/size I would welcome them (I know there are thousands of opinions and which methods are best). The one thing I can't do easily is run long distances. I have extremely flat feet and the already mentioned knee stuff going on. Outside that, I'm open to suggestions.

Thanks ahead of time!


  • Brain welcome! So exciting to here you taking wonderful steps for your health and fitness! Feel free to add me if u like. Happy to support! I have a few guys MFPers that u may like to friend request too, to exchange ideas! Also, put some kind of picture in your icon. People will be more likely to respond to your request and not view you as spam.

    Wishing you great success in meeting all your weight loss and fitness goals.
  • Your story sounds just like mine. Good luck! I just got back on the wagon.
  • good luck!
  • brian_emery
    brian_emery Posts: 3 Member
    Brain welcome! So exciting to here you taking wonderful steps for your health and fitness! Feel free to add me if u like. Happy to support! I have a few guys MFPers that u may like to friend request too, to exchange ideas! Also, put some kind of picture in your icon. People will be more likely to respond to your request and not view you as spam.

    Wishing you great success in meeting all your weight loss and fitness goals.

    Thank you for the advice!

    Anyone who would like to add me as a friend can feel free to do so. I'm looking for any/all encouragement.
  • this will definitively is working for me so far
  • karenbobaren
    karenbobaren Posts: 127 Member
    We all know the struggle! I've failed too many times, but something tells this time it will be different. I'm in a better place and loosing this weight for me. I tend to fall off the wagon at 1 every six weeks, but I'm not giving up this time. This time it's a lifestyle change. Some days I will do great and others I will fail but little by little I plan on achieving my goal. Feel free to add me! I try to encourage as much as I can and I keep an open diary :)