Zombies, Run! Where are you, Runner 5?

"Hey, I just met you,
And this is crazy,
But zombies are coming,
So run faster maybe?"

Any one else run along to Zombies, Run? I don't just mean the 5k app (though that's cool too) - I mean the full app. I downloaded it over summer and started using it a month ago. I find it really motivational! It's been a lot more effective than C25k was for me.

Right now there are two seasons, two 'radio modes', and ~20? side missions. Currently I'm on mission 10 of season 1.

So, how many Runner Fives are there here?


  • Fiveling
    Fiveling Posts: 44 Member
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    I'm midway through season 2 - I'm taking a break from it as it's getting quite difficult - I just can't sprint that much when running 5 km...
  • agirlscamaro
    agirlscamaro Posts: 175 Member
    I love the app.

    I'm doing a zombie 5k at the end of the month. I'm going to be infected runner 5.
  • omma_to_3
    omma_to_3 Posts: 3,265 Member
    I've started season 2 but haven't been running outside as much so haven't used it a ton. I really like the app though I am usually eaten by zombies LOL.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    I did the Zombies run C25k trainer & am currently on season one. There is a ZombiesRun group here where you can find more Runner 5's.
  • charlotteX92X
    charlotteX92X Posts: 344 Member
    I lOve this app. I've just started season 1 again after taking a break over winter.
  • Fiveling
    Fiveling Posts: 44 Member
    Ooh yay, just went and joined that Zombies Run group!

    @nathalier17 - so do they make you sprint more in season two? are there more chases or something? Sometimes I don't get any at all right now, even though I always have them turned on.

    @agirlscamero - now that's ironic! And kind of sad (story wise). Sam Yao will miss you.

    @omma_to_3 - it's harder to escape from zombies outside, isn't it? Especially when you also have to watch for traffic and stuff - good thing I tend to run at night cause then there are very few cars. All about speeding up though.

    @asp415 - thanks for that! I just joined the group. How did you find the C25k app and do you think you're better at the season one for having done it?

    @chartlotteX92X - break over winter...are you in the southern hemisphere then? Cause it's just starting winter here (uk)!
  • BunBun85
    BunBun85 Posts: 246 Member
    What?! Time to Google this app!
  • bunnybutler29
    Sounds cool. There is an actual " zombie run" this month where im from. U wear a flag around ur waist & u race through the street while the zombies try to take ur flag. Sounded fun and was gonna join and mayhe I will check out the app too. :)
  • pinkraynedropjacki
    pinkraynedropjacki Posts: 3,027 Member
    I WAS a runner 5.... till the app decided to constantly crash on me before I started. Then the music would decide that it wanted to skip all over the place in the app, then the app would crash, the app would not shut up when I got phone calls, it would then crash again..... this was all before I got to the end of the street.

    Uninstalled & run to music now.

    Pity cause I was one of the 1st ones :(
  • nathalier71
    nathalier71 Posts: 570 Member
    Ooh yay, just went and joined that Zombies Run group!

    @nathalier17 - so do they make you sprint more in season two? are there more chases or something? Sometimes I don't get any at all right now, even though I always have them turned on.


    @omma_to_3 - it's harder to escape from zombies outside, isn't it? Especially when you also have to watch for traffic and stuff - good thing I tend to run at night cause then there are very few cars. All about speeding up though.


    @chartlotteX92X - break over winter...are you in the southern hemisphere then? Cause it's just starting winter here (uk)!


    I'm off to look for the group!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    Season 2, Mission 23
  • Just_Wil
    Just_Wil Posts: 108 Member
    I finished season one, need to get into season two here soon. but will likely wait until after winter.
  • asp415
    asp415 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Ooh yay, just went and joined that Zombies Run group!

    @nathalier17 - so do they make you sprint more in season two? are there more chases or something? Sometimes I don't get any at all right now, even though I always have them turned on.

    @agirlscamero - now that's ironic! And kind of sad (story wise). Sam Yao will miss you.

    @omma_to_3 - it's harder to escape from zombies outside, isn't it? Especially when you also have to watch for traffic and stuff - good thing I tend to run at night cause then there are very few cars. All about speeding up though.

    @asp415 - thanks for that! I just joined the group. How did you find the C25k app and do you think you're better at the season one for having done it?

    @chartlotteX92X - break over winter...are you in the southern hemisphere then? Cause it's just starting winter here (uk)!

    I found the app through hearing about it in the forums. I started w/the Zen labs version & developed PF @ the start of week 3. I had to take a few weeks off & when I started again I just could not stand the boring C25k app anymore, BUT I wanted to be a runner, so I decided to try it after hearing about it.

    I think it's a great app if you like me were not a runner prior to this, which I wasn't. I had never ran before & it took me from barely able to run 30 seconds (60sec. was pushing it) to being able to run 4 miles non stop. I may be slow, but I'm running. I am working on endurance right now (working up to a 10k distance) w/intervals during the zombie chases.

    My first 5k is this month. I decided to go hard & it will be a mud/obstacle course 5k, which I will be doing w/my 70yr old mother (she is in great shape & faster than I am, but I'm gaining).
  • shining_light
    shining_light Posts: 384 Member
    I'm doing the training app myself. I love it. :)
  • Fiveling
    Fiveling Posts: 44 Member
    I just completed season one, mission 11, Alternates! So, so emotional, I almost teared up on the treadmill.

    @asp415 - I can't yet run for long distances yet - I can run for the length of a song, of which the longest on my playlist is currently 5:44, at 10 km/hr though, which is much better than I could do before.

    @_Wil - I fear if I took a break between finishing season one and getting season two I might fall out of the habit of running, but I suppose there are always the supply missions and the radio to keep me company before I get the second season.

    There's going to be a third one next year too!
  • nessa2BFit
    nessa2BFit Posts: 155 Member
    the title of this thread put a big smile on my face... i love zombie run... am only about 7 missions into season one but LOVE it... i am running my first 5K Saturday and you better believe i will be running a "mission"!!!
  • joyincincy
    joyincincy Posts: 228 Member
    Just getting into running. Will need to check this out next summer.
  • lilawolf
    lilawolf Posts: 1,690 Member
    I have it but only used it once. I normally listen to Pandora or audio books while I run, but since those are also apps, they will not play between story bits. I am not a runner (though I'm getting there) and its really hard to keep going during the big breaks. I have so far been too lazy to go dig out some old cds, put it on my laptop, put it on my phone and get back out there.

    Excuses I know...

    ETA: Except for the "radio silence" I did really enjoy it though.
  • Qski
    Qski Posts: 246 Member
    I WAS a runner 5.... till the app decided to constantly crash on me before I started. Then the music would decide that it wanted to skip all over the place in the app, then the app would crash, the app would not shut up when I got phone calls, it would then crash again..... this was all before I got to the end of the street.

    Uninstalled & run to music now.

    Pity cause I was one of the 1st ones :(

    Have you tried again? There were a lot of teething problems initially that I think have been sorted out - you can read through the updates on their website.

    I am training to be Runner 5 - just joked this morning about how I am Runner 2.35 at the moment. I have just finished Wk3D3 of Zombie Run, 5K Training. I have never run in my entire life - We didn't do 1mile Runs in School - maybe a US thing? I did athletics when I was in high school but did Javelin and Shotput and would kick up a fuss about running over distances because I didn't need to do any in my events.

    Anyone else doing training, there is a Group for the training App too!
    I am seriously going to get me a Runner 5 tee when I graduate :D